Worklog for Angus

Tower Platform Game

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Long time no work(Posted 2010-11-26)
After updating the worklog for KeePeeUp, I looked back at this and realised how far out of date it was! God.

Though it's on hold for now, this system has come on a long way since the last entry.

Gone is my own collision system. Much though I enjoyed working on it, Box2D just seemed much nicer.

And in has come the full scripting I was planning on. Complete with editor-defined custom classes with their own code and everything.

It's still miles from being a game, but I couldn't let this worklog stand as it was. Things are very different now.


A little demonstration(Posted 2007-10-14)
Here is a little demo of the collisions working, to demonstrate that they really are just about right. A few more adjustments and they should be perfect.

If you run it, sometimes you will see a circle pop outside of the area. The main reason for this is when a circle gets "crushed" between multiple lines. In a real game situation, this would result in a character getting killed or whatever.

I just used, for the first time, the first free file hosting service I could find. I hope it works OK. Here's the link:

Collision tester

Edit: The right mouse button quits the demo, by the way.

Most of the balls bounce. One follows the mouse pointer and slides. Holding down the left mouse button will stop it from following the mouse. This allows you to spring it towards the pointer quickly, to test lots of situations.


Yet More Collisions(Posted 2007-10-14)
Yes, a big change in timescale indeed.

After a break of about six months, I finally built up the courage to come back to this sticky problem. I was close to giving up and reverting to my old system, but a few hours spent diligently head scratching has bourne results.

The system now nearly works. It finds very fast moving collisions without trouble. It uses a non-iterative process for correcting the position of "pinched" circles. It seems to be pretty fast, and it's still in it's un-optimised state.

The process of building the whole thing was a bit of a fumble in the dark. As such, things got added in a very bitty manner. The code as it stands just now is not pretty, but with a couple more tweaks and a lot of re-organising, I think I may just have cracked it!

This is pretty good news for me, as it means I haven't been wasting my time.

Even if I find that the one or two remaining glitches are impossible to remove; I won't have been wasting my time, really. The thing about pinched circles could be adapted to fit my older, simpler system. It would mean that the old system wouldn't hit "crisis points", where the machine suddenly has to do lots of work to free a couple of circles from tricky potisions.

So anyway, I'm pleased. I've made a note of the changes that are required to the collision system, and am moving on for a short time. It's started to grate somewhat, and at any rate is working well enough for me to develop and test other areas.

My plan now is to try to get the appearance system working. That is, the part of the system that actually displays all of my moving, stretching, rotating scenery and characters. I forsee fewer problems with this system than I did for the collisions. I KNEW that was going to be difficult; the appearance system I simply SUSPECT of being difficult.

As always all predictions are subject to change, but I'll give my self a month or so to get most of the appearance system done. It's a very fun thing to build, in theory. It marks the point at which my game actually starts to look like a game, and also means that I get to draw pretty pictures as a distraction, then see them moving sweetly around my screen immediately.(sp?)

Assuming I get that done OK, I'll return to clean up some of the collision gripes.

I'm very pleased with the way things have gone over the last couple of weeks! Hopefully things will be more productive now that hillock is nearly negotiated.


Further Collisions(Posted 2007-02-26)
OK, so I said it was subject to change. I see now that the deadline has passed, and my collisions are not yet complete.

I am making good progress, though. It's just a matter of time before I've got the first runnable version of the code.

The problem with my old circle to line collision code was that it missed collisions between objects that moved too fast. I built workarounds for small objects, which were particularly vulnerable to the effect, by giving them "tails" which were lines, stretching along the length of their movement vector. If these lines crossed a scenery line, then a collision was detected. Hardly elegant, and it still didn't work in every eventuality.

Moving lines, as all my lines are, complicate the problem.

For my new version, after occluding impossible collisions; I'm left with a list of circles and a list of lines to compare with each. For each collision, I build a model that implies the movement of the line in the movement of the circle. The line is orientated on the x-axis of this model, and the circle takes a (simplified) path through the model. The path being the one travelled by the circle, through the frame, relative to the current line.

I've written quite a lot of this system, but hit some snags.

My coding style is such that I want to have a complete chunk of code written before I try and run it. Particularly when I've programmed similar chunks in the past, and so know the general structure, but want to change a lot of the details.

So although I've written quite a lot, I don't know if any of it works.

It was easy in my old version. It effectively looked at the level at the end of the frame and said: Any circle that is overlapping any line, move it to the closest point at which it no longer overlaps. Then repeat until nothing overlaps with anything. In amongst that there were some hacks for stuff like the tail mentioned above, and to avoid infinite loops when parallel lines squash a circle.

The upshot of the system was that the lines were two-sided as well. More often than completely missing a collision, the circle would end up colliding with the wrong side of the line.

I suppose that the problems with the old system could be worked around. This is a comforting thought, as the new system is still something of an unknown. I'm making a few assumptions, primarily about the "simplification" of the path of the circle that I make relative to the line. It's a pretty major simplification. I don't think it'll be a problem, but I wont know until the code is finished. It seems easier to code the entire solution than to test one full frame with a pencil and paper.

The new system should be much more solid. In fact circles should be able to move at any speed and all collisions be caught. Also scenery should be able to be flung around without skipping any collisions. The problems will occur when lines rotate at very large values each frame. Individual frames in which a line rotates by more than about 45* Degrees will miss some collisions at the tips of the line.

I'm willing to live with this. It should be pretty rare.

An upside of the system is that I can make lines one-sided. Which is very useful, of course, for a platform game.

The real thing that's been holding me up has been how to treat the ends of the lines in straightforward circumstances. Anyway, I've decided what to do and coded a lot of it.

So I'll give myself another couple of weeks for the collision detection. If it doesn't work out, and I have to revert to a modified version of the old system, I'll add another month.

I've just got to keep looking forward to the good stuff that's coming. If I get to see the collisions working using my outline rendering, it'll be pretty cool. Once I've done that, though, I can get onto the graphics system, and that means I can start drawing pictures. Which is always a nice diversion.

*Edit: This number is a bit of a guess. It's really the value at which I believe the effect may become noticable. In fact, the effect is always present. I'm banking on the belief (pretty firm belief, mind you) that it's insignificant at smaller angle changes. Only some testing will prove it for me. I can't be bothered doing a thousand sums by hand just to see if one hypothetical frame turns out ok.


What's happened so far(Posted 2007-02-01)
This is the latest "version" of my platform engine. Perhaps this time I'll have made it good enough to get the game added to.

-Created my "number" object.
Used to represent any value that can be accessed through the script system. Numbers can be set off on pre-defined paths, complete with smooth acceleration/deceleration options. A characters position, for example, would be represented by a "number", as will most values in the game.

-Created my "script" system.
Not really a true script system. Was planning to make the engine completely scripted, but it's too hard for me! This system allows the level designer to carry out commands conditionally. An individual script object contains a variable number of conditions (or none), an operator (and,or), a list of commands to be carried out if the conditions meet the operators criteria, and a list of commands to carry out if they don't. A bit like a big if/then/else structure.

An example of a script command is: Start Number (n) on Path (p)

Where the level designer specifies the number and the path. The script system will need to be populated with command functions as I complete further objects.

-Created my "node" object.
A series of objects arranged in a tree fashion. Each node contains information about it's own position, scale, angle and skew transformation. Each node also contains a flag to determine if it inherits transformations from it's parent, and a flag for each transformation to determine if it is included in the "family transformation". Using these parts, I can get loads of things happening to my scenery and objects. Am very pleased with it:)

Am currently working on: The collision detection system.

Have coded my "shape" object, which is basically a list of lines. Shapes are connected to nodes. A shape takes on the transformation ultimately applied to it's node. Shapes will generally be used to define scenery.

Have coded my "circle" object, which is just a radius connected to a node. Circles are tested for collisions with Shapes, and other circles. They will generally be used to define characters, pickups, bullets and other things. Individual Circles inhabit collision lists for the purpose of identifying which other circles are to be considered for collision.

My circle-line collision is to be an upgrade of the one I coded for Newplat (was on BC, now sadly gone)*. I've got a pretty good idea where I'm going with it, but it's hard thinking.

After collision detection comes my "appearance" object. Like Newplat, this'll consist of a list of maps, and like a Shape, it'll be connected to a node. Unlike Newplat, each map within an Appearance will be able to be scaled and skewed, not just rotated.

Estimated time to complete collision detection system:
Another 3 Weeks (DEFINATELY subject to change)

*Anyone have an old copy of the demo? I've completely lost it. It was coded in BPlus and I'm in BMax now, but I'd still like to see it again.