Cannot find any modules

Monkey Forums/Monkey Programming/Cannot find any modules

Landon(Posted 2015) [#1]
i just bought a new computer and i moved over all my monkey files to this one and it cannot find diddy.

i got modpath errors at first because i had

import diddy
import diddy.storyboard

so i removed import diddy.storyboard but it cannot find diddyapp class

i checked my modules folder and the source files are directly in the diddy folder and diddy folder is in the modules folder. i dunno whats going on.

Landon(Posted 2015) [#2]
i should note i installed monkey82b, but i just tried it with monkey77f which is what my program was built with and its still causing problems

Landon(Posted 2015) [#3]
i even try to run some examples and i get

"C:/MonkeyXPro82b/bin/transcc_winnt" -target=Flash_Game -config=Release -run "C:/MonkeyXPro77f/diddy-c18e1772b6f9/examples/SpriteAtlas/spriteAtlas.monkey"
TRANS monkey compiler V1.80
TRANS FAILED: Invalid source file

Landon(Posted 2015) [#4]
NVM this is what happens when you extract using windows instead of winrar.

windows... not even once..