JSON RPC Module: Strange gc-problems

Monkey Targets Forums/iOS/JSON RPC Module: Strange gc-problems

maverick69(Posted 2011) [#1]
Hey monks ;)

I'm currently playing around and trying to build a JSON RPC Client Module for Monkey that wraps https://github.com/samuraisam/DeferredKit

Here is my code so far (please note that you have manually add the Classes-Directory to your xcodeproject):

#import "Classes/JSONRPCService.h"

class JSONServiceWrapper : public gxtkObject {
    void call(String endpoint, String method, Array<String> params = NULL);
    virtual void onDataLoaded(String response);
    virtual void onDataFailed(String err);

@interface JSONService : NSObject <JSONRPCServiceDelegate>
    void (JSONServiceWrapper::*callbackOnSuccess) (String);
    void (JSONServiceWrapper::*callbackOnFail) (String);
    JSONServiceWrapper *jInstance;
    NSString *response;
	JSONRPCService* svc;

-(void) call:(String)endpoint withMethod:(String) method andParams:(NSArray*) params;
-(void) onDataLoaded:(String) data;
-(void) onFailed:(String) err;


void JSONServiceWrapper::call(String endpoint, String method, Array<String> params) {
    JSONService *s = [[JSONService alloc] init];
    s->callbackOnSuccess = &JSONServiceWrapper::onDataLoaded;
    s->callbackOnFail = &JSONServiceWrapper::onDataFailed;
    s->jInstance = this;
    [s call:endpoint.ToNSString() withMethod:method.ToNSString() andParams:nil];


void JSONServiceWrapper::onDataLoaded(String response) {  

void JSONServiceWrapper::onDataFailed(String response) {    

@implementation JSONService

#pragma mark -
#pragma mark JSONRPCServiceDelegate

-(void) dataLoaded:(NSData*)data {   
    response = [[[NSString alloc] initWithData:data encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] autorelease];
    if (callbackOnSuccess && jInstance)

-(void) loadingFailed:(NSString*) errMsg {
    if (callbackOnFail && jInstance)

-(void) call:(String)endpoint withMethod:(String) method andParams:(NSArray*) params {
	jInstance->onDataLoaded("Start Call");
    [svc release];
    svc = [[JSONRPCService alloc] initWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:endpoint.ToNSString()]];
    svc.delegate = self;

    if (!params)
        params = [NSArray array];
    [svc execMethod:method.ToNSString() andParams:[NSArray array] withID:@"1"];    

Now here is a small example program that works:

Import horizon.application
Import horizon.faderbrightness
Import horizon.scenesplashscreen
Import horizon.zone
Import horizon.util
Import horizon.arrayhelper
Import horizon.collision
Import horizon.touchcontroller
Import horizon.zone
Import soundmanager
Import scenegame
Import scenemarket
Import jsonservice.jsonservice

Class JSONW Extends JSONServiceWrapper
		Method onDataLoaded:Void(response$)
			Print response
		Method onDataFailed:Void(response$)
			Print response

Global j:JSONW

Function Main:Int()
	Local app:Application = Application.GetInstance()
	app.SetSize(960, 640)	
	app.AddFader(New FaderBrightness)
'	app.AddScene("title", New SceneSplashScreen("gfx/title.png", 3000, "main"))
	app.AddScene("main", New SceneGame)	
	app.AddScene("market", New SceneMarket)
	j = New JSONW
	j.call("http://xxxxxxxxxxx", "ping", [""])
	Return 0

When I move the j-Object from global scope to local the app crashes, when it receives the callback:

Do you see anything strange in my code which I shouldn't do?