application compiler error only in GLFW

Monkey Targets Forums/Desktop/application compiler error only in GLFW

Jesse(Posted 2011) [#1]
I get an error when compiling in GLFW only it works fine everywhere else. I think it's a problem with monkey but I don't know enough to be sure of it. Maybe someone can explain it to me otherwise:

Import Mojo

Function Main:Int()
	Local list:List<wall>' = New List
	list.AddLast(New roundwall)
	list.AddLast(New arcwall)
	For Local w:wall = Eachin list
End Function

Class wall
	Field x:Float
	Field y:Float

	Method update:Int() Abstract
	Method render:Int() Abstract
End Class

Class roundwall Extends wall
	Method update:Int()
	End Method
	Method render:Int()
	End Method
End Class

Class arcwall Extends wall
	Method update:Int()
	End Method
	Method render:Int()
	End Method

End Class

this is the error I am getting:

/Users/ccs4/Desktop/monkeypool/ error: cannot allocate an object of abstract type 'bb_testlist_roundwall'
/Users/ccs4/Desktop/monkeypool/ note: because the following virtual functions are pure within 'bb_testlist_roundwall':
/Users/ccs4/Desktop/monkeypool/ note: virtual int bb_testlist_wall::bbm_update()

I am using v44 of monkey since v45 does not work with abstract yet.

muddy_shoes(Posted 2011) [#2]
Roundwall isn't implementing update. I'd say there's still a Monkey bug, because it should be flagging the issue at compile time (and also the fact that you're declaring abstract methods on a class that isn't declared as abstract).

Jesse(Posted 2011) [#3]
Ops! it's a stripped down version of my code which should have been update and render not display.

I think I screwed it up some where. Thanks.

Why I used display and update? I think I need a break.

and no it doesn't require to have the wall class to be declared as abstract it never did not even in blitzMax.

Vinians(Posted 2011) [#4]
Its happening with me and I deleted the GLFW folder in the build folder and and then rebuild, all worked fine.

Jesse(Posted 2011) [#5]
thanks Vinians.
The problem was that I had display instead of render in one of the classes and the only one that was catching the error as it should was the GLFW. Everywhere else it compiles fine. I raised a bug in the bug section. Lets see what Mark has to say.

the new Version of monkey has a different bug that has to do with the requiring a return for a prototype function that should NOT.