Import external as files

Monkey Targets Forums/Flash/Import external as files

Richard(Posted 2012) [#1]

Currently i have a set of AS3 files i wish to import and compile them together with my game. The package is from an external game publisher.

The includes look like this:
import com.vendor.api.*;

Where should i place there .as files in my project structure?

From this tutorial i already got a lot of information, but they include an swf file. Should i also include an swf?

The vendor also supplied an .swc file. Can i use that?

Thanks in advance!


Never mind, i was able to solve this by adding the .swc file in the Flex libs directory and adjusting flex-config.xml


Then the import and building went smooth!

Earok(Posted 2013) [#2]
Just wanted to say thanks, the SWC solution you posted saved me a lot of time and effort getting Google Analytics for flash working with Monkey :)