quick question: win8 vs winrt

Monkey Targets Forums/Windows 8/quick question: win8 vs winrt

AdamRedwoods(Posted 2013) [#1]
quick question, and i couldn't find an answer anywhere:

whats the difference between winRT and windows phone 8?
can we develop for one and it'll work on the other? Can we develop for WP8 and it'll work on Surface tablets and Windows 8?

i'm tired of download SDKs from MS...

Rone(Posted 2013) [#2]
Hi Adam,

at the first touch, these new win8 sdks are little confusing, but really well thought out ...just lot of new stuff :\

But the documention is very good...
It is explicitly noted which platforms are supported, for each namespace and class...

winPhone8 sdk provides a subset from the windows SDK + special phone stuff...


The other thing that might be confusing, is the new C++/CX extension...


but minib3d+d3d11 is pure c++ without c++/CX

windows.networking, for example, makes use of the new windows component classes and c++ lambdas..


StreamSocket^ socket

auto hostName = ref new HostName(str_addr);

			auto val = socket->ConnectAsync(hostName, str_port, SocketProtectionLevel::PlainSocket);
			task<void>(val).then([this] (task<void> previousTask)  
				catch (Platform::Exception^ exception)


I'm wondering why Mark is not adapting this for full WinRT/WinPhone 8 support of brl.tcpstreams ?!

AdamRedwoods(Posted 2013) [#3]
awesome, thanks for the info!