Character encoding problem

Monkey Targets Forums/Android/Character encoding problem

siread(Posted 2012) [#1]
Anyone know why I'm having a problem displaying non-Latin characters on Android devices? The text files look ok in the apk (UTF-8), but any non-Latin character gets displayed as an Ã. I'm using Ziggy's FontMachine.

ziggy(Posted 2012) [#2]
Yes! That's encoding. Android is using a different encoding, maybe one is big endian and the other little endian? The fact is that character indexes do not match letter indexes and this is usualy an encoding thing. Try to save the txt data file with different encoding (if it is big-endian, put it little endian and the like). Usually Linux (android) under ARM uses Big endian, while regular other uses are Little endian. You may use different enconding for Android. Let me know if it works, if not, I'll happily help investigating anything related.

siread(Posted 2012) [#3]
Ah, sorted. Big-endian. Thanks. :)

ziggy(Posted 2012) [#4]
Am I going to be able to play NSS in Spanish? :D

golomp(Posted 2012) [#5]
or in indian...

siread(Posted 2012) [#6]
Spanish, German, Italian, PT-Brazilian, Turkish, Polish, French and English. No Indian I'm afraid.