Worklog for Snarkbait

Worklog 1

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Over the hump...(Posted 2002-01-03)
As if I don't have enough projects that are 'mostly done', I am now mostly done with BZIP, a bb include that will allow you to use standard zip files for your media. I have the 'fixed huffman encoding' part done, now I have to start on the 'dynamic huffman encoding' part. It has been tough going, but I have learned quite a lot about bit manipulation. This will only UNZIP the files, you still will have to use winzip or pkzip to compress the files.

My progress has slowed down, however, thanks to the invasion of my house by The Sims, which I stupidly gave to my wife for xmas, and now my computer at home is tied up most of the time!!!

Happy 2002


several projects(Posted 2001-12-01)
I am currently using every bit of free time I can steal from my work, my wife and my kids to program several different projects in B3d/BB.

One is a full-featured tilemap editor for 2d platform/scroller type games. With multiple layers of tiles/objects, tiles of any size, user-definable variables (to store with the map file for things like # of baddies,points,etc.). This project will be based on my Blitz Boulders/'Rock Runner' map editor in the showcase. Project is on hold as I try to complete other projects.

Next is a fairly-uncrackable encryption program using an algorithm I came up with when working with Lee (Terabit) on the security of his PAK file routines. This is mostly done, but needs a GUI as soon as I pick which one out there I like best...

Third is SNARKTRIS 3d - a 3d version of, yeah you know that other program with the falling bricks... This one is about 50% done, but I need to re-write the collision schemes from the top. This is my only *potentially* commercial project. I've got some cool music my brother made with PRO-TOOLS to go along with this.

Fourth is the project I am currently working on the most, hoping to get it done in time for the xmas comp. deadline. This started out as a 2d side-scroller/platformer version of a popular "2 and 1/2 D" FPS, using mainly the original games graphics and sounds. But then I thought it would be even cooler to do it as a 2d-in-3d! So now, it's a 2 1/2D-in-2D-in-3d which I am pretty sure hasn't been done... if you have to know which game I'm talking about see my website...

Happy Coding, Everyone!
