Worklog for skidracer

Worklog 1

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just guessing(Posted 2006-09-05)
I've been trying to wrap a dll meant for Visual C++. The thiscall calling convention is not currently supported in BlitzMax and requires a lot of glue code.

Objects created in libraries disitributed for OLE usage (extend IUnknown) are supported by BlitzMax natively as the dx modules demonstrate.

I have had a little look into what it would take to implement thiscall calling convention, from what I could make out the assembly language would need to be something like so but the stack register stuff is just a guess.

save esp,[staticsp]
pop ecx
call thiscallpointer
load esp,[staticsp]

thrustar source code(Posted 2005-07-05)
This was going to be a tutorial a while back, did find it useful for stresstesting BlitzMax collisions etc.

hold down the right arrow and hammer the s key to set up a swarm,

space to fire, and there is a smoke key somewhere also...

' thrustar.bmx
' by simon@...

' hold down the right arrow and hammer the s key....

Strict	'you know I am

Type TShape
	Field	x#,y#	'position
	Field	vx#,vy#	'velocity
	Field	rot#		'rotation
	Field	scale#=1.0
	Field	drag#=1.0
	Field	image
	Field	layer

	Method New()
		ShapeList.AddFirst Self
	End Method

	Method Reset(shooter:TShape)
	End Method

	Method Turn(angle#)
		rot=rot+angle			'turn
	End Method
	Method Thrust(throttle#)
		vx:+throttle*Sin(rot)	' thrust
	End Method		
	Method Update()
		vx=vx*drag			' drag
		x:+vx				' speed
		If layer
			SetRotation rot
			SetScale scale,scale
			CollideImage image,x,y,0,0,layer,Self
	End Method
	Method Draw()
		SetRotation rot
		SetScale scale,scale
		DrawImage image,x,y
	End Method

	Method Collide()
	End Method
End Type

Type TBullet Extends TShape
	Field	age

	Method Reset(shooter:TShape)
	End Method

	Method Update()
		Thrust 0.8
		If age=150 ShapeList.Remove Self
	End Method
End Type

Type TLaser Extends TBullet
	Field	orgx,orgy

	Method Reset(shooter:TShape)
		PlaySound ShootWav
	End Method

	Method Update()
		Thrust 2.2
		If age=150 ShapeList.Remove Self
	End Method

	Method Draw()
		SetColor 0,255,55
		SetRotation 0
		SetScale scale,scale
		DrawLine (orgx+x)/2,(orgy+y)/2,x,y',oldx,oldy
		SetColor 255,255,255
	End Method
End Type

Type TPlayer Extends TShape
	Field	smoke#
	Field	thrustchannel
	Field	thrustvolume#
	Method New()
		SetChannelVolume thrustchannel,0
		ResumeChannel thrustchannel
	End Method
	Method Shoot()
		New TBullet.Reset(Self)
	End Method

	Method Fire()
		New TLaser.Reset(Self)
	End Method

	Method AddMine()
		New TSpawn.Reset(Self)
	End Method

	Method AddSmoke(amount#)
		If smoke<1.0 Return
		New TSmoke.Reset(Self)
	End Method
	Method Thrust(th#)
		super.Thrust th
	End Method
	Method Update()
		SetChannelRate thrustchannel,2*thrustvolume
		SetChannelVolume thrustchannel,0.5*thrustvolume
		If thrustvolume>0.0 thrustvolume=0.9*thrustvolume
		If KeyDown(KEY_RIGHT) turn 5
		If KeyDown(KEY_LEFT) turn -5
		If KeyDown(KEY_UP) thrust 0.5
		If KeyDown(KEY_DOWN) thrust -0.3

		If KeyHit(KEY_SPACE) Fire
'		If KeyHit(KEY_SPACE) Fire'Shoot
		If KeyDown(KEY_CONTROL) AddSmoke 0.5
		If KeyHit(KEY_S) AddMine

	End Method
End Type

Type TSpawn Extends TShape
	Field	count

	Method Reset(shooter:TShape)
	End Method
	Method Update()
		If count=100 New TBaddie.Reset(Self);count=0
	End Method

	Method Draw()
		DrawOval x,y,20,20
	End Method

End Type

Type TSmoke Extends TShape
	Field	gen,age
	Field	alpha#

	Method Reset(shooter:TShape)
	End Method

	Method Spawn()
	End Method

	Method Update()
		If alpha<0 ShapeList.remove Self
	End Method
	Method Draw()
		Local t=alpha*255
		SetColor t,t,t
'		SetAlpha alpha
		SetColor 255,255,255
	End Method

End Type

Type TBaddie Extends TShape
	Field speed#

	Method New()
	End Method

	Method Update()
		turn 0.7		
		thrust speed
	End Method
	Method Collide()
		Local bullets:Object[]
		Local bullet:TBullet
		SetRotation rot
		SetScale scale,scale
		If bullets
			ShapeList.Remove Self
			For bullet=EachIn bullets
				ShapeList.Remove bullet
	End Method
End Type

' thrustar9.bmx

Const URL$=""			'"


Graphics 800,600



AutoMidHandle True

Global shipimage=LoadImage(LoadBank(URL+"player.png"))
Global starsimage=LoadImage(LoadBank(URL+"stars.png"))
Global bulletimage=LoadImage(LoadBank(URL+"bullet.png"))
Global smokeimage=LoadImage(LoadBank(URL+"smoke.png"))

Global shootwav=LoadSound(LoadBank(URL+"shoot.wav"))
Global thrustwav=LoadSound(LoadBank(URL+"thrust.wav"),1)

Global player:TPlayer
Global ShapeList:TList=New TList

player=New TPlayer

While Not KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE)
' update moves and adds to collision layers
	For Local shape:TShape=EachIn ShapeList
' collide checks position with other collision layers
	For Local shape:TShape=EachIn ShapeList
' render
	Local w=GraphicsWidth()/2
	Local h=GraphicsHeight()/2
	SetOrigin w-player.x,h-player.y
	TileImage starsimage
	For Local shape:TShape=EachIn ShapeList

bigted architecture(Posted 2005-07-01)
Internal testing on MacOS codeplay (the BlitzMax IDE developed in BlitzMax) is stepping up, it will be available for that platform soon and compatability with BlitzMax's current MacOS IDE is a primary concern, keybindings etc.

The BlitzMax Windows/Linux IDE was known as codeplay in development, but due to similarly named rockgroups extremely poor showings of late the next release will be referred to as bigted.

The plan is to include bigted source code with the MaxGui module.

bigted features a new view architecture, beginning with Options I am adding a property list style presentation system for gadgets. The aim is to clean up the original options source code with clean lists such as from a typical OptionsPage class constructor:
	Method CreateToolOptions:TToolOptions(parent:TOptionsPage)
		SetName "Tools Options"
		parent.AddPage Self
		Return Self
	End Method

The gadgestyle object is the current label, backgroundcolor, forgroundcolor, font combo but instead of a bunch of fixed size gadgets being created i'm now using the friendlier button view extensions:
Type TGadgetStyle Extends TGroupView
	Field	label:TLabel
	Field	fg:TColorButton
	Field	bg:TColorButton
	Field	font:TFontButton

	Method Apply(gadget:TGadget)	
		SetGadgetFont gadget,font.font
		SetGadgetColor gadget,,,,True
		SetGadgetColor gadget,,,,False
	End Method
	Method Set(fg_rgb,bg_rgb,fname$,fsize)
	End Method

	Method CreateGadgetStyle:TGadgetStyle(dad:TNode,name$)		'Viewname$,xpos,ypos,window)
		dad.Append Self			
		Return Self
	End Method
End Type

The options pages already serialize themselves to the .ini file but this will be provided by the OptionsPage class itself so third party addons can stay relaxed about such productions but benefit from the automatic persistants it provides (their settings are automatically saved in the application.ini file, undo and redo just work...)

The options requester itself has morphed into a treeview + propertypageview ala xtools visualstudio look.

PropertyPages allows persistant objects to be added to an application tree very easily with an entire state able to be captured or replayed being inherited behavior of the widgets you build the Pages from.

I expect the widget object will change it's name but it's currently called TView, with TGadgetView being an extension that encapsulates a MaxGui class so the View tree itself is unhinged and avaialable for use by some Max3D goodness.

The overall goal of an application is to provide agreed ways for the user to coordinate object behaviors. The idea for bigted is to abstract off all the standard system behavior to a host so that all BlitzMax applications can benefit from default File and Edit behaviors and provide them in as system standard manner as possible.

The host object also provides a mechansim so that multiple tools can share the same application framework. Which is where I'm at at the moment, rejigging the ".bmx" specific code in codeplay into a modular plugin tool type of a guy that can plug into the new view architecture which if I didn't mention before serializes MaxGui usage entirely so is a nice starting point for a gadget editor that we have been talking about at the office.

Frosty winter coding...(Posted 2005-05-31)
Currently on the list:

Add ReadAvail and WriteAvail and SetNagel etc. to socketstream.bmx

Investigate distortion report with FreeAudio on the Mac

Add 1 channel jpeg and 2 channel png support.

Code examples for the retro interface to UDPStream and TCPServer objects

Big effort on code examples and command descriptions for MaxGui module.

Tidy up some IDE issues

* Startup file-not-founds causing a settings issues?
* Linux IDE tabs incorrect after a CloseTab
* End Debug task automatically when rebuilding project
* debugger.stdio.c not quite current with debugger.macos.m

huh?(Posted 2004-05-05)
It was with a little trepidation that I posted the acidstub code in code archives. I'd been feeling a bit stupid on how easy it was to bridge Blitz and C++ and how well they complement each other in a single project.

The following generates stub code for each language, it needs a tidy as the invoke stuff for acidstub.h is not that clever. It will expose all your Blitz functions if you list them in a .decl file which people are already want to do for the syntax highlighting convenience.


BlitzPlus v139 is still unreleased, apparently there is some FMod / music patches going in. In the few days the build was in my care I was able to add the following:

CreateImage now defaults to dynamic (LoadImage still defaults to managed)

CreateHtmlView supports style parameter - 1=NOCONTEXTMENU 2=NONAVIGATE

HtmlView now generates GadgetEvents with eventdata setings 0=pageloads 1=usernavigate

new HtmlView commands : HtmlViewCurrentURL() HtmlViewEventURL(html) HtmlViewStatus(html) HtmlViewRun(html,script$)

RemoveGadgetItem on last item now clears Tabber completely

RequestFile and RequestDir now have optional default values

RequestFile no longer appends "All Files" option when extension$ parameter is used

Win32DSMovie DrawMovie render now uses BitBlt if IDirectSurface::Blt fails due to unsupported pixel conversion

Better checking for negative sized banks and copybank ranges

Delay now resets negative parameters to 0

Added FontSize FontName FontStyle FontAscend and FontDescend getters

Return key on List Item now causes event, still no arrow key messages:(

TreeViewNodes now have icon parameters and TreeView supports SetGadgetIconStrip

HtmlViewRun html,"document.body.innerHTML='<form method=GET><input type=text name=login value=simon></form>'"

The biggest improvement is with the control of the HtmlView gadget. Being able to issue scripts and receive user GET and POST events should open a lot of possibilities including hosting and controlling of ActiveX controls (speech, database, spreadsheets...) embedded in the view.


The first version of BlitzLobby is nearly ready. It allows your Blitz games to register on the user's system allowing them to be launched from programs such as MSN Messenger. The chat connection details are made available to the game making it very simple for multiplayer Blitz games to find each other.


This little spurt of productivity on my part is due to the completion of a very ambitious contract I've been coding for last 2 years. Skidmarks Construction Kit is also now back out of the garage to be readied for release. The following is the 2001 beta released before I got badly side tracked...

BlitzMud(Posted 2002-08-22)

Skeleton multiuser server code.

Anyone interested in working on a blitz telnet client? Someone may even have some code already to contribute?

Would be interested in extending an existing IRC client also, will also need a mudder configuration (enter text at bottom of continually scrolling telnet feed).

Read the LambdaMoo programmers manual and an even more interesting breakdown of the database file format. Definately won't be using a binary format, and i'll be mirroring most of the work this guy Pavel has done.

Post here.

jscript blitz interface working(Posted 2002-06-11)
I've just got a jscript interpreter running with blitz. It needed a separate thread which was a complete bitch to code but now it's done and nearly ready for beta.

Skidmarks Construction Kit has been coded in a very object oriented manner which does make the B3D source tree a little unmanageable at times.

My bscript engine allows you to easily build and publish ActiveX classes in native blitz and then control them from ecmascript (jscript) which for oop heads like me should result in much spinning of propellors.

skidbeta1 uploaded...(Posted 2002-04-27)
This first public beta weighs in at 7 meg and includes two tracks and max 12 trucks. Beta testers signup page will be availble soon, until then get it before it's gone and please do not echo at this time.

Skidmarks Construction Kit(Posted 2001-11-15)
I've been trying to keep a diary on my website on the skidstatuspage.

At the beginning of the week I decided to byte the bullet and pull out my own software sprite handling code and start using Blitz sprites. The reason I was using my own meshes which I manually turned towards the camera was for the lighting control I had for things like flagpoles and for things like trees I was free to use extra geometry to cut down on overdraw. However the overhead of hiding and showing cameras and using multiple calls to RenderWorld for splitscreen to work properly ended up too large out they come. The offshoot of this has been to get Mark to fix sprite viewmode 3 which is another reason I didn't fancy using Blitz sprites in the first place.

With all that optimized I am still faced with the problem of generating a smooth display with a physics engine that needs to be updated 10 times a second. Even with the wonderful tweening, a physics engine that needs about 10ms to tickover produces a major headache where every 4-6 renders the cpu needs to go and update the physics. It is definately more important that each render is equally spaced in time from the previous than the maximum number of frames are rendered per second...

Still got a few things up my sleeve so until nextime...