Worklog for Traci

Worklog 1

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slowly(Posted 2004-07-19)
Well we've got another model done :S it's going very slowly still due to the amount of time the artist has available. I've been working on the story, and some bits of code in the meantime, so it's still progressing.

Masato's model is complete, it has changed a bit from the concept, for various artistic reasons ;)

MSN tracilane@...

Final Fantasy VII Advent Children

Starting again(Posted 2004-06-22)
well now we've moved to Aus and settled down, we've found there is still a little time to get back to Chaos Moon. In the time I've been away from coding a great new Max exporter has been created, so we're re-doing the models to work with this exporter. That being the case, the artist has decided to change the whole look of the game and give it more of a darker gothicy feel, he felt an overall look and feel was always missing in the previous incarnations. We have a couple of character concepts done and one completed model another on the way. Code wise, I have been collating together a lot of the bits and pieces I have done for previous versions of the game plus a couple of effects so we can plug it straight in.

The game is a Japanese style RPG and is a huge undertaking for two people, therefore we are aiming first to create a one level demo that will include exploration and the battle system and maybe a bit of story to whet the appetite. While such a huge project seems to be an impossibility and therefore a waste of time, we are doing it for ourselves for the enjoyment of creating something that we like, if it's finished - great, if not we've been doing something we like rather than slaving away and completing a game we do not enjoy creating or playing.

completed concepts and models:
Akira - main character



Masato - game character

MSN tracilane@...

Final Fantasy VII Advent Children