Worklog for Zakk

Pocket Functions

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Color Functions Pt. I(Posted 2009-12-23)
HexColor is like SetColor, but takes a single hex value instead of three seperate Int's (this is the sort of thing that would work GREAT with function overloading).

'HexColor and Color Constants
Const COL_BLACK:Int = $, COL_WHITE:Int=1
Const COL_RED:Int = $FF0000, COL_GREEN:Int = $00FF00, COL_BLUE:Int = $0000FF
Function HexColor(rgb:Int)
	Local r:Int = (rgb Shr 16) & $FF
	Local g:Int = (rgb Shr 8 ) & $FF
	Local b:Int = (rgb       ) & $FF
	SetColor r, g, b
End Function

<XtiaeN>: i wear my rollerblades while i hack games, for quick getaways

Boolean Functions(Posted 2009-12-23)
Xor is a logic function missing in Bmax.

TrueFalse() is mostly for debug purposes.

Function Xor:Int(a:Int, b:Int)
	Return (a Or b)And Not(a And b)
End Function
Function TrueFalse:String(a:Int)
	If a = True Then Return "True"
	Return "False"
End Function

<XtiaeN>: i wear my rollerblades while i hack games, for quick getaways

MinMax and Swap(Posted 2009-12-23)
These are pretty self-explanatory

Function MinMax:Float(min_v:Float Var, max_v:Float Var, v1:Float, v2:Float)
	min_v=Min(v1, v2)
	max_v=Max(v1, v2)
End Function
Function Swap(v1:Float Var, v2:Float Var)
	Local temp:Float = v1
	v1 = v1
	v2 = temp
End Function

<XtiaeN>: i wear my rollerblades while i hack games, for quick getaways

Multiple Replace(Posted 2009-12-23)
This function lets you do multiple Replace()'s with just one function call :)

'Replace2 - can either replace a set of substrings with the corresponding replacements (if sub.length = with.length)
'	or can replace a set of substrings with the SAME replacement (if sub.length <> with.length, only with[0] is considered)
Function Replace2:String(str:String, sub:String[], with:String[] )
	Local n:Int
	If sub.length = with.length
		For n = 0 To sub.length-1
			str = Replace(str, sub[n], with[n])
		For n = 0 To sub.length-1
			str = Replace(str, sub[n], with[0])
	Return str
End Function

<XtiaeN>: i wear my rollerblades while i hack games, for quick getaways

Trig Conversion Functions(Posted 2009-12-23)
'Rad - converts degrees to radians
'Deg - converts radians to degrees
Function Rad:Float(degrees:Float)
	Return degrees*(2*Pi)/360
End Function
Function Deg:Float(radians:Float)
	Return radians*360/(2*Pi)
End Function

<XtiaeN>: i wear my rollerblades while i hack games, for quick getaways