SetFrameRate doubling on first run?

Monkey Targets Forums/Android/SetFrameRate doubling on first run?

benmc(Posted 2014) [#1]
I'm seeing a strange bug on Android where the first time my app is run from a new install, the frame rate is about double what I set it at.

So if I put SetUpdateRate 60 in OnCreate, upon initial install of the app, it's as if it's running at almost 100+ FPS.

If I close the app completely, kill the process, and run it again, it's back to normal, running at 60 FPS again. I can't get it to speed up again UNLESS I uninstall the app completely, then re-install it on the device, then again, on the first run, it runs at (what seems like) double the 60 FPS I set it at in OnCreate.