Worklog for Galaxy613

Solarance: Procyon Council - Alpha 2

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Log 1(Posted 2011-02-02)
I finally get to start a devblog about --

This is a project I effectively shelved when I started to get my associates. I am now taking a break from school to work and finally revisit old projects and hopefully get them to an enjoyable state!

The game is inspired heavily from EV: Nova, but it doesn't mean I'm doing a straight clone of it. (If you don't know what Escape Velocity: Nova is...) No, I love all types of space games and I'm taking some basic ideas from EV and are introducing my own and from other games to produce something unique.

So what IS this game then? It is hard to describe, but it's a 2D-top-down space shooter with EV:Nova style physics. You'll be able to either trade peacefully, hiring fighter escorts to protect you along with other freighters to help haul your load. Or you'll be able to turn pirate and attack said freighters, appealing their will to live to tell them to drop their cargo. Even better yet, you'll be able to join the military and fight in the war between the two big factions. At least that's the end goal, but the point is to create a decently big sandbox with high replay value and PEW PEW LASER BEAMS! :D

Currently I'm the only one really working on this project as programmer/designer/etc., but I'm not alone. Friends have helped out in the past that still helps and I have been talking to my awesome music/demo buddy to get some space music going and I've been contacting some of my other friends to help with ship sprites and fluff. If you have an eye for spriting mechanical things like space ships and space station at these scales, or can create high res (that is, 1024x1024, 2048x2048 and up) planets and stars, I'll love to get in contact with you, but currently all of this is for free and is slated to be freeware. So I'm not begging anyone to come join but if this project interests you then you don't need to hesitate to contact me at Galaxy613@... or go to

That's the run down so far, enjoy some screenshots:

If you wish to try out the very early build, Click Here

That's it for now, I hope to have some real gameplay going before spring hits. But life is exciting right now so I'll keep on chugging and see how it turns out. :) Thanks for taking the time to read all of this!