2D collision +velocities

Monkey Forums/Monkey Programming/2D collision +velocities

StoneFaceEXE(Posted 2015) [#1]
So I was trying to impement 2d array-like map from Pakz thread and it was okay untill I introduced velocity to the engine. Falling speed would accelerate and if it was fast enough it would ommit collision with any block that is not bigger that the velocity of the player's falling speed and if it was bigger the player would just get stuck in that block.

Solution: Add velocity parameter to RectsOverLap function so it counts ahead.

Codefile thf.monkey

Import mojo

Import imp.controls

Const mapwidth:Int=20
Const mapheight:Int=20
Global tilewidth:Float
Global tileheight:Float

Global _player1:_player

'╔══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗ '
Class SYS_Executable Extends App
	Method OnCreate:Int()
		tilewidth = DeviceWidth()/mapwidth
		tileheight = DeviceHeight()/mapheight
		_player1 = New _player
	Return 0
	End Method
	Method OnUpdate:Int()
	Return 0
	End Method
	Method OnRender:Int()
		Cls 000,000,000
			For Local y:Int = 0 Until mapheight
				For Local x:Int = 0 Until mapwidth
					SetColor 255,255,255
					If Level001[y][x] = 1 Then DrawRect(x*tilewidth,y*tileheight,tilewidth,tileheight)
					SetColor 060,060,255
	Return 0
	End Method

End Class
'╚════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝ '
			Function Main:Int() ; New SYS_Executable() ; Return 0 ; End Function
Function RectsOverLap:Bool(x1:Float,y1:Float,w1:Float,h1:Float,x2:Float,y2:Float,w2:Float,h2:Float) 
	If x1 >= (x2 + w2) Or (x1 + w1) < x2 Then Return False
	If y1 >= (y2 + h2) Or (y1 + h1) < y2 Then Return False
	Return True
End Function
Global Level001:Int[][] = [    [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1],
        		                [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1] ]

Content of Imp/controls

Import thf

Class _player
 Field _pX:Float
 Field _pY:Float
 Field _pXv:Float = 0
 Field _pYv:Float = 0
 Field _pS:Int = 0
 Field _pW:Int = 8
 Method New()
  	For Local y:Int = 0 Until mapheight
		For Local x:Int = 0 Until mapwidth
		If Level001[y][x] = 9 Then _pX = x*tilewidth ; _pY = y*tileheight
 End Method
 Method Control:Void()
	_pYv += 0.5
	_pXv *= 0.8
	If KeyHit(KEY_SPACE) Then _pYv = -10
	If KeyDown(KEY_A) Then _pXv -= 1
	If KeyDown(KEY_D) Then _pXv += 1
 	For Local y:Int = 0 Until mapheight
		For Local x:Int = 0 Until mapwidth
			If RectsOverLap(_pX-_pW,_pY-_pW*2+_pYv,_pW*2,_pW*2,x*tilewidth,y*tileheight,tilewidth,tileheight) And Level001[y][x] = 1
				If _pYv > 0 Then _pYv = 0
				If _pYv < 0 Then _pYv = 0
				'_pY = y*tileheight
			If RectsOverLap(_pX-_pW+_pXv,_pY-_pW*2-1,_pW*2,_pW*2,x*tilewidth,y*tileheight,tilewidth,tileheight) And Level001[y][x] = 1
				If _pXv < 0 Then _pXv = 0
			If RectsOverLap(_pX-_pW+_pXv,_pY-_pW*2-1,_pW*2,_pW*2,x*tilewidth,y*tileheight,tilewidth,tileheight) And Level001[y][x] = 1
				If _pXv > 0 Then _pXv = 0
	_pX += _pXv
	_pY += _pYv
 End Method
 Method Draw:Void()
	SetColor 255,255,255
	DrawCircle _pX,_pY-_pW,_pW
	SetAlpha 0.4
	SetColor 255,000,000
	DrawRect _pX-_pW,_pY-_pW*2+_pYv,_pW*2,_pW*2
	SetColor 000,255,000
	DrawRect _pX-_pW+_pXv,_pY-_pW*2-1,_pW*2,_pW*2
	SetColor 000,000,255
	DrawRect _pX-_pW+_pXv,_pY-_pW*2-1,_pW*2,_pW*2
	SetAlpha 1
 End Method
End Class