Worklog for simonh


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Next version(Posted 2007-10-15)
The next version of MiniB3D will be quite a bit faster in two areas - skinned animations, and collisions. These two areas are probably the slowest aspect of MiniB3D in the current version, and so I've been working hard on making them as fast as possible. This has involved mainly rewriting the various routines to cut down on the amount of garbage created and also adding bits of C code.

Collisions are something that I've been bogged down with for quite a while now. They have been the last remaining sticking point of my game conversion - quite simply, with a few collision objects in a scene my game was running too slow. Collisions are now running at a much better speed, although there's still some work to do.

As for skinned animations, after a major rewrite of the bones system, you can now have many more animated meshes in a scene without things slowing down. On my fairly ancient setup, a scene with 100 animated birds that are all in view runs at 60fps, faster than Blitz3D.

I've also added VBO support in the next release, something which has been in klepto's version for a while and provides much faster rendering of large meshes.

I'll be glad when this update is done, as I want to concentrate more on the graphics side again. I'm getting increasingly enticed into the world of shader programming, but trying to resist for now...


V0.42(Posted 2007-06-13)
V0.42 includes several fixes, nothing major though. I'll hopefully release it within the next three weeks.

I'm at something of a crossroads with MiniB3D, wondering what to do next. One area of disappointment expressed by users about MiniB3D is the speed of the collision and picking routines. This is mainly due to the over-reliance by MiniB3D on the vector type in the various maths routines - i.e. lots of small objects for the GC to deal with - which isn't BlitzMax's strong point. I can perform certain optimisations which I will do but I'm not sure I can get much more speed out of BMax alone.

So now I'm thinking about rewriting certain parts in C, this is slightly against my original mission (Max code only), although I'm sure it's OK for little bits here and there...

Finally, I've also been unsure whether to incorporate bits of the Blitz3D source code into MiniB3D. It was amazingly generous of Mark to make the B3D code available, but I feel a little hesitent about converting chunks of B3D to MiniB3D - maybe because that would take the skill/fun out of writing MiniB3D!

However I do appreciate the fact that converting parts of B3D to MiniB3D would make MiniB3D a more accurate conversion of B3D, which *is* the original point of the thing, so I'll probably end up nicking parts of it afterall (i.e. the difficult bits)!

So as you can see I've had several on-going dilemmas with where to take MiniB3D, which has halted progress somewhat. But hopefully things will start picking up again soon.


Octrees(Posted 2006-12-17)
The biggest addition to V0.4 is collisions. Collisions have been up and running for a while now but sphere -> poly collision were a little too slow to be useable with large levels, as every triangle had to be checked.

After experimenting with BSPs for a while I eventually settled upon octrees as a way of reducing the triangle checks. Octrees are basically a way of partioning space, and in this instance the mesh (or rather a list of triangles representing the mesh) is split up into eight cubes, then each cube is split into eight more cubes and so on until each cube consists of a handful of triangles. If a collision check is made with a cube and returns false, then you don't need to check any sub cubes. This significantly reduces the no. of checks you need to make.

Finally you make checks with the triangles. To split a mesh into cubes you just need to clip the polys against a plane several times over.

I've just got octrees working with the picking commands and the performance increase is quite dramatic. Picking speed is now <1ms for this teapot, whereas it was over 25 before. As you can see, the shaded regions indicate the different octree 'cubes'.

Next up is to integrate octrees with sliding collisions. This is a little tricky as I need to add a swept-sphere->box collision check, but I don't anticipate it being a huge problem.

Octrees really are a very useful tool for game engines, not terribly difficult to use either, and I can think of a few more ways they can be used in MiniB3D. That will have to wait until after I've released 0.4 though as it's taking me far too long to finish this version as it is.


Update(Posted 2006-03-14)
Well this is taking a little longer to complete than I would have hoped for but things are starting to come together now.

Currently working on textures, brushes, blending and all that stuff, and while programming (copying) this stuff I've really come to appreciate just how well thought out B3D is. Here's hoping BMax's 3D module is the same.

Decided to add functions as well as methods to enable proper B3D-style programming.

Here's a list of all the functions so far:

Edit - out-of-date list removed.


Animation(Posted 2006-03-04)

Animation is up and running. Works pretty well but there is still quite a bit to do in terms of tidying it up, supporting all the animation commands and optimising things so that it runs as fast as possible.

I'm hoping that will all be straightforward though and that the hard parts are now out the way.


MiniB3D(Posted 2006-02-26)
MiniB3D is just something I'm quickly knocking together as I wish to port my game to the Mac and I can't really wait much longer for the official mod.

I started work at the start of the month and so far progress has been good, a full entity hierarchy system is in there, as is .b3d loading with multi-texturing. My aim is to replicate B3D's behaviour exactly in all areas, as this will make porting easier.

Next up is animation.
