Uncaught Monkey Exception when creating jsonobject

Monkey Forums/Monkey Programming/Uncaught Monkey Exception when creating jsonobject

drackbolt(Posted 2014) [#1]
Hi all,

I'm checking out Monkey again and trying to do something I thought would be simple: I'm trying to consume JSON from a rest layer I built in another engine. I can get it, can see the JSON, and can copy and paste it into values and create a new JsonObject successfully. But what I cannot do is create a new JsonObject with the direct output from the rest layer.

In other words, if I have a successful HTTPRequest and I put the JSON returned into a string "response", it blows up and gives me only "Uncaught Monkey Exception" on this line:
Local jsonObj:= New JsonObject(HTTPreq.response)

I've tried replacing newlines and returns (~n, ~r) in the string and cutting out some characters, with no luck.

You can use this online sample for some returned JSON (not mine): http://echo.jsontest.com/key/value/one/two
It errors in the same way as my own attempts.

If I make a local string that contains the same return text as I've typed it, no problem. the object is created perfectly.

I've added a custom content-json header to the writer in my rest layer, including enforcing UTF-8, but it hasn't made a difference.

Anyone else have this issue?


CopperCircle(Posted 2014) [#2]
I use json all the time from HTTP req's and don't have any problems, try putting the req response into a string first and print it to the console to check it looks ok. also remove any extra spaces in the json string and try .Trim().

Trez(Posted 2014) [#3]
I tested the Url provided without any problems:

Import mojo
Import brl.json
Import brl.httprequest

Function Main()
	New Game()

Class Game Extends App Implements IOnHttpRequestComplete

	Method OnCreate()
		Local httpReq:HttpRequest
		httpReq = New HttpRequest("GET", "http://echo.jsontest.com/key/value/one/two", Self)
	Method OnHttpRequestComplete:Void(req:HttpRequest)
		Print("Http Response :" + req.ResponseText)
		Local jsonObj:JsonObject = New JsonObject(req.ResponseText)
	End Method
	Method OnUpdate()
	Method OnRender()


drackbolt(Posted 2014) [#4]
Thanks so much for the replies.

The code above worked for me also, so I dug deeper, and found that where it fails to create the JsonObject is when it's outside of the OnHttpRequestComplete method. If I try to pass the response string as a member to logic in the Update or Render areas, it fails with the above error. Is that expected?

Import mojo
Import mojo.app
Import mojo.graphics
Import brl.httprequest
Import brl.json

Global HTTPreq:= New HTTPreqClass
Function Main:Int()
       New MyApp
       Return 0
Class MyApp Extends App
	Method OnCreate:Int()
			SetUpdateRate 60

			Return 0

	Method OnUpdate:int()

		If KeyHit( KEY_CLOSE ) Error ""

		  If HTTPreq <> Null
			  Local jsonObj:= New JsonObject(HTTPreq.response)  ''This fails every time

		Return 0

       Method OnRender:Int()
              Cls (0,0,200)
			  DrawText(HTTPreq.response, 200, 200)
		  Return 0
       End Method

Class HTTPreqClass Implements IOnHttpRequestComplete

	Field get_req:HttpRequest, post_req:HttpRequest
	Field jsonObj:JsonObject
	Field response:String
	Method OnHttpRequestComplete:Void(req:HttpRequest)
		If req=get_req
			Print "Http GET complete!"
			Print "Http POST complete!"

		Print "Status=" + req.Status()
		response = req.ResponseText()
		jsonObj = New JsonObject(response)  ''This works fine

	Method GetTxtFromWeb:Void(path:String)

		get_req = New HttpRequest( "GET", path, Self )

Thanks again.

muddy_shoes(Posted 2014) [#5]
It fails because your logic check doesn't stop the response being used before it has actually returned:

 If HTTPreq <> Null 

HTTPreq is never Null as you create it on app construction. You probably want to use

 If HTTPreq.response <> "" 


 If HTTPreq.post_req <> Null 

Or set a flag yourself in the OnHttpRequestComplete method.

drackbolt(Posted 2014) [#6]
Ah makes sense... thanks again!

Been too long since I got into coding again...