Skirmish Commanders - Windows Designer Tool

Monkey Archive Forums/Monkey Projects/Skirmish Commanders - Windows Designer Tool

Rushino(Posted 2013) [#1]

Just wanted to show what you can do in Monkey! :) Here a complete Windows editor i made in around 24 hours for my game based on GWFL target. Simple, awesome and a big time saver!

semar(Posted 2013) [#2]
All done with Monkey ? Great !

How did you do the buttons, combo boxes and the like ? Did you use Diddy for that ?

I'm curious.

Rushino(Posted 2013) [#3]
I used Challenger GUI 3 old outdated lib. I revempted it a lots (bug fixes, added virtual res support, added functions, new mobile keyboard system, fixed header and probably 20 others improvements) and got some artists to create a new template for my game.

That all.

Why0Why(Posted 2013) [#4]
Hey Rushino, are the changes separate enough from your project that you could release them? One area Monkey is still lacking is the GUI department.

Rushino(Posted 2013) [#5]
Hey Why0Why,

I agree with you Monkey is lacking in the GUI department. I spent the last 6 month with Challenger GUI 3 so i have good grips on it and it is pratically bugs free. What it have to offer ?

- Very fast speed on mobile devices and anywhere.
- Very simple system.
- Lots of useful controls.
- Mobile keyboard support using the same theme of the windows.
- Skinnable.
- Virtual resolution support.
- Nice editor..

To be honest i wanted to release this whole package.. but there are still a few stuff which kept me off doing it..

- Cleaning the module up.. Would probably require some time.
- The lib work fine if you don't scale too much anything. I dunno if there is something to be done here but the virtual res must do his job instead of using scalling.
- Can't release this with the default template file since the actual format changed and i can't use the one supplied here because its copywritten for my game.
- It depend on Ignition for the fonts. I could put back fontmachine but you would get the font padding problems back and that would require more time too.
- Time.. which are not on my side right now :). (Full time job, familly, projects, etc.)

There also something that you must understand if i decide to release it one day...

- Editor can't be free.. i worked a lots on this plus i wouldn't mind having something in return to support my game costs. Hope you understand!
- I can't offer support for the library because i didn't made it and i do not have enough time for this. But the library will remain free offcourse.
- I can support bug fixes for the editor but i probably won't have the time to implement anything new to it.

And before i actually do it i must be sure a lots of ppl would be interested cause if nobody are interested there is no point in doing this.