Worklog for Angus


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And yet more splines...(Posted 2011-02-19)
It's just carrying on. The editor is coming along fine. Splines and Msplines functioning correctly, now the gl canvas and the visible item control.

Is a long slog. More to follow.


After Extended Xmas...(Posted 2011-02-01)
...Spline define continues. Made nice scrolling, scaling spline displays and have a clear plan for how each part will work. Next comes control point adjustment gadgets. In my mind I'd like to have a screenshot of most of it by the end of the week. Har-de-har.


Spline Define(Posted 2010-12-13)
Is the stupid name for my Spline Editor, which is underway. It'll also become my font editor as the two programs share most aspects.

In fact I'll just make my spline editor allow you to do all of the things required to make the font textures that my text system requires.

It's pretty slow going, but I've decided the general layout. I need to edit basic splines, transformed splines, multi-splines and visible slpines. The visible splines are defined by multi-splines, which are comprised of transformed splines which expand on simple splines. What a palaver.

Or so it seemed when I started thinking about it, but now I'm much more comfortable. Doing it this way allows me to base lots of things on a handful of pre-defined splines without having to re-calculate the coefficients.

For example a single smooth spline running from zero to one can be transformed to fit any transition between two numbers. And it can be added or multiplied into a multi-spline to alter that splines ultimate output.

It all may sound daft. It sounds a bit daft as I type it, but I'm pretty confident it'll be fine. And easily fast enough to have splines all over the damn place. The more I play with them the more I see ways of using them to make my game look and feel "modern", if you get my meaning.

Anyway, still no shots. Onward again...


Menus and Splines(Posted 2010-12-07)
The reason I started on all the spline stuff was the fact that I wanted to perk up the menu screens. Which, incidentally I did finish up to the point proposed in the "Ploughing through menus" post.

And the buttons do fly around nicely, but I wanted them to arrange themselves in pleasant curves. Hence all the spline rendering stuff.

Which has been nice to do. Though it's not quite finished yet. Sometimes the outcome of a piece of code is astonishingly close to the initial concept. Is so sweet when everything works pretty much as intended.

So now I have lovely flexible Splines, which I've been playing with wondering why I've never done this before.

One day I will post some examples of all this stuff. Soon.


More Splines(Posted 2010-12-06)
And are looking lovely now. Got quite a few optimizations to make, but are even now looking more than quick enough. A few more days of making them just right, then applying a few to the menu screens, then I'll post a screenshot.


Splines(Posted 2010-12-01)
Again, as the title suggests. Put together a spline type, partly from code archive code (by xMicky). Now spline rendering which should look lovely if I do it right. Am hoping to be able to have scrolling text stretched between two spline rails. If all goes according to plan...

At very least have nice spline drawing options. Lots of uses in special effects, but also for use in font rendering program. Which will probably be started once spline rendering is done.

Apart from rendering, I forsee lots of uses for splines in creating natural movements and scaling for my non-Box2D objects.

Mainly I just want to see if I'll be able to render realistic looking sparks with my splines. Which means back to work.


Ploughing through menus(Posted 2010-11-26)
As the title suggests. This bit doesn't require learning more about BMax, OpenGL or Box2D. It's just going through the logic. What needs to happen, when and how. The code hasn't been runnable for a couple of days.

I'm just going to go through most of the whole menu system: The opening screen, the player creation screen, the player selection screen and the game selection and score screen. I'll do all of this before I try to run it. Is this wierd?

So lots of code, then about 30 or 40 runs as the compiler informs me of my spelling and syntax errors, then another few days spent arranging buttons and everything just right. I find doing it this way fun.

Also, a comment about a shot in the Gallery: AR Art by jhocking. I'm a bit unsure, but does iminib3d mean I'll be able to use openGL or something simmilar with bmax2?

Would be nice. But I'm preparing myself for the possibility that I won't.



Nice and clean now. Touch wood.(Posted 2010-11-20)
Using my own vector class now and everything seems neat again. No leaks for now, but I suspect it was the process of going through the code to convert that solved the problem rather than my vector. I prefer my class though, so it feels it was worth the change.

Suspect that looking for leaks will require ceaseless vigilance. Not my idea of fun, but I'm happy for now.

Relaxed enough about it to finally get onto menu screen arrangements.

Edit - RE Delete()

It amazes me how little I know about some aspects of BlitzMax, even after using it since it's release. Makes me realise how much of my time spent coding over the last three years has been for the scripting system for a game that I was far from writing the front-end of.

I knew the outline of how OpenGL and Box2D worked and knew how I wanted to use them, but was slogging away on code that wouldn't run for weeks. In fact it doesn't run now. Anyway, it has stunted me in terms of the other things BMax does. Been pretty naive about OpenGL I now realise, but it's fun.

Will be able to return to the Platform project far more confident than I was.


Ok, I see about Delete()(Posted 2010-11-19)

Right. So I'm a bit more confident that the garbage collection is fine concerning Box2d. Is a leak somewhere in my own code. One day this will fail to suprise me. Will pursue over the weekend.


Menus and Memory Leaks(Posted 2010-11-17)
So I've defined my buttons and pointers and they all are working nicely, taking me to and from games just as planned.

But something's leaking somewhere. Flicking from menu to game to menu to game seems to be eating the occasional Ks. It's not completely predictable.

Nulling fields of items that refer to Box2D objects seems to have minimised the problem, bafflingly. I know I have to make the b2world destroy bodies but should I really then have to nullify fields that I hold pointing to their shapes? Even when the instance that holds that field is about to be nullified itself?

I also wonder if I should be destroying Box2d vectors... there's a delete method there, though I can't call it from Blitz. If I re-name the method, re-build the module, then be sure to call it for all my b2vecs, will that work?

Come to think of it, those vectors could be stacking up behind the scenes and the garbage collection wouldn't show it anyway... would it?

Above all, should I plunge into trying to find the answers to my numerous questions, or should I just start posting them to the forums?

Anyway, I have some avenues to explore and it's only a tiny leak. I can work on some other things while I ponder it. I'm going to think about getting most of the title screen menus laid out. Then define a few game styles. Also... sound! My least-thought-about thing.


Overall Structure(Posted 2010-11-14)
Overall structure happily in place, which is always fun. No actual title screens yet but once I've told it what a button is they'll be there.

Means that all currently defined item classes and resources behave in a pleasant fashion, clearing up after themselves when no longer required.

Feel pleased with my resource and item handling. Every time I write one I feel pleased with it, which makes me uncomfortable: I know the next one will be better. This time around I've the feeling that my overall item class should be shouldering some specific duties that I'm presently distributing to sub-classes. This niggle will wait.

But it should run in an adequately lean fashion just now.

And am using more of BMax than will be available to me in bmx2. Function pointers are just too handy sometimes. And OpenGL will be hard to lose, if I have to. But never mind! It's all fun.


A break from Platforms(Posted 2010-11-11)
My larger project ground to a halt for a while. It's still there in the back of my mind but loading sets of editor-defined custom types was doing my head in. The news about bmx2 made me decide to dust off an old, much simpler, game idea which might be suitable for all sorts of devices.

Making this game also forces me to come to terms with OpenGL and Box2d much more quickly, both of which are an inevitability for my larger project. This has been a great learning experience with which to return to my platform game shortly.

For the time being progress on this game has been relatively quick and easy.

The game involves controlling a spinning bat near the bottom of a tall "court" which contains a few balls. Other items may be in the court as well depending on the game type.

The vanilla game simply requires you to stop the balls touching the bottom of the court. Each time you strike a ball, your score multiplier increases and you get a score based on that multiplier. Sounds wierd, but with the onscreen display I think it becomes quite natural quickly.

I made version of the game before which though I loved it, I admit that the control system was pretty unnatural to say the least. I have amended this and think it's much better now. We'll see :)

So far I've written the underlying item control stuff for bats, balls, the court and backdrops, sprites and text in openGL and my collision listeners are there making sensible lists of what's hitting what. I'll post a screenshot when I find some webspace to put it in.

The text display was the last thing I made, and the last required before I build the overall structure: title, option, player creation and level selection screens. Once this bit (which is a bit I enjoy) is done, I'll make a few game styles to try it out.

Playing with the bat and balls in the court seems pretty good to me. Keeping them off the ground is fun, but making them crack against eachother in mid-air feels very satisfying. As I say, we'll see.

Am loving OpenGL despite some initial head-aches. And am ADORING box2D. My objects just look so sweet.

Anyway... next up: Titles and game-modes.