Worklog for Eikon

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« Orange Swirl Edition »(Posted 2006-07-20)

Work on the project has slowed, but things are still progressing at a decent pace. On August 4th I will be moving back home to NC after living here at Myrtle Beach, SC for the past year. Things should pick up again once I get situated.


¤ SetTheme and UseTheme functions completed. This allows the user to make changes to the current theme and apply them, though saving and loading of theme files is still to come. You will be able to preview all changes in real time by applying them, then you can choose to save the theme or revert to last loaded by hitting cancel.
¤ Labels now loaded in tree list (Navigator)
¤ Includes now loaded in tree
¤ Build + UPX option added to program menu that automatically compresses your program with UPX v2.01 after it's built. Thanks to Dreamora for the excellent idea.
¤ Many program and Tree icons replaced
¤ Search and Edit menus merged. Bookmarks and find commands now available on the right click menu
¤ Bookmarks toolbar completed
¤ Instead of listing the full function in the tree, only the name is now used. Full function with params available in the tooltip. Tooltip width expanded to 512px
¤ Axed Constants and Publics from tree view because of their non usefulness and added load time / tree populate time cut by 2/3
¤ Final Tree View arrangement is Help, Files, Functions, Types (methods + functions), Labels, and Includes
¤ Tree view is updated on return from compile as opposed to saving to cut delay
¤ All Last expanded sections are now expanded properly on tree reload
¤ Average tree populate time for a 7,000 line file with over 100 functions and types is less than 50ms
¤ Focus now correctly restored to last line/col after program execution
¤ Tab position now properly maintained when moving to new line

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Eiksoft: Wii Flash Games

« Theme Manager »(Posted 2006-06-19)


¤ Program menu items are now disabled and enabled properly when a program is running.
¤ Fixed output bug that was causing it to miss errors
¤ Fixed option form bug that screwed the ini
¤ Work started on the keyword learning routine. 50% complete
¤ Module server now selectable on the Synchronize Modules form. Servers included are pub brl, mak, axe, birdie, and gman. User can also enter a custom server name.
¤ Paint, Hex Editor, and Calculator added to the Tools menu.
¤ Quick Build, Debug Build, and GUI App options are now working and linked across the menu and toolbar.
¤ Command Line entry form complete.
¤ Theme Manager form created along with a new .hydra file format for themes. More than 20 options are included.
¤ Work has begun on getting the Theme Manager form to load and save theme files.
¤ HydraMax at v0.3

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Eiksoft: Wii Flash Games

« First Screenshot »(Posted 2006-05-29)


¤ Synchronize modules form and routine complete. Allows user to enter username, pass, and proxy address. Both BRL and PUB are updated by default.
¤ Function section added to the tree. Source file is now scanned for functions to add.
¤ Function click action now working. When user clicks on function name, line containing function is moved to and highlighted.
¤ Type section added to tree. Type functions and methods are also loaded under each type entry if found.
¤ Hydra.ini created. First settings to be saved are the tree colors and font.
¤ Tree font chooser working. All settings can be previewed from the options form. If the user hits cancel, all settings will revert to the last saved.
¤ Username, password (encrypted), and proxy for sync mods saved to ini and restored on form load
¤ Build and Rebuild All module routines complete, output captured
¤ Tree items are now added/removed dynamically as the user switches between documents. The last expanded tree item is also saved so that the tree comes back as you left it.
¤ Routine to capture output recoded. New method is much lighter on the CPU.
¤ IDE shuts down running process if user closes IDE during execution
¤ Block Comment and Uncomment routines coded and added to right click menu
¤ Block Indent and outdent added to right click menu

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Eiksoft: Wii Flash Games

« Lost in the Mushroom Kingdom »(Posted 2006-05-24)

I recently picked up the New Super Mario Bros. game for DS. It has been taking up most of my time, but I was still able to get some solid work done on HydraMax. Here are the latest updates:

¤ Vertical and horizontal scroll bars working on the tree control. Tooltips in the tree are working now too.
¤ User Guide and Language objects added under the Help section of the tree.
¤ The tree's appearance will be completely customizable. User can select the back, fore, and highlighted item colors.
¤ HydraMax Options form created
¤ Color selector working via the ChooseColor API function.
¤ Modules tree item added. All of the module items are added to the tree by reading .hydra files in a method similar to the way the original IDE loads tree objects from .html files.
¤ Runtime sizing routine coded by hand. Both the function list and output panes can be sized by dragging the control bar.
¤ Build, Run, and Stop routines repaired. All paths are now converted to short pathes.

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Eiksoft: Wii Flash Games

« Trees and Things »(Posted 2006-05-17)

* new screen shots coming soon *


¤ Switched from default to powerful Extree tree control for the function list. It allows icons and the rest.
¤ Blitz Help Added to tree. Under it will eventually be links to modules, help chapters, etc.
¤ Folder tree item added. New files will go under this folder, and you can switch focus between files by clicking on the file name in the tree, again eliminating the need for tabs.
¤ Ctrl + Left / Ctrl + Right to switch active file, hotkeys added
¤ Output window created. Will reside under the source file instead of on a seperate tab/doc. There will also be an option to only show the window during compile time.
¤ Was able to capture the output from bmk.exe to the scintilla box
¤ Compiler error catching complete. User can decide whether a msgbox containing the error will be thrown, or if it will simply show in the output window. Line where the error is found is then moved to and highlighted.
¤ Files under the folder object in the tree will have extension specific icons. Icons for .txt, .bmx, .etc

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Eiksoft: Wii Flash Games

« First Look »(Posted 2006-05-13)

Past week's developments:
¤ Toolbar added. Each section will be hide/showable.
¤ Side pane added and tree view control chosen, will begin work on the panel's contents soon.
¤ Run, Build, and Build and Run menu options are now working. There are also buttons to toggle debug and quick mode when building. Next I need to work on capturing output, then the output window itself. Stop Program is working as well.
¤ Ctrl + TAB to switch between files has been added. This will make the MDI interface as easy to navigate as a tabbed UI by allowing you to switch to the next/prev document with a hotkey.
¤ About window graphics and text credit scroller complete
¤ Blitz Help added. User can view the HTML documentation with forward/back controls available.

Lots more to come :)

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Eiksoft: Wii Flash Games

« Hydra Strikes »(Posted 2006-05-09)

HydraMax is a brand new IDE being developed for BlitzMax. My focus will be on keeping the editor as small and as fast as possible. For those of you who prefer simple but powerful editors like Visual Blitz that don't require the .NET framework to run, you will find yourself right at home in HydraMax. HydraMax uses the very well known and powerful source editing and syntax highlighting component, Scintilla.

Features will include:
¤ Lite, Standard, and Office XP menu styles
¤ Line Numbers, Word Wrapping
¤ Function folding (includes If/Endif, For/Next, and Extern folding, too)
¤ Find, Replace, Goto Line
¤ Bookmark system
¤ Uploadable theme system. Share your color scheme with the community
¤ Since HydraMax is an MDI application, you'll get all the advantages of viewing multiple documents at once, such as editing source files side by side.
¤ Project manager
¤ Tools such as calculator, mspaint, a hex editor, and more. Always at your fingertips
¤ Lots more features to be announced

Stay tuned. More info and screenshots coming soon!

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Eiksoft: Wii Flash Games

« Blast Off »(Posted 2006-04-18)

Version 1.0 submitted to publisher.

Check the showcase section soon for a link to try and buy a copy of the game. Also keep an eye out for the web version with online play - coming soon.

Eiksoft: Wii Flash Games

« Final Touches »(Posted 2006-04-03)

¤ Finalized all gem graphics, four sets in total
¤ Designed fourth special gem, laser
¤ Finished public server system
¤ Server browser complete, this allows users to query the
master server for a list of all public servers running at
the time. Information returned includes host name, planet,
planet health, and special gems to be used for that
multiplayer match
¤ Falling gems added. This should speed up gameplay
¤ Explosion replaced with colored flare on gem destruction
¤ Bonus round created between rounds 5 and 6 of mission
mode. User trys to intercept flying gems by shooting them
with comets
¤ Credits and secret code in place at end of mission mode
¤ Protogem score and multiplayer server is complete

Protogem is coming soon!

Eiksoft: Wii Flash Games

« Beta »(Posted 2006-03-17)

¤ Added options and mission mode pages to html manual
¤ Stat tracking system finished. Stats included:
* Gems Played
* Gems Destroyed
* Best Combo
* Total Score
* Comets Launched
* Score Mode Games
* Mission Mode Complete
* Online Wins
* Online Losses
* Total Play Time
¤ Oggstream.exe created. This is a Blitz+ program that runs in the background with Protogem. Protogem can tell it to stream the music, eliminating the long OGG load times in Max. Program load time was reduced from 15 seconds to less than 1
¤ Gem graphics replaced. One of the new sets can be seen in the latest screenshot
¤ Music volume spinner added to options window
¤ Comet particles updated
¤ 3 of 4 OGG songs have been finished by Tony of Anthem Audio

Eiksoft: Wii Flash Games

« First Impact »(Posted 2006-03-01)
Protogem is a space themed puzzle game to be published by Cloverleaf Games. It's slated for release in early May.

¤ New screenshot submitted to the gallery
¤ Video of multiplayer mode completed
¤ 5 new sets of gem graphics completed
¤ Fire gem's graphic effect finished
¤ Work on stat system started. This will keep track of total
play time, total gems destroyed, multiplayer wins/losses, and
lots of other statistics throughout the life of the program.
¤ Falling gems moved behind particles
¤ GUI button behavior tweaked to respond to mousehits
instead of mousedowns
¤ Incoming comets now explode instead of disappearing when a
match is over
¤ Chain combo system modified to seek the lowest group of
gems instead of the largest. This ensures that the most gems
possible will fall, and are then susceptible to the combo
seeking routine
¤ Stone gem's destruction effect changed, still not final
¤ HTML manual was worked on. 'Overview' and 'Rules of Play'
pages finished
¤ Level select, earth, and moon's background graphics
replaced with higher quality versions
¤ Mars and Neptune asteroid graphics modified

Visit the Protogem website for all the latest news, screenshots, and videos of the upcoming release.

Eiksoft: Wii Flash Games

« Final Entry »(Posted 2006-03-01)
Jill has gone open source. Here's hoping someone will continue the project.

Jill of the Jungle 1.68MB
(EXE included)

Eiksoft: Wii Flash Games

« The Dead Has Arisen »(Posted 2005-08-15)

Contract work from my job has been keeping my hands tied
lately, but my assistant Caroline and I are still on track
for an early 2006 release date. Slow and steady wins the race.

« v0.29 ¤ 06-24-05 - 08-05-05 »
¤ New option added to user.cfg to take advantage of the new
Direct3D7 module in BMax 1.10. User can now select their
desired renderer from the options screen.
# Renderer (1 = OpenGL | 2 = Direct3D)
¤ Tileset size tripled thanks to my new assistant, Caroline
Lee. She is helping me with ripping sfx, gfx, and play
testing. She will also be designing maps for release when
the time comes.
¤ Tileset forward/back arrows working in editor to cycle
through all 130 tiles.
¤ Rollover added to RenderMap function.
¤ Caroline finished ripping animated tiles and enemy
animations. New animated tiles and the first enemy are to
be added soon.
¤ Fixed negative millisecs() bug after long uptime with
custom MilliSecs() function.
¤ Loaded map name is now filled in for you automatically in
¤ Animated key object added, ID = 8. Still need to put it in
inventory and add unlockable doors.
¤ Removed rotation from all objects expect spikes. There
should never be a reason to rotate apple, gem, key pickups
¤ Key now added to player inventory when picked up. Key
sound effect ripped and added.
¤ Added more tiles that were ripped by Caroline. Tile total
now at 140.
¤ Animated lava tile added.
¤ Added a non-solid tile view to the view options. All
layers are now selectively viewable.
0 - Layer 0
1 - Layer 1
2 - Layer 1 Non Solid (Layer 2)
3 - All
¤ Locked door object tiles added, ID = 9. When player
contacts the door tiles and has a key the top and bottom
tiles will seperate and slowly slide open.

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Eiksoft: Wii Flash Games

« Movin' on Up »(Posted 2005-05-21)

« v0.27 ¤ 04-14-05 »
¤ Added a grid toggle radio button in the editor. This
allows the user to remove the tile grid and view the map as
it would appear in play.
¤ Alpha and layer 2 (non solid) tiles working in main game now.
¤ Fixed bug that was causing certain objects to not be
included in collision checking.
¤ Only the currently selected tile is affected by rotation
and alpha, instead of the entire visible tileset.
¤ New yellow character set added to custom font
¤ Jill Color Chart (bmpText function)
  1 = White
  2 = Red
  3 = Green
  4 = Cyan
  5 = Blue
  6 = Magenta
  7 = Yellow
¤ Backspace support added to map save function. You
can now fix mistakes if you mis-type the filename.
¤ Tweaked Jill's foot area collision. Jill can now fall
between one tile wide gaps more easily.
¤ Start tile added to tileset. This tile designates where
Jill appears when the map is loaded. Need to modify load map
so that the map begins at the right scrolling offset.
¤ Particle code for fire effects being worked on. User will
be able to use fire with torch tiles. They can select for
the fire to turn on and off at a millisec interval of their
choice, or the fire can be constant.
¤ Fire has been wrapped inside a type using type functions
and methods. Still tweaking the code, but so far I added two
color variations and sped it up signifigantly.
¤ Fire now working ingame; speed ended up being very
respectable. User should be able to have 80 - 100 torches
onscreen at once without slowdown.

« v0.28 ¤ 05-12-05 »
¤ Added animated water object, ID 7. waterTime and waterF
publics created to sync all animated water tiles to the same
¤ Rewrote the LoadMap function to make it easier to add new
objects and animated tiles. Torches are the first animated
tile. The water object is going to become an animated tile
instead, due to Z-order problems.
¤ Began tidy up of all functions. List of cleaned functions:
¤ The second animated tile, water has been added. These are
going into the RenderTiles function, but may be causing too
much slowdown. Further testing is needed.
¤ Tileset revised to line up tiles in a more coherent
fashion. All object tiles are now at the end of the set.
Tile constants have been established and implemented in the
Load and RenderMap functions to make tileset rearrangements
easily managable.
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Eiksoft: Wii Flash Games

« Jill Reveals »(Posted 2005-05-10)
Click the image to see the video

Encoded with XviD - 640x400 - 48secs - 5.7MB

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Eiksoft: Wii Flash Games

« Max Effects »(Posted 2005-04-13)

« v0.25 ¤ 04-04-05 »
¤ Map collision method recoded to avoid using the majorly
slow GrabImage command. General scrolling speed has
increased by 200%
¤ Fixed missing frame bug in running left animation
¤ Fixed new collision method bug with jumping/riser code
¤ Keyboard support added to RenderMaps function so that
user can choose the map they want to load with either
keyboard or mouse
¤ New collision method solved the object collision problem.
Objects can now be removed from the map and the collision
code will know this change instantly.
¤ Rotate tile button added to editor. Now any tile can be
rotated at 90 degree intervals and saved to the map that way.
¤ Tileset revised to remove tiles that can now be duplicated
with rotation
¤ Save/Load Map functions modified to support per tile
rotation. Map format has changed again, meaning all previous
maps are incompatible.
¤ Per Tile/Object rotations now working in both editor and
game mode. Object collision needs to be tweaked to offset
¤ All object collision code switched from ImageRectCollide
to ImagesCollide for finer accuracy.
¤ Finally got the task icon working

« v0.26 ¤ 04-12-05 »
¤ Fixed the bug that was stopping the top left pixel of the
rect from being drawn when glPolygonMode GL_BACK, GL_LINE in the
tile selector
¤ Added tile color selectors to editor image. User will be
able to alter each tile's RGB components via up/down arrows
in the editor
¤ Up/Down color selectors now working with mouse down
¤ Color modification didn't produce cool looking tiles like
I thought it would, the color selector has been scrapped.
¤ Tile Alpha selector added to editor image.
¤ Alpha value for each tile now modifiable. This change
still needs to be added to the map file format, so that the
alpha value is retained.
¤ 5 color variations added to radio button graphic.
¤ New 'solid' option added to editor image which will allow
the player to pass behind layer 1 tiles. This creates a
psuedo layer 2. The change is nessecary so that Jill can
appear behind alpha masked tiles, like water, lava, etc.
The option will be toggled with a radio button, and will
have no effect on objects or tiles residing in layer 0.
  Layer Structure
  Layer 0 (Tile appears behind Jill)
  Layer 1 (Layer 1 - Solid Checked - Collision Layer)
  Layer 2 (Layer 1 - Solid Unchecked - Tile appears infront of Jill)

  Current Tile Format:
  WriteShort file, a                 ' map x
  WriteShort file, b                 ' map y
  WriteByte file, Map[a, b, 1].F     ' Frame
  WriteByte file, 1                  ' Layer
  WriteShort file, Map[a, b, 1].Rot  ' Rotation
  WriteFloat file, Map[a, b, 1].Alp  ' Alpha
  WriteByte file, Map[a, b, 1].Solid ' Solid
  13 bytes per tile
¤ Load/Save map modified to support new Alpha and Solid tile
fields. Editor now fully supports these new options. Objects
and the main game still need these options added.

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Eiksoft: Wii Flash Games

« Jill is Back From Vacation »(Posted 2005-04-05)

My life has been really hectic lately. I am quitting my
job writing bank software (ever seen Office Space?), and
moving to Myrtle Beach, SC. to pursue my dream of selling my
own games. That means I'll have to quit doing remakes and
come up with something original :O

My new laptop arrived earlier this week. It's a P4 2.0ghz
with a Radeon 7500, so it can handle BlitzMax pretty well.
Expect Jill to go on a few more vacations while I get my
life in order.

« v0.23 ¤ 03-14-05 »
¤ Create/Render Object ported
¤ RenderScore bug fixed
¤ Screenmode fixed. No longer options for 2x and Full
windows, only Full/Window. Jill.DLL axed.
¤ UpdateCol working to an extent, collision still buggy.
¤ Fixed the up/down collision image bug
¤ Fixed the image blurring bug by converting floats to Int() for rendering
¤ Fixed collision bug that caused the layer to offset by 16 pixels
¤ Game is almost %100 back to normal; consider it ported.
Now to work on adding some cool new features with Max. :)

« v0.24 ¤ 03-16-05 »
¤ Converted all mp3 sound effects to ogg format
¤ Noisemaker is working again
¤ Apples and score floaters back to normal
¤ Gems and particles fixed
¤ Player inventory added. Jill can carry 12 items at once.
¤ Gem locks now disappear if player has a gem
¤ Need to redo the object collision system. They cannot be
included in the collision image because Max has poor access
to imagebuffers.
¤ Each Object will now be responsible for it's own
collision. This has many advantages over the previous
¤ Gem locks now search the players inventory and remove the
gem closest to the end when they're triggered
¤ Added a new entry to disable vsync in the user.cfg file.
It is also accessible via a radio button in the ingame option screen.
¤ RenderStatus bug fixed

« v0.25 ¤ 04-04-05 »
¤ UpdateCol function abandoned
¤ Map collision method recoded to avoid using the majorly
slow GrabImage command. General scrolling speed has
increased by 200%.

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Eiksoft: Wii Flash Games

« Jill Transformed »(Posted 2005-03-10)

« v0.20 ¤ 03-06-05 »
¤ Began porting to jill.bmx.
¤ TitleScreen being ported first for general speed tests.
bmpText has been rewritten to work with Max.
bmpText(i@, x%, y%, c@, txt$)

¤ First speed test results for TitleScreen()

Home PC (Radeon 9800 Non Pro)
B2D: 3,030 FPS
BMAX: 10,000 FPS

Work PC (Integrated Intel 82845G)
B2D: 540 FPS

Conclusion: If you have a nice video card with plenty of
vram, you will see a good speed boost from the hardware
acceleration. If not, the cards shortcomings will only be
amplified, especially with integrated GPUs.

« v0.22 ¤ 03-10-05 »
¤ Began porting Editor()
¤ Editor more or less working in Max. A few key editor functions left to port.
¤ RenderMaps, SetStatus, RenderStatus, LoadMap/SaveMap ported
¤ SaveScreen function changed to output in PNG format, thanks to xacto's
PNGSaver module
¤ Began porting the main program
¤ Final areas to be ported include collision and object code.

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Eiksoft: Wii Flash Games

« Jill, meet Max »(Posted 2005-03-02)

« v0.17 ¤ 02-25-05 »
¤ Ripped gem and gem lock animations.
¤ Animated gem pick up added to object type (ID 4)
They create particles and add 23 points to your score
¤ Gem and no weapon sound effects ripped and encoded to mp3
Both have been added to noisemaker for a total of 9 sounds
¤ RenderHealth function created to display Jill's life in left pane
¤ Spike object added (ID 5). Jill now loses health when standing on them.
Eventually their behavior will change to kill her instantly
¤ Gem Lock animated object added (ID 6)
¤ Clickable Load and Save buttons added to editor.
¤ Map selector changed from keyboard to mouse driven
¤ RenderMaps function created to handle map selection for both game and editor
¤ New/Clear map button added to editor
¤ Tile layer selector added to editor
¤ Dual tile layers now working in editor. Any tile can be
in the front or back; objects are limited to the top layer.
Layer 1 is used for collision

« v0.18 ¤ 02-27-05 »
¤ Map format changed again to save tile layer number.
Render/Load/SaveMap funcs updated to handle two layers.
¤ View layer button added to top bar of editor. This allows user to
look at only the tiles in layers 0/1, or both at once.
¤ Finished ripping the first complete sheet of 40 tiles.
Objects and enemies will eventually get their own image and section in the editor
¤ Perfected downward vertical scrolling routine.
All the directions except for upwards now scroll very smoothly.
¤ Fixed Jill's falling animation left/right
¤ Fixed jump bug that allowed Jill to fall slightly faster than scrolling
¤ Upward scrolling routine improved; still not final.
¤ Animated moving spikes object (ID 7) added.

« v0.19 ¤ 03-01-05 »
¤ BlitzMax finally arrived. All major work halted on the B2D Jill until
I finish investigating Max. If it proves stable enough I may port the
entire project, although I currently don't see a way to emulate B2D's winmode 3 :(

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Eiksoft: Wii Flash Games

« Jill Goes Underground »(Posted 2005-02-24)

« v0.14 ¤ 02-19-05 »
¤ Collision added to apple object. They are now collectible and add 12 points to your score
¤ Song2 ripped and encoded to ogg
¤ Finished ripping Jill's main animations (30 frames)

« v0.15 ¤ 02-21-05 »
¤ Jill's running animation working in both directions
¤ jflop program at version 0.4
¤ Got Jill jumping with gravity. Still tweaking the
vertical scrolling and jump speed
¤ Created new Object (ID 2) score floater. This is the score
that changes colors and flys away when you pickup an apple
¤ Jill's score now calculated and displayed in the left pane
¤ CreateObj function added
¤ Global scroll counters created to offset object scrolling

¤ Coord Conversions:
Map to Screen: (o\X + 5 - scrX) * 16 - scrollX
Screen to Map: o\X + (o\TX - totalX)
¤ PlayerInput function created; all game input moved here
¤ Vertical scrolling routine greatly improved. Still not quite there.
¤ Scrolling now limited by loaded map width and height
¤ Project at 1,000 line mark
¤ Small score spacing bug fixed
¤ Completed the map selector. It automatically reads all the maps in
the maps/ dir and lets user choose with arrow keys

« v0.16 ¤ 02-23-05 »
¤ UpdateCol 4 crash fixed
¤ Map Selector now filters out non *.joj files
¤ Gravity added to score floaters
¤ Two modes added to RenderObj func. 0 renders back objects and 1
renders front. Front objects are above tiles, but not the player
¤ Map selector added to editor for loading maps
¤ maxY bug fixed. Map format changed to write height as a short
¤ Added particles to object type (ID 3)
¤ Option screen added to TitleScreen func that changes user.cfg settings
¤ Save screen added to editor that allows user to enter the map's file name
¤ SetStatus and RenderStatus funcs created to handle and display bmpText
messages to the user in the blank area at the the bottom of the screen

Cod2Doc generated project documentation
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Eiksoft: Wii Flash Games

« Jill Returns »(Posted 2005-02-19)

« v0.11 ¤ 02-16-05 »
¤ jflop program started which will format and write program to floppies
¤ Large + small numbers and other characters added to bitmap font
¤ PrintScores now outputs both name and score in small numbers
¤ Experimented with different frame limiting methods
¤ Sped up RenderTiles 200+ fps
¤ Jill.DLL written to handle screen size changes
¤ User.cfg created to save settings

Current User.cfg
# Jill Engine generated user config file | 18 Feb 2005 | 18:25:59
# Digital Sound Effects
# Digitized Music
# Screen Mode (1 = Full | 2 = Window | 3 = 2x Window | 4 = Full Window
# Display Frames Per Second
# Display Used Video Memory
// jill.h
// by Eikon
// Last modified 02.14.05
#include "windows.h"

// Externs
extern "C" {
_declspec(dllexport) long _cdecl SetWinPos2x();

extern "C" {
_declspec(dllexport) long _cdecl SetWinPosFull();

// jill.cpp
// by Eikon
// Last modified 02.14.05
#include "jill.h"

// SetWinPosFull
long SetWinPosFull()
	HWND hwnd = FindWindow("Blitz Runtime Class", "Jill Engine");
	RECT myRect;
	GetWindowRect(GetDesktopWindow(), &myRect);
	long ret = SetWindowPos(hwnd, HWND_TOPMOST, 0, 0, myRect.right, myRect.bottom, 0);
	if (ret != 0) {
		ret = SetWindowPos(hwnd, HWND_NOTOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE + SWP_NOSIZE);

	return ret;

// SetWinPos2x
long SetWinPos2x()
	HWND hwnd = FindWindow("Blitz Runtime Class", "Jill Engine");
	RECT myRect;
	GetWindowRect(GetDesktopWindow(), &myRect);
	long ret = SetWindowPos(hwnd, HWND_TOPMOST, myRect.right / 2 - 320, myRect.bottom / 2 - 200, 640, 400, 0);
	if (ret != 0) {
		ret = SetWindowPos(hwnd, HWND_NOTOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE + SWP_NOSIZE);

	return ret;
« v0.12 ¤ 02-17-05 »
¤ Debug options cfgShowFPS and cfgShowVMem added to user.cfg
¤ All FPS and used Video Memory output now uses bmpText instead of Text
¤ Obj type created to handle non tile objects ingame
¤ LoadMap now has two modes, one for play and one for editing
¤ Animated apple object added
¤ Changed from 30fps to 45fps for main game frame limiting
¤ Added support to save a screenshot with progressive file numbers
when the user presses F1 in game. These are placed in the snaps dir
¤ First background sky.png added
¤ Vertical scrolling implemented in editor

« v0.13 ¤ 02-18-05 »
¤ Vertical scrolling downward working in game
¤ Mode 3 added to UpdateCol to add bottom row tiles
¤ Vertical scrolling upward working in game
¤ Mode 4 added to UpdateCol to add top row tiles
¤ Objects now have an onscreen check to avoid wasteful renders
¤ Second background sky2.png added
¤ Apples left behind bug fixed

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Eiksoft: Wii Flash Games

« First Entry »(Posted 2005-02-16)

This is my remake of the 1992 Epic MegaGames classic, Jill
of the Jungle. Written in Blitz2D, it features a built in
editor, online map sharing, and much more. The code is
designed to be flexible so that it can be used as a base for
any 2D platform game.

project started 02-13-05

« v0.10 »
¤ Added Noisemaker
¤ Tile select by mouse click
¤ Scroll wheel support in editor
¤ Sword cursor in editor
¤ Fixed scrolling
¤ Sped up bmpText
¤ Fixed UpdateCol
¤ title.ogg Music
¤ First mp3 sfx

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Eiksoft: Wii Flash Games