Blastoids & Tac Star released for Android (AUST)

Monkey Archive Forums/Monkey Projects/Blastoids & Tac Star released for Android (AUST)

matty(Posted 2011) [#1]
Hello all,

Two of my games have been released free on the Android market today (Australia only currently). They are "Blastoids" and "Tac Star" - the first a standard vertical scrolling shooter, the second a fast paced strategy styled game for Android phones.

They were released for the company "Soniq" (whom I work for as an application/database programmer - but now also developing simple phone games for as well) and the links to the android games can be seen on the banner advertisement on the webpage below (wait for it to change - should be fairly obvious which ads are for the games).

The games were written in Monkey - which is a great system for developing games quickly.

More games will be on the way (although I'm currently on annual leave for a few weeks as of today).

Link to market directly: (Australia only currently)

Tac Star (Android)

Blastoids (Android)

matty(Posted 2011) [#2]
Now available outside Australia as well...

therevills(Posted 2011) [#3]
Looks good.

Couple of questions:

1. Why have you got your android manifest minsdk so high?
2.1 and up

2. Also why free? You might be able to make a few bucks...

matty(Posted 2011) [#4]
Second question first: our intention with our games is to drive traffic to our website so the least number of hurdles for the end user to jump to get there the better. Our main business is selling electronics so this is an alternative way of doing so.

Regarding min sdk - after my first game had problems on some devices I thought by upping the minimum sdk version it may help with some compatibility issues..maybe I was wrong to do so?

therevills(Posted 2011) [#5]
our intention with our games is to drive traffic to our website

After checking your soniq website I thought this was the case :)

Regarding min sdk

Monkey "should" work with Android 1.5 and above, I tested my game on the emulator running 1.5 and it "ran".

Not really a big deal, a lot of the devices are running about 2.0 now anyway... I was just wondering.

Platform    | API Level | Distribution
Android 1.5 |    3      |  1.4%
Android 1.6 |    4      |  2.2%