Apps targeting largest amount of iOS device owners

Monkey Targets Forums/iOS/Apps targeting largest amount of iOS device owners

Waldo Reed(Posted 2012) [#1]
In order to do this I should pick an older xcode version than a newer one. The xcode version should support iOS versions as far back as possible up to the latest iOS version where none of the apps functionality has been deprecated. When I get to an iOS version, where some of my apps functionality is no longer supported, I should create a new app version to support the newer iOS version. And now two versions will be available in the Apple store. [Agree / Disagree]

It doesn't seem like the Apple store works this way. Different app versions are based on revenue approach and not iOS compatibility, why? And when apps are updated to support a newer iOS version it breaks the app for owners of older iOS devices. Why do you want to alienate your customers?

skid(Posted 2012) [#2]
It is extremely hard work supporting old devices.

They have very little ram, they have huge pitfalls for floating point and thumb support, and owners of such antiques can typically be the vocal minority that could ruin your reputation.

Worth the risk? If yes, then please make sure you test on lots of old hardware before you release.

But yes, if publisher supports certain spec, they should not change after initial release. But people can revert to working version, it is not the end of the world?

Waldo Reed(Posted 2012) [#3]
Not being an Apple/Mac person I know little of the kind of people that follow Apple technology. I found this article that explains it! It seconds skids point of view, where even large developers have little financial reason to support legacy devices. And apparently Apple/Mac people like to keep up with the Kardashians and will happily give up the previous generation for the latest one, not that Apple gives them a choice (given how fast Apple deprecates functionality!)

Lets say I have access to test on an iPod Touch 4 and iPhone 3Gs. The xcode version I should run may also depend on what iOS versions those two devices are running so lets assume the earliest iOS version that came with each. What xcode version would I start with?

skid(Posted 2012) [#4]
I think you may be mistaken regarding xcode.

If you need to debug versions running on older hardware then yes you will need older xcode, but you can test versions on older hardware using new xcode.

You need to make sure you support arm6 and arm7 in the build settings, you then need to register your old devices for development using the xcode organizer which copies required certificates, and then you build an archive version of you app and drop the resulting ipa file onto the device using itunes app.

You certainly don't need to build different versions of your app or use different xcodes to build and run your app on all hardware.

simonh(Posted 2012) [#5]
The newest Xcode doesn't support arm6 or iOS version < 4.3. However, using an older Xcode is not a good idea as you won't be able to target the iPhone 5.

The iPhone 3G is arm6 with iOS 4.1.1 maximum, so can be ruled out for development. The 3GS and iPad 1 are the minimum now.

MikeHart(Posted 2012) [#6]
I think the 3G and the Ipod 2gen is iOS 4.2.1, not 4.1.1.

Waldo Reed(Posted 2012) [#7]
I want to release apps that will run successfully on the following devices:

iPhone 3Gs, iPhone 4, iPhone 5
iPod Touch 4, iPod Touch 5
iPad 2, iPad 3, iPad 3 mini

At the moment, I only have access to test on an iPhone 3Gs and iPod Touch 4. What xcode version(s) do I need? What iOS version(s) does the iPhone 3Gs and iPod Touch 4 need to run? Thanks!

Waldo Reed(Posted 2012) [#8]
I found some information on some forums. I'm going to start development with xcode 4.5 and make sure my test devices are running at least iOS 5.