Mouse Behaviour

Monkey Targets Forums/Desktop/Mouse Behaviour

Raz(Posted 2013) [#1]
Hi all, it appears to me that a full screen GLFW app doesn't clamp the mouse coords on the screen. That is, you can end up with a mouse position of -1000,1251255. Would this be considered a bug?

Import mojo

#GLFW_WINDOW_TITLE="Mouse Position Test"

Class TestApp Extends App

	Method OnCreate()
	Method OnUpdate()
			Error ""
	Method OnRender()


Function Main()
	New TestApp

Raz(Posted 2013) [#2]
This behavior doesn't happen with XNA

dawlane(Posted 2013) [#3]
Change this
To read
DrawText(MouseX() + ":" + MouseY(), MouseX(), MouseY())
When I first run this code the text displayed is 0.0:0.0.
Then as soon as the mouse is moved it jumps to the centre. Which is where the mouse is placed when the screen switches to full screen mode.

I think this is a bug as the location of the mouse should be returned as soon as MouseX/Y is called.

It could even be an issue with GLFW.

Are you using a dual monitor setup?

Raz(Posted 2013) [#4]
Hi Dawlane thanks, before I move the mouse it,s at 0:0 but as soon as I move it it sorts itself out but i am still able to move the mouse WAY off the screen.

I am not using a dual screen setup.

dawlane(Posted 2013) [#5]
i am still able to move the mouse WAY off the screen.
Yeah I get the same thing.

Ha found out why it does it for glfw it's in the GLFW User guid.pdf section 4.3.4.

GLFW Users Guide API version 2.7 Page 18/39

4.3.4 Hiding the mouse cursor
It is possible to hide the mouse cursor with the function call:
glfwDisable( GLFW_MOUSE_CURSOR );

Hiding the mouse cursor has three effects:
1. The cursor becomes invisible.
2. The cursor is guaranteed to be confined to the window.
3. Mouse coordinates are not limited to the window size.

To show the mouse cursor again, call
glfwEnable with the argument GLFW_MOUSE_CURSOR:
glfwEnable( GLFW_MOUSE_CURSOR );

By default the mouse cursor is hidden if a window is opened in full screen mode, otherwise it is not

So it's not a bug. But if you show the mouse you get some weird behaviour when moving it the edges. Got to the bottom and keep dragging down and the mouse will move along the x-axis same thing for the y-axis as well.

Raz(Posted 2013) [#6]
Thanks for digging Dawlane :)

I'm sure there is logic to it, but I can't understand why? I guess I'm going to have to add my own layer for keeping a mouse cursor within the screen.

dawlane(Posted 2013) [#7]
If you haven't already solved it here's how.

Make a file named mouse.cpp in you project folder and add this code
void SetMousePos(int x, int y){
	glfwSetMousePos( x,y );
Next Make another file named mouse.monkey in your project folder and add this code
Import "mouse.cpp"
Extern Function SetMousePos:Void(x:Int, y:Int) = "SetMousePos"

Then just add to your main project file
#If TARGET="glfw"
Import "mouse"
And you can trap the mouse on screen with something like
Import mojo

#If TARGET="glfw"
Import os
Import mouse

#GLFW_WINDOW_TITLE="Mouse Position Test"

Class TestApp Extends App

	Field x:Int
	Field y:Int
	Field mx:Int
	Field my:Int
	Method OnCreate()
	Method OnUpdate()

		Self.x = MouseX()
		Self.y = MouseY()
		#If TARGET="glfw"
                If KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE) Then ExitApp(0)
		If Self.x < 0 Or Self.x > DeviceWidth Or Self.y < 0 Or Self.y > DeviceHeight
			If Self.x < 0 Then Self.x = 0
			If Self.x > DeviceWidth Then Self.x = DeviceWidth
			If Self.y < 0 Then Self.y = 0
			If Self.y > DeviceHeight Then Self.y = DeviceHeight
			SetMousePos(Self.x, Self.y)			
		#EndIF = MouseX() = MouseY()
	Method OnRender()
		DrawText(Self.x + ":" + Self.y, Self.x, Self.y)
		DrawText( + ":" +, DeviceWidth / 2, DeviceHeight / 2)


Function Main()
	New TestApp

If you feel more adventurous you could do away with using the monkey functions and just write your own code.