Building for Android Target - Help Appreciated

Monkey Targets Forums/Android/Building for Android Target - Help Appreciated

PoliteProgrammer(Posted 2015) [#1]
Hi All,
I'm getting a strange error when building for the Android target. See below:

"C:/Users/Polite Programmer/Desktop/Monkey v82b/bin/transcc_winnt" -target=Android_Game_(Api_10) -config=Debug -run "C:/Users/Polite Programmer/Dropbox/Monkey Project/main.monkey"
TRANS monkey compiler V1.80
'C:\Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
TRANS FAILED: Android build failed.

I'm running Monkey version 82b on the latest version of Windows 8. My Trans configuration settings are as follows:
ANT_PATH="C:\Program Files\NetBeans 8.0\extide\ant"
JDK_PATH="C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_05"
ANDROID_PATH="C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-studio\sdk"

I also use Netbeans, and I've built and deployed an Android app to my phone (a Nexus 5) previously, so, to me, this *should* work. Can anyone provide any advice or spot what I'm doing wrong?

Thanks very much,

therevills(Posted 2015) [#2]
Looks like the build process is having troubles with "Program Files", could you move your tools to a folder location without spaces.

PoliteProgrammer(Posted 2015) [#3]
Wow. I thought about using something like %20 to represent the spaces in the paths (didn't work btw) but never thought to move all my SDKs to a new folder without spaces. I tried it and it works a treat! Thanks therevills.

therevills(Posted 2015) [#4]
Glad it worked :)

It is strange though, as I have at least my JDK under Program files:
JDK_PATH="C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.6.0_35"

Maybe raise an issue in the bug forum.

PoliteProgrammer(Posted 2015) [#5]
That's probably a good idea. Bug report raised here:

ziggy(Posted 2015) [#6]
I have it on program files too and it seems to work properly