N00b question #17 - array of various types?

Monkey Forums/Monkey Programming/N00b question #17 - array of various types?

Sensei(Posted 2013) [#1]
Hey guys,

Not sure how to do this, but I'm building a list of game assets, but instead of having multiple variable names like:
Field bobX:Int, bobY:Int, bobSpeed:Float, bobImage:Image etc.
I was hoping to do it in a tidier way by using an array.

My idea was this:

(in the on create):
Field levelAssets:Image[][] (this currently gives me an 'expecting class member declaration error)

Then you would have something like this in a function/method that is called when the level loads:
levelAssets[0][0] = 200 ' x
levelAssets[0][1] = 50 ' y
levelAssets[0][2] = 1.0 ' speed
levelAssets[0][3] = spritesheet.GrabImage(0, 0, 200, 200) ' image

The reason I wanted to do that is so I can use a for-next loop to iterate through the array and add the item to an assets list type:

for local i:int = 0 to levelAssets.length
addAsset(levelAssets[i][0], levelAssets[i][1], levelAssets[i][2], levelAssets[i][3])

addAsset points to a method as below:

Method addAsset:Void(x:Float, y:Float, speed:Float, img:Image)
Local ass:Ship = New Ship
ass.x = x
ass.y = y
ass.speed = speed
ass.img = img
assets.AddLast ass

How does one go about making an array of various types like the above? Or is there a better way to do it..

AdamRedwoods(Posted 2013) [#2]
i don't see how that's tidier, but nonetheless, i don't think you can mix your multi-dimensional arrays.

the easiest way IMO is:
Class Ship
  field x:int, y:int, speed:float
  field img:Image
  Method New(x%,y%,speed#,img:Image)
    self.x=x; self.y=y; self.speed=speed; self.img=img

Local levelAssets:Ship[] = New Ship[100] ''for 100 ships
levelAssets[0] = New Ship(200,50,1.0,spritesheet.GrabImage(0, 0, 200, 200))
assets.AddLast levelAssets[0]

Sensei(Posted 2013) [#3]
Oh that's great Adam, many thanks.
I've already done a similar class to yours above but wasn't sure of how to create arrays of it. It now makes more sense!