Worklog for Chi3f Stadi

Worklog 1

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V0.31 (not released)(Posted 2005-01-17)
looks like i'm getting help from somebody with media. That is exactly what is missing.

Currently V0.30 is released, but not worth to download, because there are just a few minor things i did.

Now, i'm getting trouble with the BPlite library. It's not behaving as i expected.

So, while requesting gameInfo from a server, you have to join the server first, which i don't like.

the folder BITZ\HELP\_dev_info contains a flow diagram which shows how a client connects to a server now.


InitB.I.T.Z.()(Posted 2005-01-08)
B.I.T.Z. can be downloaded under:

Please help me finish this game. Level's can be done with maplet.

What happended so far:
* B.I.T.Z. - Worklog *
Version 0.24:
- add: collisioninfo for players
- add: scores
- fix: a lot of things had to be fixed

Version 0.23:
- add: added proxysupport (http) for GNET (network.ini)
- add: chatfunction (press T)
- add: with the WorldEditor you can add multiple PlayerSpawns
- change: when clients join a host. host sends gameinfos like mapName, gameType
- new: started with gamemode "DeathMatch"
- change: exchanged current Hud with AlphaGUI, see

Version 0.22:
- add: noel crower in the credits (forgot it in the first release)
- change: moved GNET over to, refresh GNET every 4 mins
- change: removed the hole shadow code, code is open
- fix: a few things in the menu (refreshing server list)
- new: network.ini (user can change network settings and disable/enable GNET)
- new: main.ini (allows to change debugging and add levels)
- new: items will respawn after 20 seconds

Version 0.20:
- initial release on 2005/01/01
