Worklog for AntMan - Banned in the line of duty.

CodeMonkey - Making a monkey out of you.

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From Idea To Ide(Posted 2006-12-09)
The code compilation is in somewhat and will be just awesome.

what i do is, cos as i said, every single time you change a character in the source, a background thread is spawned that compiles the source, now that's modified to TAG the token and ParseNode that reside at the active cursor.

so through this i can back travel through the tree and perfectly determine what tokens and variables are valid for code compilation.

I dare say it'll end up being better than VC#.

All this in a week...MaxIDe sucks because? :)

Nothing rythmes with IDE(Posted 2006-12-07)
Automatic formatting sound good to you? It should.

Totally overhauled the internals and now it's all threaded. i.e whenever you compile or execute, it's done on a unique thread. and since the compiler is a object this means you can compile for example 80 programs at once, all on their own thread.
This also takes advantage of multiple cores. so you shoul see some really nice compile times on high end systems with multiple cores on multi-file projects.

Why did I do this though? For that VC# effect of course. every time you change a single character a background thread is spawned that recompiles the newly edited source and with this it can create detailed visual aids, classw/var lists and more, all AS YOU WRITE not WHILE YOU EXECUTE

so right now i'm about to add automatic formatting that will use the RDP tree to construct the precise formatting of the code.

so you could type,

class program
static int main(string[] args)

with no formatting, and the split second it becomes compilable code, it will automatically format and ident the source code.

remember ALL done in background threads, so there is no pause as you edit. if you type typing half way through the compile, it simplys aborts the in process threads and spawns new ones.

The entire engine will be scripted. you will be able to spawn real hardware threads for your functions and thread-safetly is inherently built in, meaning you just will need to do,

static threadsafe int x,y

and the engine will lock and release mutexes on those variables for you.

threadsafe will be usable on any variable type.

I'm also going to add a revolutionary feature, called Automatic Asynconorous functions. which has one stipulation. all contents are thread safe by default. it allows you to build a totally multi-core centric program without having to spawn threads yourself.

what does it mean in layman terms? Any function you call, user wrote or system thread is executed in a new thread and the call returns imediately before it's even executed. BUT the object/value it returns IS returned in a container, that has a 'IsReady' property

so, a real world example for say a streaming gtaIII world would be,


static async Texture(string path);

the async keyword. even on a constructor.

Texture myTex = new Texture("Player.jpg")

returns imediately and returns a valid texture object but it is not ready until you call


and it returns true, then you can use it's contents.

Same goes for any datatype even ints and strings.

So with just a bid of a adapating your programs will be fully future proof, and remember all this is done on REAL hardware threads, not simulated or scripted threads.

You will also be able to give dynamic prorities to async functions

static async Texture(string path) > Slow

would result in a low prority.

static async Texture(string path) > Fastest

would be the higest prority. allow you to very easily ditact cpuload to the most crucial methods.

I'm looking forward to writing the debugger that has to handle a 100 active threads intelligently... wait, maybe i'm not.

Visual Monkey IDE - IDE and integrated step debugger(Posted 2006-12-06)
I've been working on the ide for the past couple of days, and it is shaping up very nicely.

The syntax highlighting works perfectly, both on whole files, and in real time as you code.

i.e the second you type class it will turn red.(Colors will be optional)

Using the latest .Net controls such as toolstrip containers etc the gui is fully customizable.

Their is a console output window in the view tab at the bottom.

Plugins will use code monkey it's self for the plugin so for the first time in the history of a ide i think, you can code plugins and test them in real time.

I May do a blitzmax plugin as well, as it's about time it got a really good editor.

The burning questions. is it going to be as good as maxide? The answer? Nah. Even better. :)

I will post an alpha of codemonkey ide/compiler shortly. 2 people already have the first beta, and despite a few bugs which were quckly squished no major problems were found.
So it's just a case of adding a few more features, polishing the ide and finally the debugger.

The debugger will feature all the standard controls, and there will be a C# like locals window with all local variables etc with their values so you can browse.

The ide and debugger are being modeled after Visual C#'s ide, not maxide, so don't expect a familar debugger. expect a much better one.(Don't get me wrong, MaxIde and Debugger were acceptable for a new product but two years later and not a single meanigful update? Not acceptable.)

Switch (or select in blitzterms) is in(Posted 2006-12-04)
Very powerful switch construct added,

Check this,

string name = "Antony"

      case "antony","Antony"
            System.Print("Welcome master!")
      case "ant"+"ony",25+70
            System.Print("Full expressions of any type!")

which makes it obvious codemonkey features intelligent and automatic casting between all supported types, even strings, and switch case expressions can be both multiple and complex instead of simple constant values.

The Price of Fame.(Posted 2006-12-04)
There will be Three editions of CodeMonkey as a script language, and one edition of code monkey as a language.

1. CodeMonkey .Net Script Community Edition - Price - Free - Reduced Feature set.

2. CodeMonkey .Net Script Ultimate Edition - Price - 100Dollars - Full feature set, several libraries including 2d and 3d libraries and networking, neural networks the works. Most of which are wrote in C# and hooked into the code system for maximum speed.

3.CodeMonkey Lite - Price 50Dollars - Full feature set, no companion libraries.

And finally, the grand daddy, the ultimate the all conquering, CodeAura C - The virtual machine/ide combination including a full set of libs for 2d/3d/networking/audio/image processing/neural networks/image recognition/web camera drivers/joypad support and more.

It is being targeted to replace all known game orientated languages as the #1 language.

A lofty goal...But a realistic one. Given the current state of the compiler and how dead simple it is to extend any language feature i want, and very little speed cost. (Speed remains constant. i.e if were to add one hundred new language features, a while loop would still operate at 99.95% of the speed. (A minimal incursion is err..incurred as the complexity of the consttuct switching is invoked.)

CodeAura's runtime core will be rewrote in BlitzMax for speed as bmax is almost as fast as c++ (And where it isn't i'll just code a C++ lib and jack it into blitz)

It's wierd. Blitzmax will be used to code it's successor. (I kid! put down the rilfe mark!)

This is one small step for man, one giant leap for codemokey.(Posted 2006-12-04)
Strings are in within expressions.

Whenever a string is involved in a expression, the runtime engine uses a different expression evaluator.

Also added a 2d library finally using SDL NET and OpenGL.

Here's the latest example file, notice i added true TRUETYPE font support to the 2d engine too. (Hardware accelerated rendering too)

class Program 

	static int Main(int args)
		int ms,ls,fps,frames
		int x,y
		System.CreateDisplay( 512,512,1 )
			x = x + 5
				x = 0
				y = y + 5
					y = 0
			ms = System.GetTick()
				ls = ms+1000
				fps = frames 
				frames = 0
			frames = frames + 1
			string first,second
			first = 'antony'
			second = ' wells'
			System.DrawText(5,20,first+second+' is the king of all stoners who smoke '+(10+10)+' joints a day')


notice how you can still do numeric expressions within an string expression by encapsulating it within ( ). Just as you'd expect.

Asm coder requied for Win & PS3 (Yellow Dog Linux) asm back end(Posted 2006-12-03)
I'm looking for a coder with intel x86 and linux asm experience to help me write a asm code backend.
I'll be getting a ps3 in a matter of weeks, and a copy of yellow dog linux.

I'm looking for TWO people, one a windows asm coder and one a ps3. Becuase there probably won't be many with a ps3 atm so i thought it best to split the task up.

I will be helping you code it, and remember the compiler is already wrote and working bug free.

Basically the way it is now, rdp-treed programs dlls are in a perfect state for producing output to ANY platform with a little asm knowledge.

Anyone who joins will be considered a partner in the venture, and will recieve 50%/33% of all profits. i.e not a penny less than me.

E-mail me at antonycoder@...

New Ground - Yes, A star trek reference(Posted 2006-12-02)
Haven't worked on it in a day or so, but last time I did, I finally added the new operator.

I did so within the expression parser.

so you can do things like this,

MyClass test = new MyClass("Yes it supports constructors too!",new OtherClass("And is very sexy!"))

I.e new can be used in any expression.

Method overloading, and constructor overloading is a given. It's actually easier than it sounds, you just need to create a CRC for the function name, then a further CRC for the function singnature.

the sig can be constructed anyway you like. Personally I create a string of the following form "(int,string,float)"
run it through my crc generator and of course, this is then passed into a binary search tree for ultra fast search capabilities.

It's so easy, I often wonder why Mark refuses to add such things to blitzmax. Design choice? Wierd choice if so.

Use the For luke(Posted 2006-11-29)
here's the C# code for the for execution.

Notice that it is just as powerful as C++/C#/Maxs standard for loop, with identical syntax almost to C# except it uses , not ; to split it up.

Result? FAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSsssss.....As hell

public void ExecuteFor(ParseNode op)
            ParseNode init = op[0];
            switch (init.Type)
                case NodeType.Assignment:
                case NodeType.VarList:
                    WinConsole.WriteLine("not yet supported.");

            ParseNode exp = op[1];
            ParseNode code = op[3];
            ParseNode inc = op[2];
            while (true)
                if (JustBreaked)
                if (ExecuteExpression(exp).IntValue() == 1)

Lua is now the most well known, well used script language in the world. But I don't care about now. Tomorrow is CodeMonkey's.

If you could only stay a while.(Posted 2006-11-29)
If and While are in, amoung numerous other enhancements.

Here's a sample,

class Program 
	static int a,b
	static int Main(int args)
			b = b + 1


Notice it has the usual Break get out of jail free card which works exactly as you'd expect.

And even nicer, all constructs operate within their own context. Meaning an if statement has it's own local variable stack. so you can safely do,

int ant = 5
if(ant = 5)
     int ant = 7

and it will print, 7, followed by 5.

So far the virtual machine is very very fast, thanks to the deterministic nature of the RDP-Tree it uses to execute code blocks from. There's no need to assertain things at runtime.

And another feature not yet mentioned is the use of Binary Search Trees filled with name CRCs for all look ups involving anything from variable name to class name to method and even method signature. So if you have a thoushand variables you'd generally only need to search for about 20-30 to find your one variable.

I could optimize it further by pre-lutting variable look ups but that would be a tad restrictive for what I want to do.
Basically the language will feature runtime refactoring, and code manipulation.

Soon, you'll be able to do something like this,

Two methods will be avaliable. (Probably more)

Class Program
      static int Main(string[] args)
                //Hard coded method 
                Pointer cls = DeclareClass "Utility"
                DeclareMethod cls,Print(string txt)
                //Soft coded method 
                Pointer  cls = DeclareClass "Utility"
                Pointer meth,DecareMethodSoft cls,Print(String txt)
                string code = "System.Print(txt)"
                InjectCode meth,code
                InjectCode meth,"System.Print("This is better than the matrix!")"
           // And to use them
              Utility.Print("Just like a normal class!")



The only downside is that code inject softcore has to be compiled at runtime UNLESS it's a string constant. constants will be compiled at compile time.

But that said the compiler/tokenizer is very fast, so you could probably very easily having soft code runnig in your mainloop.

A beta shall be released next week. It will rock. :)

Would you like to try a sample?(Posted 2006-11-21)
Here's an idea of how cool RDP's are. And also a solid if not spectacular indication why you should buy CodeMonkey. It'll make a monkey out of you afterall. and who doesn't want to be a monkey?

public int ParseExpression(int pc, bool CloseOnClosure)
            WinConsole.WriteLine("Parsing Expression.");
            bool nc = false;
            if(gt(pc).Toke == Tokens.LeftClosure)
                nc = true;
            bool op,num,str;
            ParseNode lval = null;
            op = num = str = false;
            int uc = 0;
            bool lop = false;
            for (int i = pc; i < len; i++)
                Token t = gt(i);
                switch (t.Toke)
                    case Tokens.Identifier:
                        PredictResult st = PredictSegment(i);
                        num = true;
                        lop = false;
                        op = false;
                        switch (st)
                            case PredictResult.Statement:
                                ParseNode stm = new ParseNode(NodeType.Statement);
                                i = stm.ParseStatement(i);
                            case PredictResult.Variable:
                                ParseNode vob = new ParseNode(NodeType.Var);
                                i = vob.ParseExpVar(i);
                                Error("Ambigious Code Strand in expression.", i);
                    case Tokens.IntConstant:
                        if (num)
                            Error("Expecting Operator.", i);
                        ParseNode intn= new ParseNode(NodeType.Value);
                        intn.AToke = t;
                        lval = intn;
                        num = true;
                        op = false;
                        uc = 0;
                        lop = false;
                    case Tokens.Minus:
                        ParseNode opn = new ParseNode(NodeType.Operator);
                        opn.AToke = t;
                        num = false;
                        op = true;
                        if (uc > 2)
                            Error("Expecting value", i);
                        lop = true;
                    case Tokens.Plus:
                    case Tokens.Multiply:
                    case Tokens.Divide:
                        lop = true;
                        uc = 0;
                        if (op)
                            Error("Expecting Value.", i);
                        if (!num)
                            Error("Expecting Value.", i);
                        ParseNode opn2 = new ParseNode(NodeType.Operator);
                        opn2.AToke = t;
                        num = false;
                        op = true;
                    case Tokens.RightClosure:
                        if (lop)
                            Error("Expression can not end on a operator", i-1);
                        if ((nc) || (CloseOnClosure))
                            return i;
                        Error("Unexpected '}'. Are you missing a preceding '('?",pc);
                    case Tokens.LeftClosure:
                        if (uc > 1)
                            Error("Expecting value", i);
                        ParseNode nexp = new ParseNode(NodeType.Expression);
                        i = nexp.ParseExpression(i,false);
                        uc = 0;
                    case Tokens.Seperate:
                        if (lop)
                            Error("Expression can not end on a operator", i-1);
                        if (nc)
                            Error("Expecting ')'");
                        return i;
                    case Tokens.NewLine:
                        if (op)
                            Error("Unexpected end of line.", i);
                        return i;
                        Error("Unexpected expression segment.", i);
            Error("Unexpected end of program.");
            return -1;

Hello OOP World(Posted 2006-11-21)
Great progress has been made so far, on what is to be the most advanced language in the world.

Here is a simple app, note that print and addinteger methods are added in code and wrote in pure C#. it uses delegates to hook functions in.

class Program 
	static int a = 25*4,b,c
	static int Main(int args)

		a = System.AddIntegers( 25,5 )+System.AddIntegers(10,10)



Notice it is a fully OOP language. The above sample works perfecty, and is not an hack. The compiler uses a predictive recursive decent parser I wrote myself, that has very strong error checking. Not only will it pick up practically any error possible, it would highlight the token that caused the error, and it will also SPEAK using xps sound lib a verbal star trek esque warning.

Where does max come in? Why max will be one of the many front ends for the runtime system of course.

C# was perfect for the compiler it's self, but for actually running the code Bmax will be used for the standalone version.

There will(And only is at the moment) be a full C# run time engine too, which allows you to use codemonkey as the most advance script system for C# today.(Not including C# it's self of course. But that's not a true script system.)

How it works is,

1. Parse Into tokens.
2. Parse into RDP Tree - (90% of the error checking is done here)
3. Further parse rdp tree (Third pass) to produce and ensure variable/class names are valid etc etc
4. Create virtual machine. program.

for example, here's the little C# app to run the above script, including the two custom functions.

  public partial class Form1 : Form
        public Variable Print(Parameters pars)
           // Exiter.Exit(-1);
            return null;
        public Variable AddIntegers(Parameters pars)
            return new Variable(pars[0].IntValue() + pars[1].IntValue());
        public Form1()
            Compiler ce = new Compiler();
            Source prog = ce.LoadProgram("C:\\CodeMonkey\\");
            Assembly asm = ce.CompileProgram(prog, "Console Application");
            VirtualMachine vmu = new VirtualMachine();
            asm.AddMethod(new Method.ReaLFunc(Print),"print");
            asm.AddMethod(new Method.ReaLFunc(AddIntegers), "addintegers");
