Android target on mac os x

Monkey Targets Forums/Android/Android target on mac os x

pit(Posted 2015) [#1]
Hi all,

I download and install the Android SDK on my MAc os X.
But when I restart Monkey, I still not see android in my available target...
Is there something to do in monkey after the installaiton of the SDK ?



Nobuyuki(Posted 2015) [#2]
be sure that you also have the java JDK installed and the config points to the correct versions of both of these. You may also need apache Ant to compile (not sure if this is a windows-only requirement)

nullterm(Posted 2015) [#3]
Java SDK, Android SDK, I think also Ant.

You also need to look in the Monkey application folder for the config.macos.txt file and make sure Monkey is looking in the direct directories for the SDKs.

I'm not sure if Android Native NDK is needed, I don't think I have it installed on my MacBook, but still runs just fine. Pretty sure Monkey only exports Java code, with a few small pieces as Native C++ code for OpenGL? I'm a lil fuzzy on that part.

computercoder(Posted 2015) [#4]
You will need a recent version of ANT installed to compile. Just make sure that if you install ANT anywhere other than in your HOME directory to set the ANT_PATH in the config (as shown above in null term's post. You will NOT need Java NDK.

You can find some more information in Monkey X's Help system. Under the HOME page in Help, select "Target SDKs", then "The Android Target". From there, you can see what is required for Android to work in Monkey X. It's a bit light on details, but at the least it does give the basic requirements.

You can also try SubZero's automated installer if you can't get it working.

pit(Posted 2015) [#5]
hi all

and first: htanks to everybody ! What a great community ! :-)

I have installed SDK, NDK and ANT
now when i Build the app in monkey, it's better
but finally build failed... :-/
here is the message:
[getbuildtools] Using latest Build Tools: 21.1.2
[echo] Resolving Build Target for MonkeyGame...

/Users/pierredurant/Library/Android/sdk/tools/ant/build.xml:542: Unable to resolve project target 'android-19'"

Any idea ?


k.o.g.(Posted 2015) [#6]
You must with the SDK Manager the SDK API 19 install

pit(Posted 2015) [#7]

as I already have API 21, is it normal to need also API 19 ?



nullterm(Posted 2015) [#8]
Yeap, building towards different OS SDK/libraries. Perfectly normal in Droid-land.

pit(Posted 2015) [#9]
Thanks nullterm

And indeed, now that API is dowloaded, it builds :-)
my little HD is now full since I added all the api for Android...

it builds but... it crash when executed on the simulator...
another problem :-)

nullterm(Posted 2015) [#10]
If you can, test on an actual Android device. Simulator has been hit n miss for me, and insanely slow.

MikeHart(Posted 2015) [#11]
it builds but... it crash when executed on the simulator...

Could also be that the casing of filenames don't match the actual file names. Android, like iOS, if case sensitive when it comes to file names.

nullterm(Posted 2015) [#12]
I'm not at my dev machine, but if you launch terminal/cmd session and use the following adb command, you'll probably find out more...


This might be more helpful:

Then run your app and you'll get console output (ideally debug build).