How to import a 3rd party lib?

Monkey Targets Forums/Android/How to import a 3rd party lib?

Salmakis(Posted 2014) [#1]
Hey, if i want to import a 3rd party lib, with its own android.manifest, its own "res\drawable" folders and its own .jar file, how to do this?

just copy all of it into the android template im using? so the drawable and all will be copied? (not working)
anyone have done this?

i tried this:

but nothing happens, nothing gets copied and the .properties file in my build/android/ folder are still blank or only contain the keystore stuff, even when i modified in in the template folder.
well btw where is this build.properites and stuff talked about? :(

the .properties files i found there in android/template/templates are not "xml-lish" like the stuff that Rushino advice to add into the files, so it sounds strange to me, or i feel like those are not the files wich he talks about

anyone have ever done this successfull? if so, can you help me a bit? :(

therevills(Posted 2014) [#2]
For the JAR files, have a look at the brl.admob module: \modules\brl\admob.monkey

At the top of the file you can see code like the following:
#If TARGET="android"

Import "native/"


#ANDROID_MANIFEST_APPLICATION+="<activity android:configChanges=~qkeyboard|keyboardHidden|orientation|screenLayout|uiMode|screenSize|smallestScreenSize~q />"


Salmakis(Posted 2014) [#3]
ty, investigated this and it seems to work^^