Blob Monster

Monkey Targets Forums/Android/Blob Monster

Loofadawg(Posted 2011) [#1]
Can't seem to get blob monster to work on android. Has anybody else tried?

matt(Posted 2011) [#2]
What's error?

matt(Posted 2011) [#3]
What's the error?

therevills(Posted 2011) [#4]
Maybe Loofadawg is getting this error:

Loofadawg(Posted 2011) [#5]
When it compiles I notice this

[apply] trouble processing:
    [apply] class name (com/monkey/bb_BlobMonster) does not match path (com/monkey/bb_blobmonster.class)
    [apply] ...while parsing com/monkey/bb_blobmonster.class
    [apply] ...while processing com/monkey/bb_blobmonster.class
    [apply] 1 warning

but here is the whole output.

Notice it says it was successful.
But the app on the returns me back to the app list. The HTML5 works great on the other hand.

Translating blobmonster
C:/Users/Frank/Desktop/Monkey/MonkeyPro/bin/trans_winnt -target=android C:/Users/Frank/Desktop/Monkey/MonkeyPro/bananas/monkeymonster/monkeymonster/blobmonster.monkey

TRANS monkey compiler V1.04
Buildfile: C:\Users\Frank\Desktop\Monkey\MonkeyPro\bananas\monkeymonster\monkeymonster\\android\build.xml
    [setup] Android SDK Tools Revision 10
    [setup] Project Target: Android 2.1-update1
    [setup] API level: 7
    [setup] ------------------
    [setup] Resolving library dependencies:
    [setup] No library dependencies.
    [setup] ------------------
    [setup] WARNING: No minSdkVersion value set. Application will install on all Android versions.
    [setup] Importing rules file: tools\ant\main_rules.xml


Total time: 0 seconds
Buildfile: C:\Users\Frank\Desktop\Monkey\MonkeyPro\bananas\monkeymonster\monkeymonster\\android\build.xml
    [setup] Android SDK Tools Revision 10
    [setup] Project Target: Android 2.1-update1
    [setup] API level: 7
    [setup] ------------------
    [setup] Resolving library dependencies:
    [setup] No library dependencies.
    [setup] ------------------
    [setup] WARNING: No minSdkVersion value set. Application will install on all Android versions.
    [setup] Importing rules file: tools\ant\main_rules.xml





     [echo] Creating output directories if needed...
    [mkdir] Created dir: C:\Users\Frank\Desktop\Monkey\MonkeyPro\bananas\monkeymonster\monkeymonster\\android\bin
    [mkdir] Created dir: C:\Users\Frank\Desktop\Monkey\MonkeyPro\bananas\monkeymonster\monkeymonster\\android\gen
    [mkdir] Created dir: C:\Users\Frank\Desktop\Monkey\MonkeyPro\bananas\monkeymonster\monkeymonster\\android\bin\classes

     [echo] Compiling aidl files into Java classes...

     [echo] Compiling RenderScript files into Java classes and RenderScript bytecode...

     [echo] Generating / from the resources...


    [javac] C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\tools\ant\main_rules.xml:384: warning: 'includeantruntime' was not set, defaulting to build.sysclasspath=last; set to false for repeatable builds
    [javac] Compiling 2 source files to C:\Users\Frank\Desktop\Monkey\MonkeyPro\bananas\monkeymonster\monkeymonster\\android\bin\classes
    [javac] Note: C:\Users\Frank\Desktop\Monkey\MonkeyPro\bananas\monkeymonster\monkeymonster\\android\src\com\monkey\ uses unchecked or unsafe operations.
    [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.



     [echo] Converting compiled files and external libraries into C:\Users\Frank\Desktop\Monkey\MonkeyPro\bananas\monkeymonster\monkeymonster\\android\bin\classes.dex...
    [apply] trouble processing:
    [apply] class name (com/monkey/bb_BlobMonster) does not match path (com/monkey/bb_blobmonster.class)
    [apply] ...while parsing com/monkey/bb_blobmonster.class
    [apply] ...while processing com/monkey/bb_blobmonster.class
    [apply] 1 warning

     [echo] Packaging resources
     [aapt] Creating full resource package...

[apkbuilder] Creating MonkeyGame-debug-unaligned.apk and signing it with a debug key...

     [echo] Running zip align on final apk...
     [echo] Debug Package: C:\Users\Frank\Desktop\Monkey\MonkeyPro\bananas\monkeymonster\monkeymonster\\android\bin\MonkeyGame-debug.apk

     [echo] Installing C:\Users\Frank\Desktop\Monkey\MonkeyPro\bananas\monkeymonster\monkeymonster\\android\bin\MonkeyGame-debug.apk onto default emulator or device...
     [exec] 	pkg: /data/local/tmp/MonkeyGame-debug.apk
     [exec] Success
     [exec] 184 KB/s (42813 bytes in 0.227s)

Total time: 11 seconds
* server not running *

Process Complete

Loofadawg(Posted 2011) [#6]
I checked the link and replaced the suggested line but still no dice.

marksibly(Posted 2011) [#7]

> class name (com/monkey/bb_BlobMonster) does not match path (com/monkey/bb_blobmonster.class)

Looks like a lower/upper case issue to me.

But I have no idea what you're trying to compile - where's the source?

matt(Posted 2011) [#8]
Source is here (linked from the App entry for Blob Monster)

Loofadawg(Posted 2011) [#9]
Thanks Matt.

@Mark: Not sure what's wrong. When compiling the source code for HTML5 I do not get that error but with Android I do.


Okay... I went back & poured over the code, and the culprit is the naming of the app class conflicting with the object class. One is BlobMonster, whilst the other is blobmonster. Now, these *shouldn't* conflict as the language is case sensitive(?).

To fix it, I renamed the app portion and references to "monster" and the object portions to "BlobMonster". Viola! I got a sea monkey guy swimming around on my phone. Too cool !!

Import mojo
Import monkey.math

' The overall Game object, handling loading, mouse position, high-level game control and rendering...

Class point
	Field x:Float,y:Float

Function MidHandle (image:Image)
	image.SetHandle image.Width () * 0.5, image.Height () * 0.5

Class BlobMonster
	'x and y coords
	Field x:Float, y:Float
	'speed, try changing it
	Field speed:Float = 1
	'number of nodes along the body, try changing it to 100
	Field segments:Float = 10
	'array to hold the points along the body
	Field tail:point[10]
	Field time:Float = 0

	Field blob:Image

	Method New(inx:Float,iny:Float,inimage:Image)
		x = inx
		y = iny
		'give the tail some coordinates, just make them the same as the main x and y for now
		For Local i:Int = 0 To segments - 1
			tail[i] = New point
			tail[i].x = inx
			tail[i].y = iny

	Method Update:Int()
		'time is a bit misleading, it's used for all sorts of things
		'here the x and y coordinates are updated.
		'this uses the following as a basic rule for moving things
		'around a point in 2d space:
		'this basically is the basis for anything that moves in this example
		'the 2 lines of code below make the monster move around, but
		'you can change this to anything you like, try setting x and y to the mouse
		'coordinates for example
		y = (15 * Cos(time * -6)) + (240 + (180 * Sin(time * 1.3)))
		x = (15 * Sin(time * -6)) + (320 + (200 * Cos(time / 1.5)))
		'put the head of the tail at x,y coords
		tail[0].x = x
		tail[0].y = y
		'update the tail
		'basically, the points don't move unless they're further that 7 pixels 
		'from the previous point. this gives the kind of springy effect as the 
		'body stretches
		For Local i:Int = 1 To segments - 1
   			'calculate distance between the current point and the previous
		    	Local distX:Float = (tail[i - 1].x - tail[i].x)
        		Local distY:Float = (tail[i - 1].y - tail[i].y)
			Local dist:Float = Sqrt(distX * distX + distY * distY)
      		'move if too far away
         		If dist > 7 Then
				'the (distX*0.2) bit makes the point move 
				'just 20% of the distance. this makes the 
				'movement smoother, and the point decelerate
				'as it gets closer to the target point.
				'try changing it to 1 (i.e 100%) to see what happens
				tail[i].x = tail[i].x + (distX * (0.3))
            		tail[i].y = tail[i].y + (distY * (0.3))
		Return False
	End Method

	Method Draw()
		'time to draw stuff!
		'this sets the blend mode to LIGHTBLEND, or additive blending, which makes
		'the images progressively more bright as they overlap
		SetBlend 1
		'draw the main bit of the body
		'start by setting the images handle (i.e the origin of the image) to it's center
		'begin looping through the segments of the body
		For Local i:Int = 0 To segments - 1
			'set the alpha transparency vaue to 0.15, pretty transparent
			SetAlpha 0.15
			'the  (0.5*sin(i*35)) bit basically bulges the size of the images being
			'drawn as it gets closer to the center of the monsters body, and tapers off in size as it gets 
			'to the end. try changing the 0.5 to a higher number to see the effect.
			'draw the image
			DrawImage blob, tail[i].x, tail[i].y,0,1 + (0.5 * Sin(i * 35)), 1 + (0.5 * Sin(i * 35))
			'this next chunk just draws smaller dots in the center of each segment of the body
			SetAlpha 0.8
			DrawImage blob, tail[i].x, tail[i].y,0,0.1, 0.1
		'draw little spikes on tail
		'note that the x and y scales are different
		'move the image handle to halfway down the left edge, this'll make the image
		'appear to the side of the coordinate it is drawn too, rather than the 
		'center as we had for the body sections
		blob.SetHandle 0,blob.Height()*0.5
		'rotate the 1st tail image. basically, we're calculating the angle between
		'the last 2 points of the tail, and then adding an extra wobble (the 10*sin(time*10) bit)
		'to make the pincer type effect.
		DrawImage blob, tail[segments - 1].x, tail[segments - 1].y,10 * Sin(time * 10) + -calculateAngle(tail[segments - 1].x, tail[segments - 1].y, tail[segments - 5].x, tail[segments - 5].y) + 270,0.6, 0.1
		'second tail image uses negative time to make it move in the opposite direction
		DrawImage blob, tail[segments - 1].x, tail[segments - 1].y,10 * Sin(-time * 10) + -calculateAngle(tail[segments - 1].x, tail[segments - 1].y, tail[segments - 5].x, tail[segments - 5].y) + 270,0.6, 0.1

		'draw little fins/arms
		SetAlpha 1
		'begin looping through the body sections again. Note that we don't want fins
		'on the first and last section because we want other things at those coords.
		For Local i:Int = 1 To segments - 2
			'like the bulging body, we want the fins to grow larger in the center, and smaller
			'at the end, so the same sort of thing is used here.
			'rotate the image. We want the fins to stick out sideways from the body (the calculateangle() bit)
			'and also to move a little on their own. the 33 * Sin(time * 5 + i * 30) makes the 
			'fin rotate based in the i index variable, so that all the fins look like they're moving 
			'one after the other.
			DrawImage blob, tail[i].x, tail[i].y,33 * Sin(time * 5 + i * 30) + -calculateAngle(tail[i].x, tail[i].y, tail[i - 1].x, tail[i - 1].y),0.1 + (0.6 * Sin(i * 30)), 0.05
			'rotate the opposte fin, note that the signs have changes (-time and -i*30)
			'to reflect the rotations of the other fin
			DrawImage blob, tail[i].x, tail[i].y,33 * Sin(-time * 5 - i * 30) + -calculateAngle(tail[i].x, tail[i].y, tail[i - 1].x, tail[i - 1].y) + 180,0.1 + (0.6 * Sin(i * 30)), 0.05
		'center the image handle
		MidHandle blob
		'Draw the eyes. These are just at 90 degrees to the head of the tail.
		SetAlpha 0.1
		Local ang:Float = calculateAngle(tail[0].x, tail[0].y, tail[1].x, tail[1].y)
		DrawImage blob, x + (7 * Cos(ang + 50)), y + (7 * Sin(ang + 50)),0,0.6, 0.6
		DrawImage blob, x + (7 * Cos(ang + 140)), y + (7 * Sin(ang + 140)),0,0.6, 0.6
		SetAlpha 0.5
		DrawImage blob, x + (7 * Cos(ang + 50)), y + (7 * Sin(ang + 50)),0,0.1, 0.1
		DrawImage blob, x + (7 * Cos(ang + 140)), y + (7 * Sin(ang + 140)),0,0.1, 0.1
		'draw beaky thing
		SetAlpha 0.8
		blob.SetHandle 0, blob.Height()*0.5
		DrawImage blob, x, y,-ang + 275,0.3, 0.1
		'yellow light
		MidHandle blob
		SetAlpha 0.2
		DrawImage blob, x, y,0,4, 4
	End Method

'This function calculates and returns the angle between two 2d coordinates
Function calculateAngle:Float(x1:Float,y1:Float,x2:Float,y2:Float)
	Local theX:Float=x1-x2
	Local theY:Float=y1-y2
	Local theAngle:Float=-ATan2(theX,theY)
	Return theAngle
End Function

Class monster Extends App

	Field blobimage:Image
	Field theMonster:BlobMonster
	 ' Stuff to do on startup...
	Method OnCreate ()
		blobimage=LoadImage( "blob.png" )
		theMonster=New BlobMonster(10,10,blobimage)
		SetUpdateRate 60


	' Stuff to do while running...
	Method OnUpdate ()

	' Drawing code...
	Method OnRender ()
		Cls(0, 0, 0)


' Here we go!

Function Main ()
	New monster								' RocketGame extends App, so monkey will handle running from here...

Monkey file is named "monster.monkey" and of course the data folder is ""

Not sure if this is a bug that crops up between platforms as I am still trying to get my feet wet, but I hope this helps.

I am interested if the original code compiles okay with flash, ios etc..