Detect Iphone Language

Monkey Targets Forums/iOS/Detect Iphone Language

Wagenheimer(Posted 2011) [#1]
It would be nice to have some code to detect the actual phone language!

Or there is a better approach to make multi-language games?

Sledge(Posted 2011) [#2]
If you wanted to do it "properly" then you would need to set up localizable.strings for each supported region in the XCode project then modify the source Monkey creates so that each string referenced the correct localized entry. >>Bunch of Apple info<<

Monkey would ideally generate and hook-in this stuff but cross-platform localization is probably quite chewy so I wouldn't bet on seeing it any time soon. I concur that, in the interim, it would be nice to have a Monkey func that could get you the host locale so we could deal with the issue in our own way at least. It'd be a kludge but more practical than having to comb the Xcode proj by hand.

Brucey(Posted 2011) [#3]
then modify the source Monkey creates


Sledge(Posted 2011) [#4]
It needn't be a *complete* nightmare, I guess. You could box your string definitions then they'd at least be in one place...?

Brucey(Posted 2011) [#5]
Personally, I'd want to do it "properly", rather than some half-ass mix-and-match cross-platform thing that isn't native on all platforms.

Each to their own, of course :-)

Sledge(Posted 2011) [#6]
Well that's what I'm saying. Box them in a Monkey class then they should be easy enough to locate and NSLocalizedString-alize in the XCode project. Is AngelFont up to handling Russian and Chinese (etc) character-sets or is all of this actually academic?! :D

Xaron(Posted 2012) [#7]
Has anyone tried this already? Multi language apps with Monkey?

siread(Posted 2012) [#8]
I do it this way (very loosely based on Brucey's Locale mod for Blitz!)

Function GetLocaleText:String(tag:String)
	Local str:StringObject = TLocale.mapLanguages.Get(tag)
	If str Then Return str Else Return "@"+tag

Class TLocale
	Global mapLanguages:StringMap<StringObject>
	' Need to load in tab delimited unicode file
	Function SetUp(lang:String = "en")
		mapLanguages = New StringMap<StringObject>
		' Load continent data as a single string
		Local file:String[] = LoadString("Data/Languages.txt").Split("~n")
		Local index:Int = 0	
		For Local l:String = EachIn file[0].Split("~t")
			If l = lang Then Exit
		If index >= file[0].Split("~t").Length Then index = 1
		' We now know which column we need to store in the map (index)
		file = file[1..]	' Skip header
		For Local line:String = EachIn file
			Local data:String[] = line.Split("~t")
			If data.Length > 1 Then mapLanguages.Set(data[0], data[index])

Then you just need all your strings stored in a UTF-8 tab delimited txt file (Monkey doesn't like csvs)...

Tag	en	de	es	fr
Tag_Language	English	Deutsch	Español 	Français
Tag_NationId	0	75	175	71
Tag_Translator	Simon Read	Guillermo Wallbrecher	Chléo
Achievement	Achievement	Achievement	Logro	Succès
Add	Add	Adicionar	Agregar	Ajouter
Add Friend	Add Friend	Freund hinzufügen	Agregar Amigo	Ajouter un Ami
Advanced	Advanced	Fortgeschritten	Avanzado	Avancé


Of course the user will have to choose their language at start-up but I guess if you could pull that info from the phone you could do it automatically.

siread(Posted 2012) [#9]
Double post.

maverick69(Posted 2012) [#10]
You can detect the language from the user settings on Ios like this:

Xaron(Posted 2012) [#11]
That's great, thank you!

Midimaster(Posted 2014) [#12]
sorry to awake this again. but at the moment I have to convert all my apps towards IOS and I need a couple of native functions. For language detection I found this link from maverick.

but I get an error when I try to integrate a cpp function into a monkey app


Import mojo

#if TARGET="ios"
        Import "Myios.cpp"
                Class Locale="Locale"
                        Function GetLanguageID$()="Locale::GetDefaultLanguage"

Class Game Extends App

	Method OnCreate%()
		SetUpdateRate 10
		Return 0

	Method OnUpdate%()
		If TouchHit(0) EndApp()
		Return 0

	Method OnRender%()
		Scale 3,3
		DrawText "V1",10,30
	 	DrawText Millisecs(),10,10
	 	DrawText Locale.GetLanguageID(),10,50
		Return 0


Function Main%()
	New Game
	Return 0

 class Locale : public gxtkObject
        static String GetDefaultLanguage()
                NSString * language = [[NSLocale preferredLanguages] objectAtIndex:0];
                return String(language);

As it is my first combination of cpp and monkey I do not know, if it is a bug in the code, or I missed something or ....?