Worklog for Jim Brown

Worklog 1

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Image Packer + smPro + ImageMaster(Posted 2004-04-24)
Everythings done down.
Docs are in place.

All three programs are available as separate downloads.
Each zip contains a set of docs.
See sig.

Image Packer & SpriteMasterPro(Posted 2004-04-18)
Image Packer

Lots of changes/tweaks/bug fixes to Image Packer.
I'm getting some help docs together. The docs will be accessible from Image Packer via a separate HTML view window.
There is a new 'Fit image to frames' option in the animation options. This allows the image to be scaled so that it fits in nicely with the frame ranges.

SpriteMaster Pro

This has had a major work over. Much more open-ended and flexible than before. Works a shade faster as well.
A few more commands/functions thrown in such as:
GetPackedImage() - extract a 2D image from a pack 
LoadFontSet() - load/create a special text sprite 
SpriteText - set the string for a text sprite 
SpritesOverlap() - returns TRUE if 2 sprites are overlapping 
CreateSprite() - create a separate sprite 
LoadSprite() - load a separate sprite
ChangeSprite - Change a sprites image reference

The reason I call is 'Pro' is down to the big change in the way you access the sprites.

In the current SpriteMaster, you do this:
PositionSprite sprite,50,40
In SpriteMasterPro you now need to do:
PositionSprite sprite,50,40

Note: You only need to add the .smSprite when creating/loading/getting sprites.
See how 'PositionSprite' still looks the same.

The major benefit of using the type method is I can do away with lots of functions. You now have direct access to the sprite settings by looking into it's type stucture.
This gives a much cleaner approach:
PositionSprite sprite,Rand(40),Rand(70) 
RotateSprite sprite,Rand(360) 
DebugLog sprite\x ; sprites x position 
DebugLog sprite\y ; sprites y position 
DebugLog sprite\angle ; sprites angle

Still sorting the docs. Once that's done I'll be zipping both Image Packer and SpriteMasterPro together.