Flash Compile Error - A conflict exists

Monkey Targets Forums/Flash/Flash Compile Error - A conflict exists

therevills(Posted 2011) [#1]
*** Updated post some times creates a new post :( ***

therevills(Posted 2011) [#2]
I was converting some code and accidentely did this:

Super class and child class was created with the same members.


import mojo

Function Main:int()
	new MyGame
	return 0
End Function

Class MyGame extends App
	Field player:Player
	Method OnCreate:Int()
		player = new Player(100, 100)
		return 0
	End Method
	Method OnLoading:Int()
		return 0
	End Method
	Method OnUpdate:Int()
		return 0
	End Method
	Method OnRender:Int()
		DrawOval player.x, player.y, 10, 10
		return 0
	End Method	
end class

Class Player extends Sprite
	Field x#, y#
	Method New(x#, y#)
		self.x  = x
		self.y = y
	End Method
End Class

Class Sprite
	Field x#, y#
	Method New(x#, y#)
		self.x  = x
		self.y = y
	End Method
End Class

This is fine for Java(default visibility), HTML5 and GLFW... in Flash it throws the following error:

ERROR:C:\BlitzMonkey\code\MonkeyTest\flasherror.build\flash\MonkeyGame.as(1403): col: 15 Error: A conflict exists with inherited definition MonkeyGame.as$25:bb_flasherror_Sprite.bbx in namespace private.

	internal var bbx:Number=0;
C:\BlitzMonkey\code\MonkeyTest\flasherror.build\flash\MonkeyGame.as(1404): col: 15 Error: A conflict exists with inherited definition MonkeyGame.as$25:bb_flasherror_Sprite.bby in namespace private.

	internal var bby:Number=0;

Easy to fix... remove the duplicate members from the child class :)