How to use the Json module ?

Monkey Forums/Monkey Programming/How to use the Json module ?

semar(Posted 2015) [#1]
I have this Json-formatted text, which I get from an HTTP Get request:

  "response": {
  "features": {
  "conditions": 1
  ,	"current_observation": {
		"image": {
		"title":"Weather Underground",
		"display_location": {
		"full":"Rome, Italy",
		"observation_location": {
		"full":"Rione Monti, Esquilino, Roma, LAZIO",
		"city":"Rione Monti, Esquilino, Roma",
		"elevation":"213 ft"
		"estimated": {
		"observation_time":"Last Updated on October 14, 12:47 PM CEST",
		"observation_time_rfc822":"Wed, 14 Oct 2015 12:47:57 +0200",
		"local_time_rfc822":"Wed, 14 Oct 2015 12:48:33 +0200",
		"weather":"Scattered Clouds",
		"temperature_string":"74.5 F (23.6 C)",
		"dewpoint_string":"68 F (20 C)",
		"feelslike_string":"74.5 F (23.6 C)",
		"UV":"4","precip_1hr_string":"-9999.00 in ( 0 mm)",
		"precip_1hr_metric":" 0",
		"precip_today_string":"0.00 in (0 mm)",

Question, how do I get, for example, the city name - in this case: "Rome" ?

I can get all the keys in this way:
	For Local it:map.Node<String, JsonValue> = Eachin JsonObject( jso.Get("current_observation") ).GetData()
			Print it.Key

but I'm stuck with retrieving a value from a simple element, since they are nested.
Anyone willing to help me with a working example based on the above json or similar ?
Thanks in advance,

Nobuyuki(Posted 2015) [#2]
Pull the data item directly from the key value pair (using GetItem if I remember correctly, or GetData), and then cast it to a JSONobject. Then you can perform the same operation on that object until you get to the nesting level necessary to pull out the value you need.

semar(Posted 2015) [#3]
Thanks Nobuyuki for your reply, but I still don't get it without a code snippet.

Anyone willing to help me with a working example code based on the above json or similar ?

semar(Posted 2015) [#4]
I've figured it out:
		Local jso2:JsonObject = New JsonObject(jsonText)
		Local jsoCurrent_observation:JsonObject = JsonObject( jso2.Get("current_observation") )
		Local jsoDisplay_Location:JsonObject = (JsonObject( jsoCurrent_observation.Get("display_location" )))
		Local city$ = jsoDisplay_Location.GetString("full" )
		Local obsTime$ = jsoCurrent_observation.GetString("local_time_rfc822")
		Local weather$ = jsoCurrent_observation.GetString("weather")
		Local temperature$ = jsoCurrent_observation.GetFloat("temp_c")
		Local relative_humidity$ = jsoCurrent_observation.GetString("relative_humidity")
		Print "City = " + city
		Print "Time = " + obsTime		
		Print "Weather = " + weather
		Print "temperature = " + temperature
		Print "relative_humidity = " + relative_humidity