Pixels and acceration?

Monkey Targets Forums/Desktop/Pixels and acceration?

evren(Posted 2014) [#1]
Coming from B3D, where writepixelfast managed almost 16000×64 pixels at 60fps.. in Monkey (desktop not win8) you get at tops 16000×2 at 60fps.
Using point or rectangle primitive for plotting, image and rectimage are even abit worse.

Am wondering are there a hardware acceleration in B3D or is it a straight cpu thing? Is there as fast way plotting puxels in Monkey?

Also is there a way to have "setbuffer" and plot certain buffer in Monkey?

and lastly the smoothness is not as perfect there are aleays minor hickups in Monkey?

Jesse(Posted 2014) [#2]
did you try release mode?

evren(Posted 2014) [#3]

evren(Posted 2014) [#4]
Yes I did use the release mode. not debug mode. The fill rate manage 16000 8x8 (64 pixels) 60 fps almost. So THAT does match. What does that mean? Pixelplotting is incredible in locked buffer in b3d and terrible at images and vice versa in monkey.

How does b3d manage to plot as many freely positioned pixels? While in monkey you need to put them in 8x8 images and by that also cutting down the calls 64 times reach same level. (Minus perfect smoothness it jitters.

EDIT did a more accurate test an found not even that did it match B3Ds speed. Monkey allows pn same machine max 4000 calls not 16000 actions. 4000 32x32 - 64x64 tiles works. So it is very picky on the numbet of calls, lots of overhead.

how does b3d get away with 16000x64 individual plots at perfect 60fps? (Locked buffer writepixelfast)

Also thinking about fixing smoothness in monkey version but it's Monkey I think?