Why Drawimage is causing Bus Error on Iphone?

Monkey Targets Forums/iOS/Why Drawimage is causing Bus Error on Iphone?

pinete(Posted 2011) [#1]
Hi All,
I'm obtaining a BUS ERROR message compiling for iOS, after working around with the code, what is pretty simple, I noticed 'drawimage' is the one who is causing the error.
There exist some known reason why this is happening?
Is there something to avoid with this function I don't know when compiling for iOS??
I've tried samples and all goes fine, but my code doesn't work because Drawimage.

I forgot to say that HTML5 works fine :P.

Any idea?
Thanks a lot in advance ;)

GfK(Posted 2011) [#2]
Drawimage will fail if the image has not been loaded. make sure the image is in a folder called <appname>.data.