Logon Screen

Monkey Targets Forums/Desktop/Logon Screen

ewancordiner(Posted 2017) [#1]
Hi everyone, just programming for a school project and to add complexity to my game I was told to make a logon screen. I was wondering if this was possible in monkey. To be able to create accounts, have them save to a text file and also load them again when the game is relaunched to make the users account more secure. Alongside this I wanted to save a number of integers to determine whether or not the user had already purchased certain items and also save their current score. Before I went into this I just wanted to know if anyone had done anything like this and therefore if it was possible.

ewancordiner(Posted 2017) [#2]
Also I was wondering if it were possible to automatically launch monkey, if there was an .exe file hidden anywhere in the build folder. I have managed to put together a logon screen on python that launches my file however it launches the IDE so not really the seamless game play experience I was going for ha ha!

Gerry Quinn(Posted 2017) [#3]
Certainly it's possible. The built-in save functions LoadString and SaveString are very simple so they will work on all targets, but if you look into the modules directory under BRL, you'll find that 'proper' filesystem functions are available for most targets including desktop. (That said, you can cram anything into a string if you want to.)

If you are using MSVC to compile, you'll find the .exe inside build/glfw3/msvc/release (or debug if not making a release build) I assume something analogous applies if you use a different compiler.

ewancordiner(Posted 2017) [#4]
Thankyou that was really helpful, just found it now :)