Worklog for skidracer

MaxGui and beyond

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oh one(Posted 2008-01-23)
blog time...

LinuxFLTK, where do I start...

After deciding gcc3.3 was the only way I could get FLTK stable on a work machine in December I've been meaning to put a little effort into finding out why. There have also been reports of MaxIDE coming to a grinding halt at the end of a days coding penguin style so even more excuses to hunt down some problems.

The low level freeprocess module is something Mark has talked about replacing and a recent OSX 10.5 patch leads me to think perhaps MaxIDE is leaving something dangling when closing launched processes.

MaxGui has moved to it's own module branch, from BRL to MaxGui and is now maintained in a subversion repository available to registered users.

The win32MaxGuiEx module has also moved from the axe syncmods location and is now resident as the default Windows driver in the new MaxGui module space.

The MaxGui.win32maxguiex module is a pure bmx implementation of the original brl.win32maxgui which in turn was ported from at the time Mark's original BlitzPlus source. It is unicode only so MaxGui.win32maxgui should continue to be used if you are hoping to support Win95 and Win98 platforms.

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