Accessing list of objects by id?

Monkey Forums/Monkey Programming/Accessing list of objects by id?

DeltaWolf7(Posted 2013) [#1]

Can you have a list such as in C# like List<MyObject> myLst = new List<MyObject> and then access it with something like object myObj = myLst[5], assuming index 5 has something in it.
Can it be done in Monkey? I'm sure it must, but can figure our the right syntax.


Amon(Posted 2013) [#2]
Class Moo
	Global list:List<Moo>
	Field id:Int
	Method Make:Void()
		If Not list Then list = New List<Moo>
		Local whos:Moo = New Moo = Int(Rnd(1, 100))
	End Method
	Method Draw:Void()
		For Local whos:Moo = EachIn Moo.list
			If = 5
	End Method

End Class

Something like this? Just a quick test.

Gerry Quinn(Posted 2013) [#3]
There's no direct way to do it for lists (that is why we use arrays and stacks as well as lists, even though lists are better for some things). You have to step through the list. Here is a way to do it:

List< MyObject > myList = new List< MyObject > 
' Populate list
Local ob:MyObject
Local count:Int
For Local getOb:MyObject = Eachin myList
	If count = 5
		ob = getOb
	count += 1		
' ob is the sixth object in the list, or Null if the list is shorter than six objects

If you found it easy to use a list for some purposes (e.g. creating a list of monsters to populate a dungeon) but would prefer to have an array from now on, you can use the List.ToArray() method.