I'm getting: "reflection module not found"

Monkey Forums/Monkey Programming/I'm getting: "reflection module not found"

crjenkins(Posted 2013) [#1]
I've just purchased Monkey and I wanted to use the Flixel module, however I keep receiving this error: "Monkey Runtime Error : reflection module not found!". I'm currently on a Windows 7 machine.

I just used the hello world code from the flixel github:

Import flixel


Function Main()
    New HelloWorld()
    Return 0
End Function

'Main class of the game
Class HelloWorld Extends FlxGame

    Method New()
        Super.New(640, 480, GetClass("HelloWorldState"))    
    End Method

    Method OnContentInit:Void()
        Register here all your assets, to use within application
        FlxAssetsManager.AddImage("ball", "graphics/ball.png")

        Now you can load an image in the game this way:
        Local sprite:FlxSprite = New FlxSprite(0, 0, "ball")
    End Method

End Class

'Main game state 
Class HelloWorldState Extends FlxState

    Method Create:Void()        
        Local helloWorld:FlxText = New FlxText(10, 10, 620, "Hello World!")
        helloWorld.SetFormat(FlxText.SYSTEM_FONT, 16, FlxG.WHITE, FlxText.ALIGN_CENTER) 
    End Method

    Method Update:Void()
        'put your game logic here
        '... or here
    End Method

End Class

devolonter(Posted 2013) [#2]

This is a weird bug that has already been met earlier - http://monkeycoder.co.nz/Community/posts.php?topic=3331 It seems that it has nothing to do with flixel. Do you get the same error when running standard examples such as bananas/mak/reflectiontest? Unfortunately, the last time we did not find out the reason, because bug disappeared by itself.

crjenkins(Posted 2013) [#3]
Thanks for your response.

Yeah, I didn't realize I placed my code file outside of the monkey directory. I believe that is what caused it, although I'm running into another error:

Error : Identifier 'OpenUrl' not found.

flxu.monkey file
#If TARGET <> "psm" And TARGET <> "xna"
	Alias FlxOpenURL = mojo.app.OpenUrl

It seems like I have the mojo module in the modules directory. I have my flixel folder with the source files within it in the modules directory too.

devolonter(Posted 2013) [#4]
Which Monkey version do you use? The latest flixel version can only work with Monkey V67 and higher. It seems that your mojo version doesn’t have OpenUrl function, which appeared in V67

crjenkins(Posted 2013) [#5]
Ohh, that would be the problem! I have 6.3b downloaded. Thanks!