Worklog for Zakk

Imp Game

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0.5(Posted 2011-03-04)
-Added a TLevel type and starting incorporating a Camera system from a previous project.
-Added a Delta type to implement delta timings, but right now it just limits the framerate in a crude way.
-Finally made myself figure out the Framework/Import bit.

<XtiaeN>: i wear my rollerblades while i hack games, for quick getaways

0.4(Posted 2011-03-03)
Fixed skull glitch, reorganized code and started adding explanatory comments.
Also added a TFaction type that doesn't do anything yet, and made it so that the skulls spin.

<XtiaeN>: i wear my rollerblades while i hack games, for quick getaways

0.3(Posted 2011-03-03)
A rewrite of an old game I made in BlitzPlus.
Clip of old version: 

Images for new version found here:

-sometimes if two bombs are thrown at the same time by different characters they will cancel each other out.

<XtiaeN>: i wear my rollerblades while i hack games, for quick getaways