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Heightmap(Posted 2002-09-26)
Ok, heightmap editing is in!
Now you can use the A key to raise the terrain, the Z key to lower the terrain and the S key to
smooth the terrain :D
I also added a skybox, although, at the moment, you can not specify which images to use for it.
But that will be implemented later.

A screenshot:


Particle System(Posted 2002-09-06)
The particle system I'm working on seems to work fine. It creates a pool of particles when the particle emitter is created, and when new particles are emitted, the particles in the pool are used.

I implemented a load and save system, but I still have got to write a WYSIWYG editor, when I'm done with that, even non-programmers should be able to create all kinds of different effects.

At the moment, animated textures aren't supported, however, that will be implemented in the future.


Isometric Engine(Posted 2002-09-05)
Another project I'm working on is an isometric engine, which I'm writing with the help of a great book called "Isometric Game Programming With DirectX 7.0".

Most of the methods I use are from the book, but I wrote all the code myself (I did not convert the C++ code to Blitz, but implemented the methods myself).

At the moment, it supports slide, staggered and diamond maps, a minimap and a lot more, and it's fast :D


World editor(Posted 2002-09-02)
Ok, here's a screenshot of the new program I'm working on, a world editor:

At the moment, you can load models, create primitives and rotate, move, scale and change the colors of them.
It's also possible to load a heightmap, and change the same properties as you can with the models. At the moment, it's not possible to edit the heightmaps in the editor itself, but that will be implemented in the future.
More information will follow :D


Editor Framework(Posted 2002-07-02)
Well, it's more than a half year ago that I posted a worklog, but here is one :)

Here's an early screenshot of the program I'm working on:

It's a framework that can be used to create editors (world,level, model etc.) without having to implement the same functionality everytime I need an editor. I'll just take this framework (when it's finished), implement the specific functionality for that kind of editor, et voila, a new (for example, world) editor :)


Timing routine(Posted 2001-12-06)
I decided to write a game timing routine, which doesn't
have that annoying blur effect. At the moment, I have some
(primitive) code that works, but I still have to test it in
a game. However, I have a good feeling about this one! :-)

One big problem when using this method is, that the already
existing code in a game has to be modified for this method.
But you'll never know.... :-)


GT GUI(Posted 2001-11-24)
The program to create underwater-effect textures is finished,
So, it's time for another project: a GUI (yeah, original isn't it ;-)).

Because I'm planning to write a world editor (or a model editor, not
sure yet), I need a GUI. And ofcourse, there are already a lot of GUI's
available for Blitz, but I prefer to write my own code as much as possible.
(Not because the already existing GUI's aren't good enough, actually, there
is a big chance that those GUI's are better then mine is going to be).
But you can learn the most by writing code yourself, that's also the reason
why I wanted to write my own texture-effect. And hey, coding is fun!!!

I don't have a name for the GUI yet, so until I find a better name, I'm
just going to call it "GT GUI" :-)


Under-water-effect texture(Posted 2001-11-22)
At the moment I'm experimenting a little with sinus and cosinus, to
create some under-water-effect texture, and I have to say, it's easier
then I thought it would be.

I have added some random factors to the value that the (co)sinus returns,
to make it a little more "real". (Have you ever seen a river that flows
exactly like a math equation? I haven't).

The next thing to do, will be to save the different frames to a file,
et voila: a animated under-water-effect texture :-)
And after these simple sinus and cosinus stuff, I want to try some other
things, but:

first crawl, then walk, then run and then fly,you can't start flying
immediately, or you'll fall with a very loud "BANG" on the ground, and
that hurts :-)


2D screen coordinates to 3D world coordinates(Posted 2001-11-17)
My current project is some code that converts the screen coordinates to world coordinates.
This can be used to find out what the world coordinates of the mouse pointer (and ofcourse
also other 2D coordinates) are. Don't know if someone has done this before, but I'll continue with it anyway :-)

The code I've written converts 2D coordinates to correct 3D coordinates, even if the camera is rotated any number of degrees. Only problem with converting a 2D coordinate to a 3D coordinate is, that there has to added one dimension (Z). And that is something my code doesn't do, it can't *guess* which coordinate you want to use for that missing dimension, so that's something you'll have to "tell" the code :-(

This code is not ment to pick entitys, because we already got PickEntity(). Im writing it because I needed to convert screen (2D) coordinates to world (3D) coordinates.
Could be usefull for things like 3d modellers and stuff.

(Actually it's the opposite of the CameraProject() function)
