Worklog for MadJack

Worklog 1

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Tank Universal(Posted 2005-07-06)
Since the last worklog

Lots of progress. Leaving aside the level development for a moment, there's been various gameplay improvements

Lots of general AI improvements and fixes. For example, stopped tanks from flipping end up due to collision failures, although still some probs on a level which goes from very low to very high with tanks being dropped (by transports), and falling through the ground. Further optimised pathfinding, general AI. Still not fast enough on big battles however. Hope BMAX saves my bacon here.

Demonstrated the worthiness of the AI to myself yesterday in that having cobbled together the basic geometry for level 16, I then placed two opposing hubs at opposite ends of the level, gave them dropzones, one starting tank each and away it went! The tanks each collected a gem, activated their respective hubs, the transports brought in harvesters and then more tanks, artillery and before long there was a ferocious battle happening! However blue lost due to not being able to get more gems from red and they were ‘derezzed’.

Charged shots. Both the player and the AI can 'charge up' a power shot. This adds an extra element of strategy in that any blast damage will cause the player/AI to lose the charge. I've also added skirmishers who like to swarm the player and stop him from charging by hitting him with weak but annoying shots (although if there's enough skirmishers they can destroy a tank/player.) It's also quite cool during an engagement to see tanks firing the big sparkly charged shells across long distance.

Implemented a basic power distribution function - the player can maximise either speed, reload time or shield regen but not all at the same time. So if the player maximises weapons reload, they can charge up a shot faster, but they'll move very slowly and make a better target. But this gives the player a better way to deal with tougher stationery turrets as well. (Though the player’s aim starts to jitter as the charge gets greater)

Beefed up artillery so that they are more accurate and more damaging, meaning the player cannot ignore falling artillery shells on the radar, except at his peril. Blast damage from nearby artillery shells will also cause the player to lose charge.

Bumped up heavy tank shell damage. Being hit by one of these can almost kill. Much more exciting now in trying to get in range of one of these things as they can fire across long distances.. But they are very inaccurate across distance – most of the time.

Further developed the interface, rotating rings make it obvious when a player is charging, can/can't fire, speed. Interface needs a few more elements but it's not too bad.

Behemoths. On level11, if a tank makes it to within close range of the enemy fort, then the enemy's team key is taken as 'sighted'. At that point, the sighting team will reform around their hub and await the airlift in of a 'behemoth'. Once 1-3 (depending on resources gathered) behemoths have arrived, the team's forces advance en-masse on the enemy fort. If their behemoths make it to the enemy walls, they will destroy them, allowing their team's tanks in to take the key.

This is working now, but is still pretty rough. Animation is a real problem – both my own dodgy skills at creating effective animations but also Blitz’s limited animation command set. One problem is that with such large characters, it’s obvious on slopes that their feet don’t follow the terrain. Obviously I can manipulate joints within the code, but it’s tricky. I’ve cheated on one kind of behemoth by having it drive around rather than walk. Still, the code’s working and it can be a real 'huzzah!' moment when your behemoths set too on the enemy fort, allowing you to slip in and steal their key! The flipside to this is that there’s still problems with units occasionally clumping and locking up. Also bug testing is time consuming in such an open play environment in that it’s tricky trying to recreate the conditions to bug test an intermittently occurring problem

The flipside of all this is that I’ve had to make some tough decisions. There’s just no way I can have everything I want in the game in a reasonable timeframe, polished, stable, website set up, Paypal established, not to mention converted to BMAX when the 3d mod becomes available etc.. So to this end, I’ve decided to split the game into 2, maybe 3 parts. Get part one out, see if there’s any interest and if there is, continue. This has made things much more manageable and means the end of the tunnel is in sight.

'I only have one rule. Everyone codes, no-one quits. You don't finish your game, I'll shoot you myself.'

Tank Universal(Posted 2005-01-23)
Since the last worklog

Essentially, have reworked the core AI, completed 3 levels to a fairly high degree of completeness + 2 others to a basic level, and am starting to draft out geometry and scripts for the other levels.

Took a month's break before Christmas (caught up with my gaming - Mafia, HL2, Vampire Masquerade, Battle for Middle Earth, Morrowind, Doom3. Enjoyed Mafia the best), and then spent 2 weeks after Chrissy pretty much overhauling the core AI. Solved a number of long standing bugs, the game runs a little faster, and it now does a better job of reacting intelligently at a local and global level. Tanks patrol, guard, manoeuvre to attack, attack in groups, sometimes slow to take a stationery shot, retreat if overwhelmed or shields low, will collect keys and take them back to their own hub, collect powerups and wait for lifters. Still a few problems and it can be tricky hitting the sweet spot whereby the AI will noticeably help the player, but not too much.

However, after playing the working code extensively, there’s still something missing and I think it comes down to the essential repetitiveness of shooting shells at targets. It’s a basic problem with tank games really. I can add different kinds of enemies and all sorts of power ups, bigger explosions, but a more elegant option would be the option to fire single shots, or to hold the mouse button for a ‘charged’ shot. This would give the player another, more skilful way to deal with distant stationery targets for example. The downside is that if the player takes a hit while charging, the charge is lost. Also if the player sees an AI tank slow to a stop and a glow form at the end of the enemy’s barrel, the player will know by making a hit on the target, he can disrupt the AI’s ‘charge up’, introducing another element of strategy to the action.

One focus I've been looking at over the last week, is forts. The idea is that as gems are harvested, walls are airlifted in and dropped around a team's hub (to guard against the enemy stealing the team's key). At present, an enemy will ignore a fort until it is completed, and then each wall segment is flagged as a threat and tanks are deployed against them, typically a lot of tanks. This presents balancing issues. The fort will have guns, but they can't be so powerful that the player should have no reason to move to defend it. Nor should they be so weak that the player is irked. Another problem, is that if the player has been expanding the team's territory aggressively, then the enemy will always be busy along its own borders,- it won't spot the fortress, it won’t have a full squad of units and so the player’s fort is effectively redundant.
Need to programme for a mass attack specifically I guess – but I don’t want it to be in too obviously a scripted fashion (e.g. if level_timer = ???? then do_attackfort() ).

Designed Gorgon - giant floating eye ringed by smoke and flames. As a minor detail, using a spherical map and entityblend, I've managed to give the eyeball a bit of a glass like appearance.

Added a simple glow to each frame render. Combined the glow effect with a very faint TV static pattern. Interestingly, by doing this, the screen now mimics the slight graininess of film. To my eye this seems to enhance the depth and detail of textured surfaces – so it’s an effect I’ll be keeping for the final cut.

'I only have one rule. Everyone codes, no-one quits. You don't finish your game, I'll shoot you myself.'

Tank Universal(Posted 2004-11-02)
Since the last worklog.

Spent considerable time working on the FPS portion of the game. Got 'em running around and firing at the player, stepping out from behind columns, running away. And then closed it off. A lesson in overreaching my programming and modelling abilities, I think. If the game is to be finished by next year's end, there simply isn't the time to do a FPS part justice. FPS's have been done so much better elsewhere, that anything I could do (modelling/AI/animation) would look/play like a dog's breakfast. With that in mind, I've dropped the FPS aspect in favour of focusing on Tank Universal's main appeal, exciting tank battles.

Have been working on the script for Level 3. The player starts in a tank at a far corner of the level. After activating a nearby hub, reinforcements start to arrive. The enemy has a fort with impassable forcefields. The player must first take on the fort's defences and enemy tanks, expand the team's area of control, and then drive down into a cave and destroy a powerstation (which explodes in a fiery plume coutesy of ParticleCandy). This lowers the enemy's fields and the player (and teammates) can move in. One aspect of the game I'm pleased about, is that your teammates are fairly effective - they can achieve some goals themselves and it's great (when pressed by the enemy and shields are running low) to be able to fallback and have friendly tanks give/take fire in your stead.

The endgame is that the enemy hub is still protected by an inner fort. At this point, behemoths are brought in. These figures need to be protected as they stride across the level (from your base)and use hammers to destroy the enemy fort walls. With the fort walls down, your teammates can get in, steal the enemy key, return it to your hub and it's level over.

This all sounds great but it is taking a great deal of testing and AI coding. Issues such as -

How distracted should behemoths be by enemy tanks? Surely they shouldn't just ignore them?
What's to stop a behemoth from following a tank into a cave and getting stuck?
How to stop a behemoth being deployed against a target that's inacessible (and thus wandering nearby around looking gormless)
Need to stop/slow the walk anim if have not actually moved. Anim timing in general.
Walls are long, a behemoth needs to be able to check for the entire length, rather than just the centre proximity in order to stike
Need to check for height of target and choose high/medium/low melee strike
Need to adjust anim for going up/down hills - due to size of figure, feet obviously not matching up with terrain.
What happens if all behemoths are destroyed before reaching the fort?
What about if the enemy manages to push you back, should their fort be rebuilt?
Should the enemy be able to launch their own behemoths?
Should behemoths be able to fight other behemoths? What would that entail? Blocking moves?
Need to add suitable footstep sounds.
Need to make sure behemoths walk to a postion on their side of a wall.
When should teammates be able to go to enemy hub? When 1/2/3.. walls are destroyed? Will this mean hub is always exposed?
If a forcefield has walls destroyed either side, shouldn't it power down?
When a wall's destroyed, the underlying A* pathfinding should be updated. But a wall that extended into unwalkable geometry shouldn't make that geometry walkable when destroyed.
If you manage to get the enemy key, and you've previously wiped out the enemy, what could be done to make the drive to your own hub a bit more exciting?
Should behemoths be able to pick up keys?

Other issues;

Collsion failure - occasionally, tanks flip up as one or more of their collision pivots fail and fall through the terrain mesh. I see the latest Blitz update has something about this (live in hope)
Occasional traffic jams - sometimes (particularly in the cave) 3 or more tanks will become locked against each other. I have code that should stop this, but it's not working 100%
Firing at a ghost - odd, intermittant one this - occasionally every bloody gun on the level turns towards 0,0,0 and starts firing continuously. Trouble is, it doesn't always happen so haven't got to grips with it yet. Suspect it's some old code causing trouble in AI_updatereports()
Speed - with particle fx and many units, framerates are starting to chug, and this on an Athon64. Problem, obviously. Have done some optimisation - but really waiting for Blitzmax and either VividGL or BlitzMax 3d engine.

'I only have one rule. Everyone codes, no-one quits. You don't finish your game, I'll shoot you myself.'

Tank Universal(Posted 2004-09-29)
Have added various Particle Candy FX and it has really enhanced the battles. I'm much more satisfied now with the tank combat - it's a lot of fun and I think others will find it so too.

Part of the improvements made over the last month has been to enhance the tank models (skirmisher, medium, heavy, artillery). Skirmishers like to get in close, Medium has a longer range, Heavy tanks move slowly but fire shots that travel almost immediately to their target and can take it out with one shot (luckily, they're not too accurate). The trick with heavy tanks is to pound them and not approach them head on.

With all the new fx and tank models, I don't think I need to think about infantry, and I don't think it would have been feasible anyway.

Added forcefield barriers - permeable to same side teammates - destructive to others. Needs more work though, and need a power-up, power down sequence.

Transports airlift in fortress walls as and when enough projector gems are collected by their team.

Gems are no longer static. They're now little glyph like creatures who move and can be 'bumped' by tanks. Bump a glyph and he changes colour and can then be collected by a harvester.

Gem reefs are now more organic looking structures from which the glyphs spawn.

Upped the team entity limit from 100 -> 200. Was running out of free slots for bullets, explosions etc..

Transports now alternate between airlift dropzones when bringing in new re-inforcements. Previously just went to closest dropzone.

Added switches - very basic, check for same alignment when touched, action must be written in to level_script.

Took a detour and drafted up half of level 4 - a get from a -> b kind of level. Level design is frustrating/time consuming. One thing's clear, simpler is usually better. Really, mocking up part of level 4 has been in response to my reluctance to tackle some tricky coding regarding behemoths and the fortress assualt AI, but I'm working my way back round to it.

'I only have one rule. Everyone codes, no-one quits. You don't finish your game, I'll shoot you myself.'

Tank Universal(Posted 2004-08-16)
Still working on it. Have come a long way, still a long way to go.

Managed to take a week off work recently and spent much of that time (after finishing off Doom3), reworking the AI and interface. Previously the LMB yawed the turret, while the RMB raised or lowered turret pitch. People didn't care for this. I've now freed up the controls and yaw and pitch are both affected by usual mouse movement. There's enough play such that the turret can be swung around quickly, but also accept fine adjustments when, say, bombarding distant targets. Additionally, the RMB will lock the gun in its current position, which is useful when you don't want to lose a good firing angle. I think this is a good solution - I guess a demo will put that to the test.

Tweaked the radar map display. Doesn't interfere with the info its displaying, looks better now and uses less objects - more multi texturing to achieve masking and map plotting. I still find it difficult getting the right combo of entity/texture blend though.

Added a turret direction indicator to help align the turret to the tankbase. Tweaked the shield display.

Bought Sswifts 3d gui library and although I've not fully utilised it, managed to easily integrate it with my message display code (which was previously drawing to 2d and losing framerate as a result). Will be using the arcbar function included in the library for a number of readouts. I had set up an animated texture/surface routine but will look at replacing it with Sswifts anibrush library. A good buy I think.

Am much happier now with the standard tank AI - firstly, managed to track down a bug which still had them veering into a wall (even at this late stage). Tanks are not super intelligent, but they will patrol, deploy against enemy sightings, attack when in range, fallback and regroup when outclassed/outnumbered, avoid coming too close but will come closer if supported by teammates, pick their targets based on threat value, launch shells from afar and try to keep on side with their teammates. They'll do some of the work for the player, but the player has to take a leading role.

Rather than rely on a player's wish to blow stuff up, I've also added 'projector gems' scattered about a level. On level start, the player picks up one of these gems, takes it to the team's hub and activates the hub. Two harvesters are then airlifted in. Harvesters are speedy, pick up gems and take them to the team's hub, but only those gems that have first been touched by a teammate (non-player tanks cannot pick up gems, only convert them). This adds an extra wrinkle for the player - touch gems and have them collected by harvesters. AI tanks will also convert gems. The more gems collected, the more units can be airlifted in.

Part of the backwork for getting harvesters up and running, was to insitute a unitlevel template which standardises which units per alignment are flown as re-inforcements and in what order.

At level start, each hub is situated in a fortress. But there's gaps in the walls. As gems are collected, walls are airlifted in, making the hub secure against other teams' units. However, if a team manages to collect 50 gems above what's been spent on replacing destroyed units, then 3 behemoths are airlifted in. These bad boys have one purpose, to advance on the enemy fortress and smash down its walls, allowing enemy tanks to get in and steal the hub key. If they get the key back to the hub, the team that has lost its key is destroyed. Behemoths are this week's focus.

One of the problems though is how to stop the player from ignoring any battleline and recklessly pushing into enemy territory all the way to the hub. Part of the answer to that has been balancing shield strength/damage and firing rates, adding defensive turrets and making the hub inaccessible. The other solution has been to institute a command radius which expands (or contracts) depending on the furthest a non-flying gun carrying unit is from a team's hub. Any targets seen beyond this radius, although they'll be 'logged', may not be deployed against. This works quite well as the player can 'push the envelope' and expand the team's command radius, leading to more units deployed and bigger firefights, but if a player moves too far beyond the radius, they're on their own.

On the other hand, haven't quite got to the epic battles I'm after. Part of this is that as the tanks continually move and weave, the battlefront is not well defined. May have to look at faking some basic kind of infantry.

Other stuff: bought Particle Candy - ripped out previous particlefx. Am waiting on a gui like candy designer before adding final fx.

Updated the editor to allow me to 'paint' A* walkable/non-walkable areas onto a level. Consolidated all of a level's entity and path data into one data file.

'I only have one rule. Everyone codes, no-one quits. You don't finish your game, I'll shoot you myself.'

Tank Universal(Posted 2004-04-26)
Since the last worklog;

A big part of my time over the last month, has been creating character assets for inclusion in level one.

Level one calls for Gorgon Troopers, a Commander, technician, civilians and a Big Blue Behemoth. Designing these characters has been hard work, not least of all because I've had no experience in character design and the large amount of time it takes me to get to a point where I feel at least slightly satisfied with the results, but also in trying to move TU's design forward. And my texturing skills are awful. But I'm reasonable happy with the results. The technician looks suitably insectoid.

I've sorted a system so that animations can have sounds/particle fx/entity creations attached to particular frames. So, for example, when the Behemoth swings his hammer, a thud sound can play, sparks can fly, a light can appear momentarily.

Added a 'head turning' routine. Nearby characters turn their heads to look at the player or other nearby characters. Amazing how effective this simple trick is at enhancing the AI's appearance (one small bug - occasionally a head turns 360 degrees. Need to fix that.).

Additionally they can 'chat' to other nearby stationery characters (if they're of the same class, alignment). To keep things simple, most characters don't have facial animation - being robotic, they have a 'mouth' that 'flashes' on/off in time to the speech. To process speech into numbers that can drive this, I found a small programme called 'Magpie'.

Tweaked and expanded the in-game texture flag handling. Bought Texturemaker to assist in creating animated textures (e.g. lava). Use this with Glueit to create anim texture strips. Cool.

Improved my editor. Can now place static soundfx emitters, particle emitters (need to upgrade the particle fx at some stage - probably particle candy), and lights (DX, vertex, lightmapped)

After deciding on a vertex lit level design, I had experimented with 'baking' the vertex lighting in Lightwave and exporting to Blitz. But the differences between what I was seeing in LW versus Blitz were proving too great. To this end, I can now place vertex lights in the editor, set them to cast shadows or not and render. Still some issues here. Vertex lighting can give 'harsher' results than DX, and vertex placement or low vertex density can give unexpected results.

The editor writes a B3d file (with vertex lighting), which is then loaded into the game.

'I only have one rule. Everyone codes, no-one quits. You don't finish your game, I'll shoot you myself.'

Tank Universal(Posted 2004-03-14)
15 March 2004

Oh God, the long haul to the top...

Spent time wrestling with playing and transitioning character animations - i.e. walking to running, aiming, firing, looped animations, single shot, different anim speeds. This was frustrating, with animations not being fully played out before the next or not being triggered at all. However, seem to have been sucessful but I feel B3d's anim controls may be a little on the thin side. I read others have had problems here.

The other effort was to have the enemy pitch chest/gun up/down to fire at targets above/below. Cheated a little in that I only pitch the 'chests' of entities, rather than their arms as well (to aim)- but from the player's point of view it doesn't look too bad. Had some probs with pitching the chest caused the gun to go 'off-centre', but pitching the chest globally seemed to solve the prob. Need to reset chest pitch when not aiming as entities look very silly running around still looking up or down.

Don't like being able to affect a bone only after the updateworld.

Set up a footstep sound routine, using Halo's donated footstep sounds. Thanks Halo - very useful. May need to do a little audio distortion to make them sound more 'rezzy'.

Spent the weekend thinking about and mocking up a 'secondary fire' function for the FPS part of TU. When on foot, the player can tap the RMB and the 'gun' drops from view and the left hand comes up holding a sort of heavy plate emitting a translucent shield. The idea here is that the shield can reflect shots and also deliver a powerful melee strike (if an enemy is near). This needs a great deal more polish and I need to let the player know when the shield is almost depleted. Want to give the player more options than just shooting. A final addition to the player control will be a rocket pack for short hops.

Other problems to solve; two infantry units occasionally 'doing a waltz', as they try to get around each other. Or falling off a wall and then trying to walk into wall to reach previous postion. Not shifting position quickly enough when pursuing player.

Also need to set up a melee routine for when two enemy units get close enough.

Need to 'pump up' the firefights. Not very exciting at present. I need to expand the set of animations used and also properly set up a demo scenario where infantry uses cover effectively. They also don't seem to be firing as many rounds per salvo as quickly as they should be. May need to speed up their movement rate. Also give more evidence of their working together.

Also need to replace the atrocious laser sound which quickly grates.

'I only have one rule. Everyone codes, no-one quits. You don't finish your game, I'll shoot you myself.'

Tank Universal(Posted 2004-02-09)
Feb 10, 2004

Hi all

One step back, one step forward since my last worklog.

As I mentioned in the previous log, I've been busy designing level 1. This has been important in that it has helped define the game's overall appearance. It'll be the player's introduction to the world and so I've designed the level to give the player a rough idea of what's going on in that world - that it's a stratified society, that it's under some form of martial law, that it's an abstract place.

Then spent time looking at lightmapping options. If I'm going to be spending time developing level geometry, I don't want to throw it all away with sub-standard lightmapping.

Unfortunately, after a day of tweaking, I came to the conclusion that Lightwave (6.5)'s LM was not up to the job (with artifacting appearing in odd places and (predominantly, at seams). I then tried a number of others, and while Giles was the best of this bunch, I was unhappy with the final results for all of them - particularly in providing cleanly lit polygon seams. I then tried the beta of Luminescence3D, and this has given the nicest results so far, along with radiosity. The release of this program has been delayed till feb, but so far, this would be my choice of lightmappers.
(note:the website's kind of corporate cheesy)

Spent some time developing player control/animation with a rough set of animations I'd developed in Lightwave. Had some problem with 'juddering' when player came up against sloped polygon. I'm still learning. Player also able to get to places they shouldn't - need to add invisible 'caulk' polygons.

Player control also threw up another problem. LW directx files were not retaining correct pivot points for limbs, meaning directly manipulating limbs was destroying the figure . In a panic, I went back to LW and convinced myself that I could not get correct pivot points to export. Then I spent time, figuring out how to get a UV mapped figure out of LW into Truespace6.5 correctly. Once I had done this, I then spent time rigging a character in Truespace. I then went to bed feeling I'd accomplished something. The next day I ran crying back to LW as I remembered how atrocious TS's animation capabilities are. So, just for kicks, I re-exported a test directx file, having changed an overlooked setting, and sure enough, I got the correct pivot points through to Blitz. Doh. Part of the key here, was my purchase of Unwrap3d though, which is proving quite useful. Have to say, Truespace has been completely useless so far - the only possible use will be using its physics system for some pre-canned animations.

Unwrap3d has also proven to be a way to get skinned animations through from LW to Blitz, without problems. Blitztweak has been a way to set/tweak surface flags/properties as well (Unwrap doesn't seem to retain surface (full)brightness when exporting to B3d). Both useful tools.

The other block of work has been development of a final design for Gorgon behemoth, soldier and Commander.

With my LW problems out of the way, I've gotten to a final design on these three, and overall I'm pretty happy with them. Have brainstormed to compile a required set of animations, and am busy animating these.

Next up, plug these into the game code and further refine the animation system.

'I only have one rule. Everyone codes, no-one quits. You don't finish your game, I'll shoot you myself.'

Tank Universal(Posted 2003-12-14)
Been awhile since my last worklog, but this doesn't mean there hasn't been any progress.

As I mentioned in my last worklog, I've been developing an editor. It's in a very rough form, I haven't used any of the excellent GUI's available, it relies on simple keystrokes for input and the mouse, but it does allow me to load level geometry and place entities with flags. This utility has really paid off in terms of setting up test situations quickly.

The editor allows me to add pathfinding nodes, connect them and attach data in terms of the level of cover a node provides in 8 directions, and also store a separate action at each node, e.g. if an infantry unit is at node31, facing in direction 3, then it should step left to fire. Units can effectively hide behind a corner and pop out to fire a burst, or perhaps pop up from behind a barricade. I can also set patrol paths for units.

This makes it sound much more polished than it really is - I've developed a chunky, malevolent 'soldier' model in lightwave and have (very) quickly churned out a set of animations (but they'll have to be done properly). However, in terms of choosing 'taking the fight to the enemy', the AI's not too bad - takes advantage of positions providing cover, tries to stay 'on-side' with its teammates, will fall back if overwhelmed. It's not 100% smart, but it's getting there.

The big headache at time of writing though, is resolving infantry collisions. Although the level geometry will be spacious and simple, there's still ample opportunity for 2 or more units to become locked together and nothing destroys a player's faith in a game as much as a unit trying to blindly push its way through a wall. I've implemented logic that assigns priority and decides whether a unit should shoulder the other aside, or attempt to go round - but it's only resolving 70% of collisions so far and it looks ropeable. The handling/timing/blending of animations needs work too. Stuff like this is wearying as it's time consuming in terms of stepping through running code to see what's going on, but it's critical and has to work 100% or it could break a level.

In addition to infantry AI, I've been trying to further finalise the overall design of TU. I've redesigned level 1. It's a struggle to establish a coherent look with a minimum of time and polygons, that fits a backstory I'm still thinking about and in terms of what I can do as an inexperienced 3d artist working on it afterhours. I'm quite happy with the lighting and sky, but I'm still not happy with the geometry/texturing. I've moved towards the idea of an abstract world that's stratified in appearance (and society) and is based a little on the idea of a circuit board and the shapes of components that are found on the surface of circuit boards.

When I've sorted these probs, the next stage would be the FPS controls. An idea I want to implement here is a personal shield - a sort of fan that unfolds in front a player (the player can still be hit from behind though), is drained by enemy fire, the player cannot fire while it's deployed but can move about and can use it to 'swat' an enemy in melee range - I'd hope that this would keep the FPS side interesting and strategic.

If I can get to that point, then a demo might be in order to get feedback.

'I only have one rule. Everyone codes, no-one quits. You don't finish your game, I'll shoot you myself.'

Tank Universal(Posted 2003-09-15)
After a bit of a break with the demo release ('many a green isle needs be, on the deep, wide sea of misery/work') - I've started back into TU development (in between bouts of playing Steel Tide from Screaming Games).

First up has been an attempt to 'unifiy' my workflow, streamlining character animation, general mesh work, level geometry and UV lightmapping. Previously I'd been doing all sorts of things to get what I wanted, and there were all sorts of files and file formats floating around, utilities, along with snippets of code. Occasionally I'd clean out the root dir of C: and find I'd deleted some file called that my current code used and which I'd forgotten to rename and store. No good.

I had been using Truespace 4 & 6.5, one of the Blitz user developed lightmappers, + a few conversion utilities. Messy.

And Truespace just wasn't cutting it - too many crashes, too cumbersome I was finding for detailed vertex editing. No real transfer of surface data to Blitz. It's character animation is limited in control - I was finding it too time consuming just to sort a smooth walk cycle (I don't know what this new 'gamemaker' is going to be like, but I'd check out its character anim first before paying out). I had found a plugin (motionstudio) for TS that seemed to be the character anim system that TS should have had from the start - but I couldn't get an export to blitz from it, and there was no mention of export in the manual! This was typical of the sort of roadblocks I was finding in getting a workflow sorted.

I then purchased Halo's CShop3, or rather, made a donation to Halo's medical training fund as unfortunately I'm not one of the few who's system doesn't experience continual freezes with the software.

To cut a long story short - after testing out any number of utilities/workflows/plugins and finding drawbacks with just about everything - I've boiled it down to Lightwave for level and general geometry creation, + character animation +lightmapping. In conjunction with LW, I use Michael Reitzenstein's B3D Tweak utility, which enables me to set flags, name info and preview the result before import to B3D. I'd recommend that people check this utility out. This now seems to be a fairly stable workflow and I'm reasonably happy.

The last stage, is that I've been creating a level editor. Kind of tedious, but I've found it to be more and more necessary. As my codebase has grown, I've found that compile/loading times have risen and it's just impractical to hard code/tweak entity positions, flags etc within a level.

So the level editor can check the appearance of level geometry within the game environment, but more importantly allow for quick placement and flag setting for game entities, also set patrol routes for tanks (which use A* pathfinding) ,node pathfinding data for infantry (node data includes patrol routes, node connection data, directions from which a node provides 'cover', and action appropriate at node e.g. 'crouch to fire' or 'place gun atop wall to fire' ), and display other info such as scan range etc.. . It would also be nice to link entity attributes to some basic logic - e.g if 'level_timer > 300 and player is within 100 units range of xyz, then spawn entity class 7, sub_class 2 at xyz'

So the aim is to create the level geometry in lightwave, export to B3dTweak, load up in TUeditor, place entities, set flags/path, export to script_??.bb and run with game engine.

'I only have one rule. Everyone codes, no-one quits. You don't finish your game, I'll shoot you myself.'

Tank Universal(Posted 2003-07-16)
Have been taking a bit of a break from TU dev, mainly to rest up before making the descent into the hell that's known as 'character animation'.

My guide on this journey has been Truespace 6.5. He means well, but it has slowly dawned on me, that he doesn't always know what he's doing and so we've been taking a few wrong turns.

An example would be that I had hoped to be able to hunt down any number of existing BVH files 'in the wild', and 'plug them in' to my simple IK models to get the motions I need quickly. Optimistic I guess. But Truespace can't import BVH natively, and instead needs a 3rd party plugin which costs money (then again it's not possible to match up my simple segmented IK base model to a typical BVH skeleton so it's rather moot). However I had gotten to the point where I could import a BVH (although with errors) for a visual guide when posing.

Another example would be that it's not possible to copy and paste IK keyframes to achieve a seamless looped animation(!) - again a third party plugin's required here

In terms of getting a simple walk cycle down, it took a weekend to learn how TS works, and it's still a slow process. TS can be a bit buggy. so when something goes wrong there's always the doubt that it's not the input but the programme. I might be a bit of a perfectionist here - looking critically at animation in some games, it's actually pretty rough.

Feeling somewhat glum about all this, I was driving home the other day, when I considered the heretical idea of going down the '3d' sprite route. In other words, using sprites for most characters and perhaps 3d jointed models for only the main characters.

This would offer a lot of advantages.

I could move on from this sticking point and continue with the coding of AI, scripted events and movement. And although I'd be coding for sprites, there'd still be the possibility of tacking on model animation later.

It would simplify the coding/work required considerably and importantly, I could have large numbers of sprites on screen at once. Given that I've a hankering for large scale battles involving lots of tanks and troops, it's an accepted practice.

The downside is that from a first person view, 3d sprites can look lame - when close up (pixelisation) or when seen from an elevated viewpoint. However, good level design that plays to 3d sprites strengths (such as large numbers/lots of movement) could alleviate this.

Must get back to it...

'I only have one rule. Everyone codes, no-one quits. You don't finish your game, I'll shoot you myself.'

Tank Universal(Posted 2003-06-09)
How optimistic was my last worklog, still things are looking up again.

Although the first level was working reasonably well, when the action heated up, frame rates would drop away. At the time I put this down to my slow machine, but more so to an obsolete graphics card (MatroxG400), and figured that a vid card upgrade would solve the problem. And so in the meantime (before making the upgrade), I decided to add a second, much larger and more complex level to the demo. I also upgraded from 1.77 to 1.83 for the better sound and extra commands (such as gamma and hideentity improvements). Duh, but a necessary duh. Of course doing both os these meant all sorts of issues.

Firstly, I find 1.83 to be slower than 1.77, so a few frames were dropped there. Turns out the reason for the framerate drop was not the vid card though (which I upgraded to a Geforce2 MX 64mb), but the large number of linepicks being called each update, and the unoptimized code in general.

So with this now clear, I set about firstly adapting the driving and falling routines to use Blitz's collision system to keep entities on the terrain mesh. Tweaks and bug fixes aplenty, one of which being occasional collision failure due to mesh size. This meant that on occasion a tank would sink by one corner below the terrain - not good. The fix was to tidy up my terrain mesh in terms of optimising vertical extents and to implement some 'backup' linepick code which can be triggered if there's a problem, to keep the tank on the level. This means on occasion there is some juddering, but it's infrequent and acceptable.

An unexpected upside to using collisions was greater realism when vehicles crest a ridge and the front drops down quickly once the crestpoint is behind the centre of gravity - wish I'd implemented collisions from the start but its all been a learning experience.

The much larger second level presented new problems in itself. The first issue is keeping the action coming - avoiding long, boring treks for the player. This is where lifters are important. When a tank grabs the key from an opposing team's hub, then that team has reinforcements flown in and dropped relatively near the thieving team's hub. The result is that the player with a key in possession will meet unexpected resistance on the long drive back and then have to fight off the enemy while the key is drained by the hub.

Lifters were a headache - having them successfully navigate a varied landscape, pick up and drop off units sucessfully, handling other lifters getting in the way, going elsewhere if the initial dropoff is impossible (e.g. roofed area), flying relatively evenly across the landscape without excessive linepicking, dropped units not triggering the 'death by falling' routine and being properly reset on drop off and most importantly, not getting having lifters getting stuck or even on occasion flying up from underneath the terrain. Sounds simple but as a unit they have one of the largest logic blocks in the game.

Speaking of logic, in order to spread out the updating as much as possible, I instituted a number of timers so that routines could be updated say once per second, every 2 secs, 5 secs etc. By these vars I could be frugal with scanner map updating, vertex lighting etc.. and also AI scanning for enemies nearby, pathfinding etc.. The trick though is balancing AI sensitivity with update timing is a little tricky - for a big open level the AI updates can be quite long as long as the tanks are seen to be moving and firing off the odd shell from a distance. For more maze like levels, less responsive AI updating can be apparent as tanks are at much shorter range and can come suddenly into contact around corners etc..

There's still stuff to do - tanks caught by friendly fire sometimes turn on their teammates; tanks need to better check if a friendly is in the way before firing; if the player's empty tank is destroyed but the player is still on foot; then a new one's flown in for the player; the options panel needs gamma, camera range and shadowmaps controls; I need to create a clean install that includes only the necessary files; I need to investigate installers and pak file options; need to better handle explosion light/alpha falloff; and there's still the infrequent crash that I need to debug through.

Demo is on the way.

'I only have one rule. Everyone codes, no-one quits. You don't finish your game, I'll shoot you myself.'

Tank Universal(Posted 2003-03-13)
With the goal of a demo in sight and many of the larger problems solved (although one or two still to go), I'm really started to feel good about working on this project, and am looking forward to releasing a playable demo (and not a 'you can only walk around and shoot things so far' kind of demo as well!).

Keys are working quite well. Tanks will search out their group's key and bring it back to their hub, which then lights up and begins to rotate. With the lighting fx turned on this looks lovely. Periodically the level script lets the opposing teams know where the enemy's keys are and this ensures the tanks then come trundling down from their forts and mix it up (while aerial lifters bring in replacements).

If an enemy key is brought back to a hub, this represents a drain on that key's team and they will attempt to rush the fort to retrieve their key. Allow your key to be held by an enemy hub for too long and your team is 'erased' (with some suitable fx). A cutscene then sweeps the camera in to your (or the enemy's) empty fort, and it's game over.

Sorted events when the player's tank is destroyed. The player is placed on foot in an off-arena enclosure, with a single empty tank waiting. The player can see into the arena through a slot window. Enter the tank and the player can press l to summon a lifter. The lifter arrives and the player's tank is carried up and into the arena and dropped in front of the group's fort. The player must wait to return to the battle.

Still much to do - need to sort out an alternative to the many linepicks used for getting terrain height.
Need to revisit the interface to add some final functionality and sharpen up the map display.
I notice the fixed turrets don't seem to be pitching down quite as they should.
Add random powerups appearing in the arena - have the basis for powerups already existing.
Update the text message system to link to entity states (e.g. if message has had low priority but is now displayed, make sure its conditions are still valid for it to be displayed)

The next biggy (apart from the optimising), will be the sound sorting. At the moment things just emit sounds and there's no sorting - meaning sounds often cut out. Also need robotic radio chatter and messages. Should be good.

'I only have one rule. Everyone codes, no-one quits. You don't finish your game, I'll shoot you myself.'

Tank Universal(Posted 2003-03-01)
Some good progress over the last couple of weeks and I feel I'm actually getting at least within sight of releasing a playable demo. In other words, a demo that has gameplay rather than being a tech demo for the graphics.

Firstly, spent time on a bug hunt - I'd been ignoring the bugs for a while until their random appearances were meaning that I couldn't run the game for the length of time needed to test out some of the higher game rules. Went through and uncovered errors that surprisingly I thought would have screwed things up from the start. After locking those down, I'm getting no error messages (although as I speak, I've left the game running overnight to 'stress test' for bugs).

Added fortress geometry to the arena level, rather than 2 bare corners in the arena where the teams' hubs existed. Part of the progress here was finally nailing down how to match up the underlying x/y pathfinding array, entity placement, shadowmap and level geometry in lightwave. This is something I should have nailed from the start, but due to a mistake in my thinking, I was in slight error as to my level geometry placement, meaning that tanks would often graze the walls, or placement of entities would be 'off'. This is now fixed.

Have reworked the team hubs. They are now large columns within the forts that upon activation, emit a brilliant glow and slowly rotate. Looks lovely I think. The rule for captured keys is that a holding tank will now bring it back to the hub and drop it nearby. If a group's key is close to an enemy hub, that team will experience a progressive drain on their shields - indicated by a beam of lightning running from the key, to the bottom of the hub. If all team members lose their shields, it's game over for that team and they are removed from the field, along with their key. If a team has had their key captured or it's being drained, then all (deployable) team members are deployed to get it back, in other words, a desperate assault.

To get the above to work, spent quite a while on the AI. One of the problems is that if a tank is deployed against an enemy report, it will work out a path to the reported position and move along it. But if an enemy is in scan range it uses a 'bounding box' for in-range enemies to calculate its next goal. This is good for combat, but meant that if an enemy was in range, a tank might forget about powerups/keys nearby. Also, for a tank to be deployed against a powerup/key, I gave the keys a threat score. This was good in that tanks would then go to the powerup, but it was bad in that they might also retreat from the key in the heat of battle, or start firing shells at the key. Had to fix these problems.

Finally though, the next big problem is game speed. I plan to lock frames at 30fps, but with all the bells and whistles turned off, it's still struggling. The problem is linepicking the terrain mesh for height/pitch/roll data, and also the many entityvisibles for the AI. I've been advised I should ration the entityvisibles, but I'm not willing to 'dumb down' the AI by limiting its data checking, and for a tank game, entityvisible is important for intelligent manouevering and firing solutions.
I think I'm going to take a brute approach therefore, and precalculate the heights covering the playarea and store them in a bank. There can be two banks - one contains just the terrain (mesh) height - the other contains terrain/walls/building height data. By checking values in the bank/s, it should be possible to see if an obstruction(higher elevation) is present between two points.

The game needs to be speedy on my current PC (as a minimum spec P3 660mhz, Matrox G400), so I need to sort this out now for if I upgrade my pc, as I'm planning to do, I may not be as motivated to optimise.

'I only have one rule. Everyone codes, no-one quits. You don't finish your game, I'll shoot you myself.'

Tank Universal(Posted 2003-02-05)
The sheer learning curve of character animation was getting me down. Also the fact that remaining bugs in the vehicular side of things are still coming up and biting me in the ass did not help. How much better I would feel (I reasoned), if all those tweaks to lighting, interface, control etc.. were done, and what would be the best way to motivate me to tidy all these things up before diving fully into character animation?

Answer; a demo. I'm like the next coder- reading messages that people want to play your game is really the best motivational boost there is, but I'll be dammed if I'll release it bug infested.

To this end I've been working on a simple battle arena level (the more complex and scripted Chip City level will have to wait), and in this arena it's two teams, two forts, tanks, turrets, two keys and lifters that bring in replacements for the casualities. Get the enemy key back to your hub to win the demo.

The lifters were troublesome for an evening - they seemed to enjoy moving to pick up a tank, trundling to a destination and then repeatedly dropping and picking up the same tank. Or two lifters would go for the same tank and play tag. One unexpected side effect was that although a tankbase was immobilised while being carried, the turret could still track and fire. Tanks on the ground would open fire at an aerial tank while it fired back - probably need to fix that, although ground units should still be able to track and fire at an enemy lifter and carried tank.

Need to optimise again as well - I'm using linepicks for height finding, and also entityvisible for AI purposes, but these are just killing the framerate.

Other things to fix are preloading some meshes - sloppy programming from me has meant some meshes are repeatedly loaded for effects such as explosions, causing noticeable pauses - though the pauses are also due to excessive layering of blended images as well.

Also I've been deleting destroyed vehicles and then checking later for collisions. Result, entity has been deleted, Blitz crashes. Either I'll have to sort a mesh reusing scheme (which would be the best I suppose), or simply hide 'killed' entities for a couple of cycles and then delete.

Demo sometime in the next few months...

'I only have one rule. Everyone codes, no-one quits. You don't finish your game, I'll shoot you myself.'

Tank Universal(Posted 2003-01-20)
With the vehicular side of things working quite well, I've finally turned my attention to the art of character animation and pathfinding for AI controlled infantry.

Character animation; a bit of a steep learning curve. Spent hours trying to nail down a simple workflow to take an animated skeleton from Poser3, through Milkshape (which I'm going to have to register soon),into Character FX (which I'm going to have to register soon), where I could attach my own mesh skin and then export as a B3d (with correct scaling, animation retained,etc).

My first challenge was to sort a player_walk_while_holding_a_gun for the FPS section of the game.

Parenting the camera to the animation's 'head', resulted in motion sickness. The motion was not unrealistic, but what's realistic often conflicts with what's playable. After removing shoulder swing and any head pitch and locking the arms in position, I was able to achieve a much smoother camera motion that still portrayed a walking motion and importantly, matched the aim of the gun. As the player walks, the sights swing slightly, but not too much to make aiming frustrating, and the shots will travel to the screen centred sights.

The second challenge is infantry pathfinding.

For vehicles, the level is a 128x128 array on which A* is used for pathfinding. Each square is 32 units across. This is far too coarse for infantry movement, as I envisage situations where the player will either enter installations, or duck into alleyways where vehicles cannot follow, but AI controlled infantry can.

The solution is to use pathnodes - each node containing info about which other nodes are accessible from that node. The levels are large, so there needs to be separate node groups. The trick is to allow for infantry to use A* generally for movement within a level, but if required, hook into node pathfinding for areas inacessible to A*.

Of course beyond that are the other issues - troops should behave differently from tanks etc - need to find cover, support each other, perhaps rush the player, etc. And a nice trick would be for them to take advantage of lifters -flying platforms they could load up on, disembark en-masse at their destination.

'I only have one rule. Everyone codes, no-one quits. You don't finish your game, I'll shoot you myself.'

Tank Universal(Posted 2002-12-27)
Sat Dec 28 2002

The Christmas Holidays - the chance to do some serious dev, although the sun outside doesn't help...

With an example level thought out, I've been coding the functions such a level would need.

Firstly I've added flying 'lifters' - give them a target and a destination and they'll fly to and pick up the target and drop it off at the destination. These can be triggered by a script, but obviously it'd also be nice if AI controlled units could call for a lifter if in trouble.

Haven't coded for that (the AI calling in a lifter), and it points up a certain haziness I have had about the high level gameplay rules that can really greatly alter gameplay. Some of this though, is that it's difficult to know what works well or doesn't until all the gameplay elements are up and I can see how they go together...

But thinking about the higher game rules (apart from tanks shooting at one another), I've added hubs and hub keys.

Each team has a hub and each hub has a key. The player can pick up a key and take it to a hub to activate that hub. Any dormant units for that hub, will be activated. If no dormant units exist or there are not enough units, an airdrop may occur. Likewise, if an activated hub has its key taken away, all active units for that hub will become dormant and no airdrops will occur. However, when a hub is activated, it's surrounded by a force field.

But hubs and keys opened up a few problems. I realised it was smarter to create a generic inventory system, meaning any entity could collect and pass items to any other entity. Even a simple inventory system has a few wrinkles in terms of keeping track/dropping/using of items. Also, now the AI really needs to take inventories into account and needs to recognise items it can collect and use on the battelfield, or perhaps held by the enemy. One benefit though, is that destroyed tanks can drop inventory items - how this would affect play I'm still not sure as I haven't linked any entities to power-ups.

Hubs/keys/inventories throw up new problems in the gameworld - I had destroyed the force field around my team's hub when a teammate bumped against the unprotected hub, collected the key, deactivated the hub and so the teammate was deactivated as well (the player cannot be deactivated) If the player was too far away and this happened, it would simply appear that the allies had stopped working for no real reason apart from dumb AI.

With the importance of keys then, the team AI should strive to collect any keys available on the battlefield, target the enemy holding a key, it should defend its own hub, and if it can, target an enemy's hub shield, collect the enemy's key and then attempt to take it back to its own team's hub. But this should not be the main focus - I'm not trying to write UT with tanks. ;-)

'I only have one rule. Everyone codes, no-one quits. You don't finish your game, I'll shoot you myself.'

Tank Universal(Posted 2002-12-15)
Developing a full level, with which to play test the bulk of the game's features.

'Chip City' - a 3sq km platform surrounded by void, enemy fort on the western side separating a 'business district' from a lower 'docks' area. Inactive rebel fort is on the eastern side of the platform, central is an enormous 'energy tower' within an inacessible area.

Player arrives - explore/destroy a few enemy tanks/turrets to raise reputation.

Reputation sufficient, a friendly field commander is flown in. Player must meet commander at inactive eastern fort.

Player to retrieve key from western fort - can use a weapons upgrade down in the docks area, or find the rear entrance to the base and make a stealth approach, or attempt direct assault.

Return with key to activate eastern base - number of friendly units flown in. Player must help repel a small enemy attack.

Player asked to destroy database node in business district. This deactivates turret defences for an area to the south.

Defences down, player goes to southern conduit bunker - gains item/code for destroying doors/wall to energy tower compound.

Place charges at door - compound open - more allied units flown in. Massed assault on tower compound.

Player ascends stairs to tower, activates switch, turns tower from red to blue.

Player moves to northern 'broken bridges' area for pickup/ leave/finish level

'I only have one rule. Everyone codes, no-one quits. You don't finish your game, I'll shoot you myself.'

Tank Universal(Posted 2002-12-08)
Sometimes when there's so much done but still so much left to do, it's difficult to know what to do next.

Still, feel I've reached something of a milestone. Apart from infantry, all the basics are there - land/air unit movement, basic attributes (such as speed/acceleration/shield/reload time/battle range/scan range/no of bullets in air/etc...), weapons basics, arcing shell, laser bolt, beam weapon, artillery, and supporting ai, patrol/guard/deploy/attack/retreat/avoid teammates/support teammmates/choose target based on distance/priority/extent of nearby enemies.

This means customising a new unit should be a matter of building the models and attaching the right values rather than programming new functions.

So by creating a map with two forts with two opposing teams of twenty tanks, I was able to initiate a battle whereby a far ranging aerial scout spotted the other team, units were deployed and a battle ensued, with the winning team returning to their standard patrol when no other enemy was visible.

This is still a long way from a game though and I've needed to spend some time thinking about overall flow - what does the player need to do to progress through levels and what makes sense in the world I've created and what gives the player a sense of building on their power(ups)?

A number of variations I could employ;

The standard player gets from a to b and maybe has to fight/avoid a few units along the way. A variation is that the player has to negotiate something of a maze. Got to be careful here as there is a risk of frustrating the player - solving mazes is something of a throwback to the bad old days in terms of gaming I think.

Player gets from a to b but maybe has to visit a location or collect an item from c (in order to reach b) - classic 'get the key to exit the level'. Again the player shouldn't feel that the key collecting is illogical or stems from a lack of imagination on the part of the author.

A variation on the above is where the item is well guarded by the enemy. The player may be able to deal with the problem themselves through either direct attack (perhaps by gathering nearby powerups to enhance weaponry), or through a stealth approach. A stealth approach may be on foot (FPS), or perhaps by giving the player the ability to mimic the enemy/cloak for long enough to get in/out.

The other option on the 'well guarded key' scenario is to help the player with AI controlled allies.
I have a couple of options here; I could simply set the two teams patrol routes to overlap thus ensuring a battle occurs regardless of the player. This brings up issues - why would the player then want to get involved? If the friendly team repeatedly gets beaten without the player's aid, what does the player do between battles? If the allies repeatedly get beaten, why do they continue to attack (unless they're stupid)?

Another option is to use distance - units can detect bullets within scan range and deploy against the firer. Distance could be set between teams such that if the player engages, the friendly team will see the bullets and come to help. Also, enemy units will pursue the player, so the player could initiate a battle by 'leading' the enemy into range.

Another option is to use a variable called 'reputation'. With a high enough reputation, the player could have a greater influence on an allied team's actions, e.g. patrol points extending to player's position, providing a shadowing scout or escourt, or simply that if a player engages an enemy, units are deployed to help.

Alternatively if a player's reputation reaches critical, the friendly team gathers and makes a massed attack against the enemy fort, in which the player should participate if the attack is likely to be successful.

In order to raise reputation, the player performs a number of 'quests' - perhaps an initial task could be locating a key to 'activate' an allied base and have friendly units flow in/materialise, perhaps a player just needs to visit a base in order to get the next quest. Lots of options here, particularly with multiple friendly bases.

To develop all this, I've decided I need a few 'proof of concept' levels, which 'showcase' the above and will help me to work out such questions as, what happens if all the allies get destroyed but the enemy still has the key(?) , etc..

'I only have one rule. Everyone codes, no-one quits. You don't finish your game, I'll shoot you myself.'

Tank Universal(Posted 2002-11-24)
Sunday Nov 24

Spent the weekend extending the modular nature of the turret firing code. Added a salvo reload time in addition to the single shot reload time - so that a turret can fire a salvo of shots, and then need a user defined period of time to reload.

Also set up flags for whether a turret should fire arcing shells, rapid fire laser bolts (ala Star Wars), or an instant 'beam weapon' kind of deathray. Need to add fx to the beam/bolt weapons - such as impact glows/sparks. Did quickly code a fuzzy line drawn on the lightmap mapped onto the terrain mesh, below a beam - gives the impression the beam is illuminating the ground - needs more work but looks ok.

The extensions also pointed up various weaknesses in my AI turret aiming code (which must handle both arced shell paths and straight line shots), which I've retweaked to a (relatively) acceptable level.

Rehooked up the bullet/beam damage code - immediately bugs aplenty as tankbases are deleted and parented turrets would also be deleted but not their pointers - rewrote the kill_actor() function to del with this - an entityexists() function would be most helpful though.

The final result was that I could have up to 20 tanks firing beams at each other and exploding into chunks - it's still rough but it's getting there.

'I only have one rule. Everyone codes, no-one quits. You don't finish your game, I'll shoot you myself.'

Tank Universal(Posted 2002-11-20)
Wednesday Nov 20

Hmm - if I didn't have to work and I could ignore sleep and the crushing realisation of just how much work is involved in creating a game...

On the other hand, what else would I be doing with blitz(?)and I think my ideas are sound and I'd only likely be playing games otherwise (;-)), so it's time to soldier on.

With what time I have had, I've been re-organising code. Not very exciting and the temptation is to let it slide, but it has to be done.

All entities now, even the mesh terrain, are 'individual' members of a group (up to 8 groups). The main loop consists only of two for next loops (group/member), and a select case statement (entity class), which calls high level functions based on the entity's class. These 'high level' functions have further select/case statements based on an entity's sub-class (e.g. bullet type 1,2,3 etc...). Interactions between groups are based on 'sightings' - any turret/searchlight/or craft can be given 'eyes' to make 'reports' on which other group members can act.

To set up a tank, the code looks like this;

group = 1:member = 1:class = 7 : sub_class = 1 ; tank base
x_setup = 650:y_setup = 0:z_setup = 300:pitch_setup = 0: yaw_setup = 0: roll_setup = 0
flag_grounded = 1 ; align to terrain
ob_parent = 0
ob_alignment = 1 ; 2,3,4 = neutral
flag_guarding = 0:flag_manned = 1 ; flag_guarding 1,2 = static guard
current_speed = 0
obj(group,member,15) = 1 ; player control flag

group = 1:member = 2:class = 8 : sub_class = 1 ; turret type 1
x_setup = 0:y_setup = 2:z_setup = 0:pitch_setup = 0:yaw_setup = 0: roll_setup = 0; local co-ords to parent
flag_grounded = 0; sits on tankbase
ob_parent = obj(1,1,0); parent is tankbase as spec'd above
ob_alignment = 1
flag_guarding = 0:flag_manned = 1
current_speed = 0
obj(group,member,15) = 1 ; player control flag

The advantages of such a modular approach are great, e.g. easily 'mix and match' different turret types (or other entity types such as searchlights) to different tank or fixed bases, have turrets/children being destroyed independantly of their parent craft. Allow for entities to parent/unparent and act independantly on demand..

The big downside (and one which I haven't really addressed), is overlapping collision spheres. A turret's collision radius, sitting on a flat tankbase, is pretty much contained by the tankbase's spherical collision radius which needs to be wide enough to avoid obvious clipping with other tanks/walls.

The other advance is towards 'teleportation'. I want to avoid the player ever seeing a 'game over' message (at least until the game is complete). This introduces a few playablility issues; the levels are 4 sq kms. Need to avoid the player cursing the game's author for forcing long (on-foot)treks after losing a tank. There should be a penalty for losing a tank, but not in playability. To this end, I've decided to dot 'teleports' liberally around the landscape. These are 'booths' that 'pop up' out of the terrain as a player approaches (on foot), and on entering they descend back into the ground (with the player aboard). Then begins a rapid ride through a network of psychedelic 'tubes'(which the player can control with the help of a map), at the end of which the player 'pop's up' at another location. By this method I hope the player will be motivated if temporarily defeated, to set out again and try different tactics.

'I only have one rule. Everyone codes, no-one quits. You don't finish your game, I'll shoot you myself.'

Tank Universal(Posted 2002-11-10)
Re-ordering the code so that all elements (including lights, bullets, tanks, infantry, searchlights, even the terrain) are handled in the same way - as members of a group, each member calling a script based on its class, its interaction with other elements based on its alignment - turrets and searchlights acting as eyes within the level.

Feels like going over old work - but the advantages in terms of streamlining development will be worth it. Still, it's a pain having to debug through all the odd/unexpected bugs that crop up. Blitz is fantastic in terms of dev time, but hard out bug hunting is still to be expected.

'I only have one rule. Everyone codes, no-one quits. You don't finish your game, I'll shoot you myself.'

Tank Universal(Posted 2002-11-03)
Nov 3/2002
Became somewhat sidetracked with tinkering and tidying up code - however managed to setup searchlights that can be attached to flying craft such as scouts. Looks pretty good as their searchlights play over enemy tanks.

Rather than create separate code for this fx which would further complicate my main loop, I've made searchlights objects that are created/updated in the same way as tanks i.e. as members in a group. This means setting up/updating searchlights can use code that already exists.

Having decided on this, I then realised that I could go further - I could make bullets/lights/turrets (all of which have their own update cycles), members of groups.

At present when a tank is updated, turrets are searched for and updated then. Bullets and lights have separate update cycles again. This can get a bit labyrinthine. If a turret or bullet was a member of a group however, it would be updated as members of its group are updated. When a tank is destroyed, I'd need to be careful to delete the child turret members.

Question is can I be bothered re-arranging my currently working code to suit?

'I only have one rule. Everyone codes, no-one quits. You don't finish your game, I'll shoot you myself.'

Tank Universal(Posted 2002-11-01)
Some good progress;

Added the first flying unit - an aerial scout that floats and bobs its way over the landscape, averaging terrain heights to avoid collisions. Shadows enemy units until needing refuelling, at which point it will return to base.

In ref to the above, added a user defined offset to the preset waypoints for a group, so that a tank can patrol eactly between waypoints, but a scout can patrol to a waypoint extended by a given min/max value.

The hope with having waypoints with offsets is that conflicts will arise that make sense, i.e. a scout flying beyond the normal patrol route, comes over a ridge and spots the enemy and units are deployed. Hopefully with this sort of idea the conflicts will be fluid yet have such 'randomness' within controllable limits.

The scout's not armed - but clamping a rapid fire turret on it won't be a biggy. The scout is vulnerable to fixed turrets on the ground. A nice fx, would be to attach a searchlight to the scout.

Upgraded the waypoints system to increase the number of preset goalpoints (from 4 to 6).

The waypoints now also include a second set of presets for entities set to guard duty(as opposed to patrol).

Added a guard flag to the setup_object() function - when set to 1 will patrol guard waypoints. When set to 2, object is static until deployed, needs to give way or an enemy is in range.

The static guard option is in preparation for sorting out artillery units. They should wait at a group's base at their initial set up position, until deployed. The threat level of a sighting report will need to be very high before artillery is deployed.

Artillery will be slow, nearly blind and of very low courage (but will assigned a very high threat level prompting the enemy to target/deploy against it), but have a great battlerange and can pulverise an area. They will need to return to base to reload (to avoid endless artillery fire) and once the battle is over, units should return to their initial setup positions.

'I only have one rule. Everyone codes, no-one quits. You don't finish your game, I'll shoot you myself.'

Tank Universal(Posted 2002-10-13)
After the daily tribs of work, there's just not enough hours left in the day...

Another set of hacked together cludges essentially, but ones that I expect to refine & debug down the line sometime.

It's too late to incorporate Vorderman's physics ode - have kludged a falling behaviour

Kludged a slide function for vehicles encountering a too steep a slope. I'm still in two minds about this though. From the AI perspective, wouldn't want tanks stuck forever trying to get up an impassable slope.

Drafted the frontend menu where clicking on objects within a 3d scene moves the camera and (will) open options. It's not really a frontend per se, but in fact a level in itself with different interactivity. This is where having taken a scripting approach really starts to payoff.

Sorted level changing (between scripts e.g., - i.e. clearing entities, textures, some variables and resetting as required. This is not as simple as it sounds - Clearworld is only part of the process.

Kludged an eject button - player can jump in and out of tanks (or be blown out). Don't want the player to ever see a game over message. First person movement instituted but problems abound here.

Wrote script and developed simple model for static turret with high rate of fire, which was quite fun (and simple using existing functions). Any tanks that come within range get smashed, but tanks can fire on the turret from a much greater range. However my target leading gun code is still inadequate.

Redesigned the interface -

Tweaked explosions. Tanks explode into a burst of chunks, sparks, along with a larger shockwave using Rob's environment mapped planet glow code. The trick with explosions of course, is to try and avoid obvious clipping.
The other idea here will be that tanks caught within the blast radius take damage, and if close enough, may be shoved off path.

I've been adding to this game for about a year now (since I received Blitz in Sep2001), and I'm still nowehere near finished. If you think your game is going to take a lot of work, you're probably underestimating!

Phil Jones
New Zealand

'I only have one rule. Everyone codes, no-one quits. You don't finish your game, I'll shoot you myself.'

Tank Universal(Posted 2002-08-31)
AI works well enough and have turned my attention to level building.

The levels are built from two main elements - a driveable floor and impassable walls. The floor is detected by linepicks with which to align a tank, the walls are set to polygon collision. There is an underlying x/z array for A* pathfinding.

My search has been for a method to quickly produce these two elements where the walls/floor fit together in a seamless way. Additionally, the walls/floor must fit with the underlying pathfinding array.

My solution has been to create a template grid in a drawing package, divide up the floor area and block in the walls. I then bring the floor and walls as separate elements into a 3d modelling package and raise/lower the floor and extrude the walls. Simple levels that I can develop further in the modeller.

The issue with the levels is that I'm trying to provide 'classic' game situations (e.g. a tank has just appeared across the canyon from you is lobbing shells while enemy reinforcements are bound to show up etc..) and while I want the level graphics to look good, I am just one person with limited resources. To this end, I've kept the level graphics/geometry simple and sombrely coloured - the idea being that the computer controlled elements/dynamic lighting/important areas should be in bright glowing colours to focus a player's attention. The danger to avoid is forcing a player to trundle through kilometres of drab world to get to the next interesting play element - that's where good level design and I guess a bit of story telling/character interaction comes in.


'I only have one rule. Everyone codes, no-one quits. You don't finish your game, I'll shoot you myself.'

Tank Universal(Posted 2002-08-21)
Unglamorous AI. Trying to avoid tanks rolling up to the enemy's feet or diving into the middle of an enemy group in suicidal fashion.

Essentially, each tank has a courage rating (based on shield strength, friendly units nearby, type of tank). If the threat is greater than a tank's courage, it will retreat. However a period of time must elapse between retreats - so if it is too soon for a tank to retreat or its courage is up to the job, it must attack (I had contemplated other options such as defend/escourt and may add these later - but so far retreat/attack seems adequate).

Attacking takes the form of drawing a 'bounding' box around the nearest enemies. The corners and mid-points of the box are offset by a battlerange for the tank, which is affected by its courage rating - higher courage, closer battlerange. Each corner is then given a score by such attributes as distance, whether the enemy is still visible from that point, height above the enemy, which point was chosen last time, how close the path would come to the enemy, whether a path is avaiable,etc. The tank will then move to the best scoring point. If the enemy comes too close, the bounding box is processed again and a new point chosen.

The tricky bit is making sure that what works for open plains, also works for battles within mazes. And furthermore that the AI provides a challenge for the player.

'I only have one rule. Everyone codes, no-one quits. You don't finish your game, I'll shoot you myself.'

Tank Universal(Posted 2002-07-27)
In an effort to avoid the headache that is AI, have spent time developing other (possibly easier) features.

First up, have dropped in the code that allows for blended light circles (on the terrain), and for simple shadow casting from walls. The entities on the level are vertex lit and combined with the blended light circles, very brilliant and striking lighting fx is possible. More work needed however on light circle radius, intensity and fade out.

Spent time looking into some sort of full screen glow effect for full bright surfaces. Middling results and slow frame rates - may re-investigate sometime down the line, possibly an 'advanced option' for power pc's.

Have redesigned the HUD, added a turret direction indicator to the radar display, redesigned the crosshairs to incorporate gun elevation, (and will be) tank pitch. Aim here is for clarity over visual gadgetry. Still need to finalise shield strength display- plan to allow user the ability to divert firepower to regenerate shield - adds an extra tactical wrinkle.

Redeveloping explosion fx - an explosion includes a mesh that expands and fades, particles, lightsource, and possible mesh chunks, need to sort so that template can be run for different explosion types.

Next target is a demo in next couple of months.

'I only have one rule. Everyone codes, no-one quits. You don't finish your game, I'll shoot you myself.'

Tank Universal(Posted 2002-06-30)
With pathfinding out of the way for the moment, have been spending time on AI, concentrating on unit behavour in battle.

At present each unit type has a number of universal settings such as top speed, acceleration, shells in air, reload time, base courage, shield strength,etc.. This helps define general behavour. In addition, each unit has a scan range at which an enemy unit can be detected, added to the sightings list and deployed for by the commander brain. Each unit also has an engagement range at which point, control is passed to the script for that unit type and allows for special behavours. Each unit also has a battle range, which is the preferred distance to keep from the enemy and which is based on a unit's courage - high courage, close battle range.

The problem is that although a battle range goes someway towards intelligence, in practice it means that units tend to run towards/away from each other whilst firing - not very exciting or tactical or intelligent. What's needed is an overhaul of the commander brain for more strategic deployment (flanking, stacked frontal assault), and greater interaction between units at the script level e.g. flying wedges, taking advantage of cover, 'crossing the t'. Then there's the issue of tactics within confined areas (such as a maze), versus wide open arenas...

Also, is it worth investing in an extensive AI, when the player is at ground level, and may/will not be aware of all that's going on?

'I only have one rule. Everyone codes, no-one quits. You don't finish your game, I'll shoot you myself.'

Tank Universal(Posted 2002-06-23)
Spent a day working with various methods for having vehicles negotiate around each other within the confines of a maze, without appearing too stupid.

After not much success, realised a simpler solution might be to add a value into the next 4 or so array positions that a vehicle's path would go through. the value would be based on the unit's importance, and if a vehicle found itself on a higher value square, it would need to move out of the way. This works quite well, but it also pointed out the importance of having a good block size in relation to the unit size, to avoid unnecessay and complicating collisions. There are still issues with two tanks moving diagonally and having paths that cross in the centre. If this happens however, a collision counter will trigger a path search and resolve the situation. Add sliding collisions between vehicles and maze corridors that are always two squares apart and even with huge numbers of units travelling in opposite directions, I've yet to see a lock up.

Some more tweaking needed here, but good progress. Next up, defining attack/defence behavoiur. At present, although a tank will retreat if outmatched, the only other behaviour is for tanks to roll up to each other and blast away.

A demo at some stage.

'I only have one rule. Everyone codes, no-one quits. You don't finish your game, I'll shoot you myself.'

Tank Universal(Posted 2002-06-17)
Haven't had a great deal of time lately, but have made some (simple) progress.

Have reinstated the routine that linepicks the terrain mesh height (at points). Linked that with a pitch/roll function, the upshot being that tanks now roll up/down slopes. An issue with what should be impassable steep slopes remain, but am holding off to see if a collision to slope angle option becomes available. Need to keep sliding collision.

The interface is now working well. With the addition of a deadzone and incremental turn rate, the user can slew the turret quickly yet can also finely control the aiming. The right mouse button will stop turret yaw (which is useful), and allow gun pitch to be raised/lowered. A marker is placed at the point of impact. This marker is not always easy to distinguish so the idea is to have the sights rotate when a hit is possible on an entity, and change color in response to target alignment/type.

The idea with the control scheme is to simplify the act of navigating/turret yaw/gun pitch. The direction of the tank is keyboard controlled (turn left/right, accelerate/brake) and to this end tank direction is independant of turret yaw - if you turn, your turret doesn't turn with the tank and so there's no temptation to use tank direction to aim the turret/gun.

Have been looking at the problem of the 'stacked canyon'. The game area has an underlying x/y array for pathfinding. A solution when a unit is blocked, might be for that unit and the unit immediately blocking its path to fill the surrounding squares with 'scores' perhaps based on unit importance, proximity to a path square,etc.. If a unit then finds itself on a square with a 'score' it would move to the closest, lowest score square.

Might work.

'I only have one rule. Everyone codes, no-one quits. You don't finish your game, I'll shoot you myself.'

Tank Universal(Posted 2002-05-26)
Have spent some time on the AI, and given that it's a tank game, this will need to be halfway competent. Making sure vehicles act reasonably intelligently is not such a simple matter.

Tanks patrol goalpoints. On spotting the enemy they'll add the sighting to a team's sightings list. The commander AI for that team will then set deploypoints for units based on the enemy number and types reported. Any remaining units will continue to patrol.

As a unit approaches the enemy, it'll make a basic assessment of the threat versus its own 'courage' (shield strength, teammates closeby, importance of the target,etc..). If the threat is higher than its courage, it'll retreat to the company of other teammates and regroup at its own unitpoint. Add to this an 'offside rule' - average the enemy's position and if a unit strays too far beyond that (in the x and z), then the unit's courage will fall.

If the enemy is out of sight but fires a shell that's visible to a teammate, the enemy shooter will be added to the sightings list - effectively gets around the issue of units not reacting to tank shells whizzing by and not reacting until they're hit or the enemy is in their field of view.

Also trying to break this all down into easy to use functions so that simple 'scripts' can be added for extra behaviours/units.

Wish me luck!

'I only have one rule. Everyone codes, no-one quits. You don't finish your game, I'll shoot you myself.'

Tank Universal(Posted 2002-05-21)
Have added a basic level scripting ability, although really it's another bb file using high level function calls. Allows for things like spawning based on area, switch to tracking camera using a lightwave camera movement dump, etc... This will be handy as the levels will be built in lightwave.

Began to think about flocking/formation for troops based on 'marchpoints', the idea being that every soldier has a marchpoint, but that if he comes close enough to another marchpoint going to the same goal, his marchpoint would become the new marchpoint. However couldn't quite convince myself of the efficacy of this and after doing some more reading, have decided there's a reason for this.

The reason is that I've been hard-wiring my AI. What I need is a high level scripting approach to the ai (like the level events scripts). Else adding new behaivours later could just be too much.

'I only have one rule. Everyone codes, no-one quits. You don't finish your game, I'll shoot you myself.'

Tank Universal(Posted 2002-05-12)
A lot of cludges, but also the working bare bones of the game. A thousand and one additions/bug fixes need to be made, not to mention basic content creation - levels, models, general graphics/collating soundfx etc..

But it is now possible to play the game in a very limited way - tanks patrol waypoints, deploy against enemies, pathfind through the landscape, track and fire.

Due to the long range of the shells, it's possible to blast away at incoming tanks from quite a distance. In-close fighting is quite exciting as the player has to dodge incoming shells, avoid obstacles and get into a good firing position.

Next 'kludge' is the creation of some sort of a scripting ability to handle events triggered by region/collision/deletion/time and to have events trigger further events depending on variables/conditions. Want to have a story develop - this will require in game sequences and also non-playable cutscenes (question is, when does a script file stop being a script file and might as well be a .bb file).

Have put off infantry movement, as I want troops to have the ability to march in long columns, scattering on contact with the enemy. I can tell this is going to hurt.

'I only have one rule. Everyone codes, no-one quits. You don't finish your game, I'll shoot you myself.'