ChannelState -1

Monkey Targets Forums/Flash/ChannelState -1

Dabz(Posted 2011) [#1]
Me again... How come ChannelState 'Always' returns -1 in Flash?

Doesnt matter what sound files I shove in there, it always returns -1!

Works as expected in HTML5 though (Untested on others)

Is this expected?


therevills(Posted 2011) [#2]
If all else fails... RTFM :P


Flash: ChannelRate does nothing.
Flash: ChannelState and MusicState always returns -1, ie: 'unknown'.

Dabz(Posted 2011) [#3]
Ah cack, my apologies.... Just clicked Home->Modules->>ChannelState while thinking that specific information regarding said function would be there.

So technically, it is expected and as a result, its pretty much useless in a cross platform sense... Nice!


xzess(Posted 2011) [#4]
In the actual Version 40 there are all targets supported, in fact there does not stand something about unsupported functions for several targets.

So my question: Does it work now?
Im trying to get SetChannelRate but it does not work with HTML5 for me