Is it possible to generate audio tones

Monkey Targets Forums/Android/Is it possible to generate audio tones

narcea(Posted 2015) [#1]
I notice Monkey doesn't have any tone generation capabilities. Does anyone have a workaround? Also can is there anyway to run execute an external program on Android?

narcea(Posted 2015) [#2]
I should add that I know I can play music files. What I need is the ability to generate frequencies on-the-fly and be able to sweep through them. I know it can be done in Java...

ImmutableOctet(SKNG)(Posted 2015) [#3]
You could technically use 'SetChannelRate' on a sample, I guess, but is there any particular reason you want this? You could also technically write your own external bindings to a module, if a module exists for this on Android. To my knowledge, the Android SDK doesn't have anything for this low of a level. You might want to just use pre-made samples, and maybe adjust their pitches using 'SetChannelRate', or something similar.

As for launching another application, here's a StackOverflow post about it. I think the current framework for Monkey just uses the "view" action via 'android.content.Intent' for 'OpenUrl', so you'll probably want to just write a quick external file to wrap the 'Intent' stuff (Or you could potentially delegate the class and its variables; could be problematic). You might also need to edit your manifest to request proper permissions.

narcea(Posted 2015) [#4]
I need to generate binural audio whereby two frequencies are played each on a separate speaker. The freqs will need to be able to be increased and decreased smoothly. I'll take a look at SetChannelRate thanks.

I planned to use the Diddy GUI but for some reason the Buttons crash the app on Android. I'll have to figure this out before moving on.

Samah(Posted 2015) [#5]
The Diddy GUI is very basic and is mostly for options screens. Once I saw some other fantastic GUI modules such as JungleGUI I decided to put it on hold.
You're welcome to use what's there, and if you can find any specific bugs I'll look at fixing them, but don't expect enhancements.

If you're talking about the Simple GUI, you may need to check with therevills. He wrote that part, although I'm willing to track down bugs if you find them.

narcea(Posted 2015) [#6]
Thanks Samah. I'm having trouble locating JungleGui. I found a Google groups page but it looks pretty quiet. Last update was a year ago. Can you point me in the right direction?