Worklog for Uhfgood

Worklog 1

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Love it or hate it, you've gotta do some designing...(Posted 2004-05-02)
Okay, well i've never been much on design documentation, most of the time, i'll design a little bit and code a little bit. And Roundabout is no exception, well, maybe a small exception. I've spent probably a few hours inbetween washing loads of dishes to encapsulate my functions and data, call it object-oriented, call it black-boxing, call it what-you-will. Now at least I can go back to designing what I want in the game. Back to design documentation, i'm going to be writing out a list of things I want to see in the game, and how I want to go about it. Nothing all that verbose, but a little something showing what I want to put in it.

I've also decided instead of writing messages with screenshots in the user creations forum, i'm going to put images in the worklogs instead, and just link to them through the forums. Hopefully no one will get angry at this, and if they do, i'm sure i'll hear about it.

Current in-progress shot -

Keith Weatherby II / twitter / facebook / youtube
IndieFlux - Reviews and more! / Games Afoot Software

In the interest of all things retro...(Posted 2004-04-30)
Well i'm on a retro-kick. I go through these phases, and retro is one of them. Mostly games, retro-esque. I enjoy playing old games from old systems or old arcade machines. I only had a atari 2600 when I was a kid, but anything that old (80's machines) makes me nostalgic. And on that note, a star of the atari vcs - breakout. One of my favorite all time games, one I can really get good at because it's easy to get "in the zone" while playing it.

My take on it is simple... take breakout, and wrap it around, so now it's in a ring. And since i'm stepping into 3d for the first time, i'm presenting Roundabout in blitz3d.
All it has going for it right now, is the program generates these rings of bricks, and I have a paddle that rotates and a ball that tracks with it, with rolling (ball rolls off opposite side the paddle is moving, and then auto-magically recenters itself). In the coming days/weeks I plan to generate a list of things i want to do, a design doc of sorts, but not in any meaningful structured way.

Possible Features may include :
Different ways of releasing the ball (direct, multi-direct, automatically, aimed)
Powerups as similar to arkanoid, by knocking out bricks to reveal hidden powerups.
Paddle modifies (large, small, laser, etc)
game variations : rings that shift, rings that move toward the paddle. Ability for the ball to escape bounds thereby losing balls, double paddles, etc...

That's all I can think of. Thanks for reading

Keith Weatherby II / twitter / facebook / youtube
IndieFlux - Reviews and more! / Games Afoot Software