R.U.B.E. importer for Ignition X + give aways

Monkey Forums/Monkey Programming/R.U.B.E. importer for Ignition X + give aways

Playniax(Posted 2014) [#1]
Ignition X beta v1.03 is now R.U.B.E. ready and the R.U.B.E. importer is now for sale!

More information can be found here: http://forum.ignitionxlive.com/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=272

ziggy(Posted 2014) [#2]
That's nice!

Raul(Posted 2014) [#3]
i like the new site!

rIKmAN(Posted 2014) [#4]
Nice work, congrats to all involved.

benmc(Posted 2014) [#5]

uboel_at_work(Posted 2014) [#6]
Well...I bought the RUBE importer...now waiting to see if I'm the lucky winner of one of the 5 RUBE licences ! ;-)



werton(Posted 2014) [#7]
The first out of 5 winners is: Ulric Boel

You are lucky ;)

uboel_at_work(Posted 2014) [#8]
Wouhouuu !!! Let's play with all this !

As I'm lucky today, I think I'll put a couple euros in a Euro-Millions ticket for the friday drawing...who knows... ;-)

Anyway, many thanks to Playniax and iForce2D !!!


rIKmAN(Posted 2014) [#9]
Congrats uboel - ask and ye shall receive! :)

Fingers crossed I get as lucky in the next draw!

skape(Posted 2014) [#10]
Nice! The documentation looks quite in-depth.

uboel_at_work(Posted 2014) [#11]
@rIKmAN : I wish you all the best for the next draw

slenkar(Posted 2014) [#12]
The total cost of the rube editor,importer,and ignition is pretty high. If it doesnt affect sales then good for you. Im just warning that it might.

skape(Posted 2014) [#13]
Why would it affect sales? Ignition's price hasn't changed, has it?

Sammy(Posted 2014) [#14]
Do you need Ignition to use the importer?

navyRod(Posted 2014) [#15]
just bought the importer :) -- hoping for a lucky draw here as well --

Have quite a bit to learn on basics before really getting into this but know I will want to work/play and enjoy this stuff so hoping to pick it up a bit at a time ..

Trez(Posted 2014) [#16]
Yes you need Ignition X to use the RUBE importer Add on module you would also need to purchase a copy of RUBE to create the physics worlds unless you are one of the lucky winners.

Trez(Posted 2014) [#17]
@slenkar The price of Ignition X has not changed its optional to purchase the Rube importer Add on Module and RUBE editor. If you are creating complex physics worlds or lots of physics based games then they are well worth the addition investment. Several hundred lines of box2d physics code can be reduced to a few lines. If you are only doing a small amount a physics game development then Ignition X has additional helpers to allow you to create box2d physics worlds without the add on module and RUBE.

Sammy(Posted 2014) [#18]
@Trez thank you for your reply. That's a pity as I have my own 2D engine and already have Rube, I don't require Ingition X unfortunately.

Playniax(Posted 2014) [#19]
New R.U.B.E. demo online: http://playniax.com/showcase/trucker/demo.html

And just to get your attention :) the core code to get this running is not much more than this :)


Import demo

Import playniax.ignitionx.physics.box2dengine
Import playniax.ignitionx.physics.rube.importer
Import playniax.ignitionx.physics.rube.box2dworldcreator

Class Game Extends iBox2dEngine
Field rubeData:iRubeImporter
Field pwc:iBox2dWorldCreator

Field playfield:iPlayfield
Field gameLayer:iLayer
Field label:iGuiText

' Reference to physics objects we are interested in for this example
Field truckChassis:iRubeEntity
Field truckWheelRear:iRubeEntity
Field truckWheelfront:iRubeEntity

Method OnCreate:Int()
	Self.playfield = New iPlayfield
	Self.playfield.Virtual(640, 480, True)
	Self.playfield.AutoCls(0, 0, 0)
	Self.gameLayer = New iLayer()
	Self.playfield.zoomX = 1
	Self.playfield.zoomY = 1
	' Switch debug draw on
	'Set the physics draw scale
	' Create an instance of Rube read for setting up physics and importing data										
	Self.rubeData = New iRubeImporter()		
	Return 0

End Method

Method OnUpdate:Int()

	'track the camera to the truck chassis:
	Self.playfield.cameraX = Self.truckChassis.x - deviceWidth / 3
	Self.playfield.cameraY = Self.truckChassis.y - deviceHeight / 2
	Local maxSpeed:Float = 20.0
	Local desiredSpeed:Float = 0.0
	If iKeyDown(KEY_LEFT)
		desiredSpeed = -maxSpeed
	End If

	If iKeyDown (KEY_RIGHT)
		desiredSpeed = maxSpeed
	End If
	'Apply angular velocity to truck wheels:
	If iKeyDown(KEY_R)
	Return 0

End Method

' Reset the scene - you will probably need to use this a lot :)
Method ResetScene:Void()
	' Create the physics world
	Self.pwc = New iBox2dWorldCreator(Self, Self.rubeData, Self.gameLayer, Self.gameLayer)

	' Loop through the entities created by the world creater to get a reference to the chassis and wheels
	For Local i:Int = 0 To Self.pwc.PhysicsEntities().Length() -1
			If Self.pwc.PhysicsEntities[i].RubeBody().name = "truckwheelfront"
				Self.truckWheelfront = Self.pwc.PhysicsEntities[i]
			If Self.pwc.PhysicsEntities[i].RubeBody().name = "truckwheelrear"
				Self.truckWheelRear = Self.pwc.PhysicsEntities[i]
			If Self.pwc.PhysicsEntities[i].RubeBody().name = "truckchassis"
				Self.truckChassis = Self.pwc.PhysicsEntities[i]

End Method
End Class

slenkar(Posted 2014) [#20]
thats a much better demo,
I didnt know how to play the one with the bananas, and it ended unexpectedly

SLotman(Posted 2014) [#21]
That demo gives me only a black screen in firefox. It worked on chrome though.

Trez(Posted 2014) [#22]
@SLotman Just installed version 30.0 of Firefox on Windows 8.1 to test the demo, seems to work fine can you let me know what OS version and Firefox version you are using.

Playniax(Posted 2014) [#23]

Snader(Posted 2014) [#24]
Just ordered it!

CopperCircle(Posted 2014) [#25]
Great demo and I just won a R.U.B.E license! :)

Playniax(Posted 2014) [#26]
Another R.U.B.E. importer demo for Ignition X


Playniax(Posted 2014) [#27]
http://forum.ignitionxlive.com/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=274 :)

Playniax(Posted 2014) [#28]
Little update of the maya demo:


(because some people did not understand what to do)

Use the mouse to rebuild the statue after the earthquake.

CopperCircle(Posted 2014) [#29]
Is the source code to the RUBE demos available?

Playniax(Posted 2014) [#30]
The statue demo should be included but here are the trucker and clock demo + source codes:


Or watch the demos:


CopperCircle(Posted 2014) [#31]

Playniax(Posted 2014) [#32]
RUBE importer beta v1.01 is now up!

This update fixes the loading problems (crashing) on targets xna and android.

rIKmAN(Posted 2014) [#33]
Any news on a timescale for another draw?

I'm holding off buying R.U.B.E in case I get lucky in the final 2 draws! :)

Playniax(Posted 2014) [#34]
We need 2 more sales for the next draw...

Note that the R.U.B.E. importer is feature 'complete' and in case people are holding out on buying it because it's still in beta, I will probably release it this week. It seems everything works like it should.

Playniax(Posted 2014) [#35]
New winner: http://forum.ignitionxlive.com/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=274

Playniax(Posted 2014) [#36]

It looks like the RUBE importer is very stable so we have decided to go for a release (v1.00).

Bug fixes

- R.U.B.E. IMPORTER opacity Float fix.



Playniax(Posted 2014) [#37]
The final winner Richard Sopuch


Playniax(Posted 2014) [#38]
Would you believe this?!
For some reason and I am still scratching my head because of this our price of the RUBE importer automatically changed from 20 to 54 Euro at MyCommerce?!
So for everybody who was wondering why we was charging so much for it, we are not.
It should be 20 Euro!
I have changed it back to 20 and I hope it will stay this way.


Xaron(Posted 2014) [#39]
Just bought it but it was 39€?!

BTW: I get a compile error for the truck demo:

demo_02_trucker/gamescene.monkey<38> : Error : Type 'iRubeImporter' not found

Edit: Screw that compiler error, I just copied it to the wrong place... shame on me...

Amon(Posted 2014) [#40]
I bought it also via paypal but on completion it said order void. I thought "ok this is a glitch" and tried the purchase again with my Mastercard but same outcome. The problem caused for me though is that the paypal transaction didn't charge my account. It did the second time when using the Mastercard even though that void error message showed up. I have no receipt or proof except what it shows on my Mastercard statement. The order doesn't exist though on the payment processors systems as stated by them when I called.

Oh! I did also notice that it wasn't €18 but €34. Don't mind really as Steve is a good bloke and an accomplished coder so it worth, imho, more than €34 euro. Whatever is going on with the payment processor is the problem. I believe they moved to a new system during a takeover of management and their systems are dishing out Binary Farts until intergration or something else gets fixed/updated.