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Conversion of old engine(Posted 2012-12-16)
I have found the BB3D engine to be much simpler than the old DX invocations I was using in Visual Basic 6. I am hoping for a fix for large mesh files.
I started out getting more than I ever had... Whole scene collision detection, rapid frame rate, crash-resistant UI, support for many features I wouldn't have attempted before such as reflections and shadows. Great deal. The product had matured a lot since I had seen it back in the 2000's.
I have gotten off to a good start with a skybox, weather, sun, moon, terrain map- didn't even have that before, had to load terrain as part of my scene.
I got translucency/transparency up, saw sprites and was delighted.
I got my camera and physics up.
I don't forsee any difficulty for completion except for DevilGUI implementation.
Would like to post this therapeutic game here.