Rebuilding because x has changed

Monkey Targets Forums/XNA/Rebuilding because x has changed

siread(Posted 2011) [#1]
When I build my app in XNA it imports every asset even when I change absolutely nothing...
Building mojo_font.png -> C:\Users\Simon\Dropbox\My Programming\Monkey Apps\New Star\\xna\MonkeyGame\MonkeyGame\bin\x86\Release\Content\mojo_font.png.xnb
  Rebuilding because mojo_font.png has changed
  Importing mojo_font.png with Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.Pipeline.TextureImporter
  Processing mojo_font.png with Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.Pipeline.Processors.TextureProcessor
  Compiling C:\Users\Simon\Dropbox\My Programming\Monkey Apps\New Star\\xna\MonkeyGame\MonkeyGame\bin\x86\Release\Content\mojo_font.png.xnb

With hundreds of assets it is taking around 5 minutes at a time. Any idea what I need to do to fix this?