Worklog for MusicianKool

oops(Object Orianted Programming Syntax) for blitz3d and other languages.

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OOPS to C++(Posted 2010-07-13)
Here is a close to final of oops to c++. Just need to figure out how to do dynamic array's and the rest will be up to the programmer.

Basic commands covered in methods and functions
if / elseif / else / endif
for / next
and / or / xor
while / wend
dim myarray[n] / dim myarray#[n] / dim myarray$[n] / dim[n]
class / field / method/ end method/end class
class foo:bar ;class foo inherits bar

Inline c++ code in methods and functions
[cpp] or [c++]
add c++ code here
[c++] or [cpp]

some limitations:
no multiple lines of code on a single line unless in an inline c++ code block. so:
if a < 10 then a = a + 1:x = x + 1: endif ; will not work!
it must be written:
if a < 10 then
a = a + 1
x = x + 1
This applies to all basic code that will be converted.

the local scope of variables in c++ are very different then that of basic. ie:
local I,J
for I = 1 to 100
for J = 1 to 100
produces 200 loops
its very different from:
local I
for I = 1 to 100
local J
for J = 1 to 100
produces 1000 loops

Do not apply values in the local statement ie(dont do this)
local I = 1, J = 100, K$ = "errrm"
do this instead:
local I,J%,K$,g#
I = 1
J = 100
K = "errm"
g = 12.123

an example oops file:

will be converted to this:

The blitz3d source for converting:

My Music
Mouse XY to 3D XY / Improved Perlin Noise 2D and 3D
HeightMapped GeoSphere/ Dynamic LOD(Level Of Detail)
Blitz3D Keyword Data List / Blitz3D like syntax to C++

OOPS to Blitz3D(Posted 2010-07-03)
Here is step one of a thousand with this idea.

Bugs: Not all comments are transported to b3d, not really a bug as it is I'm to lazy to put it in.

Limitations: Dose not support multiple lines of code on a single line. Can not do class within class. Fields can be privatized (all fields that are privatized are not inherited) .

Features: += -= *= /= ++ -- all work
Classes can contain methods and can inherit other classes of infinite scope. Methods can return the type they are working with by "Return This". Methods are called by the same means of other popular oop languages by "ThisClassHandle.ThisMethod()".
Methods can be privatized (excluded from inheritance)

Example of OOPS:

OOPS is converted to:

Source for converting OOPS to B3D:

Working on a OOPS to C++ converter. It's taking some time as I don't really know C++ that well.

My Music
Mouse XY to 3D XY / Improved Perlin Noise 2D and 3D
HeightMapped GeoSphere/ Dynamic LOD(Level Of Detail)
Blitz3D Keyword Data List / Blitz3D like syntax to C++

June 30,2010(Posted 2010-06-30)
I have had an Idea, not sure if it has been done before, to create a language that will convert to any other language. Like oops to C++ or Java but only in general syntax, you will still need to know the libraries and extensions for individual languages and you will also need to know how to compile them.

I'm sure the logistics of this idea would be immense but the final product would be sweet.

And damn it, Mark took my idea with monkey! well whatever not like i was going to get as far along as he did.

My Music
Mouse XY to 3D XY / Improved Perlin Noise 2D and 3D
HeightMapped GeoSphere/ Dynamic LOD(Level Of Detail)
Blitz3D Keyword Data List / Blitz3D like syntax to C++