Hitting "code too large" error - ideas?

Monkey Targets Forums/Android/Hitting "code too large" error - ideas?

silentshark(Posted 2013) [#1]
Hi all,

I'm getting a "code too large" error when I try to compile my latest project for Android. Looks like I'm hitting on of Java's hard limits - variables can't take up more than 64K

One culprit is an Int array which I use for storing level (layout) data. Basically, I have a monster array of Ints, which I then take subsets thereof for each level.

Global olevel:Int[]=[
1,1,13... etc.

One idea I had for saving space would be to use a Char type instead, but I don't think we have that in Monkey. Maybe I could use a String type, and write some code to convert the data on the fly.. any other ideas?


Rone(Posted 2013) [#2]
why don't use a textfile?

Jesse(Posted 2013) [#3]
does using 4 bits(nible) to store 8 nibles in each int work for you:


each digit represent a value from 0 to 15.

Jesse(Posted 2013) [#4]
something like this:

Function Main:Int()
	Local p:MyMap = New MyMap
	Print p.Get(1)
	Print p.Get(7)
	Print p.Get(8)
	Return 1	
End Function

Class MyMap

	Global area:Int[]= [$18141f1c,$41111111]
	Method Get:Int(n:Int)
		Return (area[n/8] Shr ((7-(n Mod 8))*4)) & $F
	End Method

End class

silentshark(Posted 2013) [#5]
Thanks for the ideas, guys..

@Rone - didn't know I could use external text files with monkey.. How can I do that?

Rone(Posted 2013) [#6]

@Rone - didn't know I could use external text files with monkey.. How can I do that?

supposed to be a joke??
if not:
1. create a text file in project.data
2. copy/paste your data
3. local data:= LoadString("olevel.txt")

And if possible, use a file per level.

I think monkey now also supports binary files on all targets using BBDataBuffer.Load...

silentshark(Posted 2013) [#7]
No joke, genuinely didn't know / never needed to use that before..the only external files I've used before are for grafix and sound.. Thanks for your help :-)

Gerry Quinn(Posted 2013) [#8]
Or just split your monster. May be simplest if you are not far above the limit and you have code to output level designs in your current format.

That said, using a better method will equip you for next time.

silentshark(Posted 2013) [#9]
Cheers, I'm going down the 1 file per level/ read in as needed at runtime route.. thanks, all for ideas